Chapter 70

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 On the beach under the hot sun.

Junya, who saw the sea for the first time, was a little crazy. The magnificent blue sea meets the sky, like a magnificent painting, which seems to have the ability to heal people's hearts, and this ability has no effect on the ocean. For the analysis beast of the concept, the effect is doubled.

Junya stepped on the sand with bare feet for a while, dipped his hands in the sea water and put it in his mouth to taste, then frowned, and picked up a bunch of strange and weird stones with a small fire And shells... It didn't take long to fill up my animal skin bag, and I started to keep stuffing the fire.

Seeing the figures of those two people on the beach, He Yan also came back to his senses, he took Si Lun's hand and started to pick up the shells.

However, compared with Junya, He Yan didn't pick up many shells. He only picked out some shells with shapes and colors that looked like flowers. Finally, he found a few beautiful corals and put them in the bag together, so he went to get the man's belt. The few harpoons that came came over and distributed to everyone.

Now that you're here, you can't leave empty-handed.

They started tossing around the beach for a while before slowly getting the hang of it.

Compared with them who have to stand by the water, fishing is more convenient for He Yan. He can directly spread his wings and fly in mid-air to look for fish shadows. After all, flying in the air is not easy for fish to find. However, if the ferocious beast flies in the air in the shape of a beast, it will be difficult to hold a harpoon.

After a while, He Yan caught an octopus the size of a head.

He threw the octopus, Junya was stunned, he looked at those tentacles: "It looks so strange..."

Congratulations: ...

In fact, in his cognition, the beast looks strange too...

Junya was looking dumbfounded when Xiaohuo suddenly pulled out a huge crab from a crack in the rocks by the sea. Holding back his excitement, he quickly rushed to Junya with the crab in his hands.

However, the claws of the big crab pinched one of his fingers, which hurt even looking at it, but he tried his best to hold back his eyebrows and handed it to Junya.

"It's pinching you! Don't you hurt Xiaohuo?!" Junya was startled, and immediately reached out to help him.

But Xiaohuo turned his back and squatted down sullenly, lowering his head so that Junya could not look at him.

When Junya tried his best to break his head and save his fingers, the red-haired man stood up again, but at this time, he quickly stuffed the crab that was caught in his hand into a fur bag and entangled the mouth up.

Junya wanted to see if his fingers were still alive, but Xiaohuo made a mistake, picked up the bag and opened it carefully, and showed him.

The opponent paused for a moment at first, and then his eyes lit up.

"It looks so big! How did you catch Xiaohuo?! It's amazing..." 

"It came out as soon as I took it out."

"I'll have to take it out later, but I haven't caught anything yet... "He said, and subconsciously looked at Si Lu on the shore. The man also forked out several fish just now, all of which they had never seen before, and some of them were very beautiful... and then looked at his empty body with only shells. Hand, suddenly a little discouraged.

As soon as he picked up the harpoon again, Xiaohuo fastened the animal skin bag and handed it to him: "Here."

Junya was very surprised: "Ah? Does Xiaohuo not like crabs? They are so big. Don't you like it?!" 

"..." The red-haired man was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked up to meet his gaze, his face blushed a little inexplicably, "Yeah!" 

"What can I do if I'm such a picky eater!" Junya clicked his tongue He patted him on the shoulder, "But it's okay, I'll give it to Xiaohuo when I catch a big fish, and I can trade it to Xiaohuo if I catch any crabs! Fortunately, I don't hate crabs!" 

"...Hmm! "

After a while, there were all kinds of noises that would never appear on the shore.

Laughing and shouting, splashing and treading water, screams of slipping and falling...all of them finally swayed into the distant air together with the long roar of the waves.

They finally left the beach before evening.

Most of the seafood He Yan catches is not big, but there are many kinds, including shrimp and fish.

He also found a lot of seaweed plants washed up by the sea on the distant seashore, and picked up a lot of kelp from them to take away.

In addition to some small fish and shrimps, Slut caught a large sea fish.

Junya and Xiaohuo also returned with full rewards.

This trip has a different meaning from the usual hunting. They have harvested seafood that they have never had or even seen before. On the other hand, the appearance of the sea has also increased their survival resources visible to the naked eye.

Although the journey was tiring, Junya and the others were far more energetic than when they came.

He Yan was also happy in his heart.

Just refrain from thinking about Rau.

When we returned to the tribe, it was already the next night, and it was pitch black everywhere, and everyone was basically asleep.

He Yan didn't want to disturb the rest of the beasts, so he told Junya and the others how to deal with the seafood, and then parted with them at the door of the house.

There is no fire at Awen and Manman's house, they should be asleep at this time, and

He Yan is going to get up early tomorrow to pick up Rawu.

Back in the yard, he helped the male beast unload all the seafood and kelp that he was carrying on his body. When the other man turned back into a human form to handle the seafood, he found some firewood to light a fire in the yard, and then went to get some from the man's side. Seafood, he is going to take it to the beach to clean up and make dinner.

They have been on their way all afternoon and haven't eaten yet.

He Yan had only taken two steps before the man put down his work, strode over to take the seafood in his hand, and walked to the river with him.

Every time as long as the man is at home, he will not let him go to the river alone.

When the two came back after cleaning up the seafood, the man took a few jars to the river, and when he came back, he filled a lot of water and put it under the eaves for congratulations.

He Yan has already taken some clean wooden sticks from the kitchen. He put the seafood on skewers, dipped them in a little pounded peanut oil and roasted them on the fire, and sprinkled some fragrant salt on them after they were almost roasted.

The scent that was completely different from the previous prey soon filled the yard.

The man looked at him from time to time.

