Chapter 75: Extra 2

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  Before Wedge met Rau, Xia Zuo always felt lonely.

After meeting Lau, Xia Zuo found that the world is much more beautiful than before.


Xia Zuo evolved not long after his parents died.

At that time, there was no sea nearby, and there was only a wide gap. Its parents were hunting near the gap, but the edge of the gap collapsed suddenly, and finally fell down with the prey.

Later, it became the ocean.


Although there are many round-headed dinosaurs in the group who are willing to take care of Xia Zuo, Xia Zuo refused. Although it is not yet an adult, it can already hunt some small animals by itself.

In addition to hunting, Xia Zuo would go to the beach every day to have a look