He Yan baked dozens of skewers and wanted to skewer more, but the spare wooden sticks in the kitchen were gone.

There are still some wooden cabinets in the house.

He got up and went back to the house, and when he was groping in the wooden cabinet in the main room, he suddenly heard a faint whirring sound.

The voice was intermittent and very small. At first He Yan thought it was an auditory hallucination.

But when he finished taking the wooden sticks and was about to go out, the whirring sound actually sounded again.

He stopped immediately, and this time he heard it more clearly, it came from his bedroom with Slut!

He Yan slowly went over and opened the door...

He froze when he saw the picture inside.

On the big bed he and Slut shared, there was a little dinosaur that wasn't supposed to sleep at home.

The way the little dinosaur sleeps is not the same as before.

When it was sleeping in its own den before, perhaps it was the instinct of a beast, it would never cover itself, even if He Yan sometimes couldn't help worrying that it would catch a cold with human thinking, and quietly covered him with a small layer. After the animal skin, go to see it the next day, the animal skin quilt will definitely be kicked far away.

But at this time, the little dinosaur looked like a human child. It was curled up on its side, and most of its body was nestled in the big animal skin quilt, but its small claws were holding the edge of the quilt tightly outside. From time to time, the head will be arched against the quilt a few times.

There are still a few pieces of his and Sloan's clothes on the quilt...

It made a small whirring sound, just like when it was asleep.

He Yan knew that with Awen and Manman's personalities, it was absolutely impossible to let the little dinosaurs go unnoticed. They even built an extra nest in their house with new hay after they first learned that they would take care of Rawu for a few days. to lau.

It is sleeping here now, and He Yan knows without even thinking about it that it is absolutely his own choice and will, and Awen and Manman should have nothing to do with it.

He Yan subconsciously walked over and hugged the little dinosaur together with the quilt.

After being hugged, the little dinosaur trembled suddenly, and quickly opened its eyes.

Congratulations found that he was frightened by it, and quickly kissed it on the head: "Don't be afraid, it's Daddy who's back..." 

When Rau looked up and saw him, he still didn't react, until he heard his words , Eyes flattened, he burst into tears instantly, stretched out his paws to hug him and kept climbing up.

He Yan felt that his heart was about to die, and he hugged the little dinosaur even tighter: "It's the fathers who came back early, and brought a lot of fun and delicious things to Rao, why are Rao crying... ..."

The more he said, the more the little dinosaur cried, and finally wiped his eyes with the back of his paws while raising his head and kept hitting his face with his mouth.

Not long after the father and son hugged each other, the door next to them opened, and it was the man who heard the movement.

Hearing the cries of Hey Hey, he knew that it was Rau who was inside, and he was not surprised.

After the one big and one small cuddled together for a while, he went over to pick up the little dinosaur for He Yan.

He Yan also cleared up his mood, picked up the wooden stick from before and went out with them.

As soon as the result came out, the little dinosaur was frightened by the seafood in the yard, and quickly shrank in the man's arms.

He Yan smiled and told it that it was for food. After talking for a while, it slowly stretched out its head and looked over seriously.

Finally the man put it on the ground and continued to process the seafood.

The little dinosaur ran to He Yan and squatted down in front of the fire, rubbed against him for a while, and suddenly grabbed the hem of his clothes.

He Yan turned his head to look.

The claws of the little dinosaur pointed to the ground not far away.

Three eggs are drawn on it.

Under He Yan's gaze, it ran over to paint another egg, and then laughed twice.

When he left before, He Yan told it that the fathers would come back when all four eggs were painted.

Now they're back early, and it's full of four eggs.

Nothing could be more fulfilling than this!

Congratulations should have been happy for this little reunion, but the more he looked at Rawu's smiling face, the more he couldn't ignore the problems that the other party would face in the future.

The fact that Raoul might never see the same kind in his life made him powerless and sad.

It is so obedient and cute...but it has lost the opportunity to live with the ethnic group or even just meet it.

He put down the skewers, reached out and pulled the little dinosaur into his arms and hugged it again.

"Hey hey..." The little dinosaur started laughing again.

The man glanced at them from a distance.

That night, the family of three ate a very delicious seafood skewers supper.

At first, Slut had a strange reaction. He seemed to think the taste of these things was weird. He Yan thought he didn't like it and wanted to help him grill the meat again, but the other party stopped him and continued to eat some. When he was eating the fifth skewer, I slowly fell in love with the taste.

As for Rau, it originally liked to eat aquatic animals such as shrimp, and those seafood were no exception.

When it took the first bite, it showed an expression of extreme enjoyment. Those who didn't know it thought it was eating delicacies from mountains and seas. Seeing that, He Yan's heart melted.

After supper, the man started to finish the seafood processing work.

He Yan put the recovered shells and stones into a water tank to wash them with water.

The little dinosaur stood opposite the water tank, staring at Chu with his big eyes open.

Congratulations took out a few flower-shaped shells and put them aside, they were for Si Lu.

The paws of the little dinosaur fumbled around the edge of the water tank.

"Does Rau like anything?"

"Huh..." The little dinosaur nodded, slowly stretched his hand into the water, and pointed to a pink shell that looked like a wing.

He Yan was taken aback, reached out to pick up the shell, washed it, and gently put it in the claws of the little dinosaur: "Then this little wing belongs to Rau!" I watched that shell for a long time.

They went to bed very late that night.

When He Yan woke up the next day, it was very sunny outside, it should be noon.

The man next to the bed went out at some point.

The little dinosaur is still sleeping next door.

He Yan stretched, got dressed and was about to go out to wash up. As soon as he opened the door, he was startled by a huge mud dinosaur in the yard.

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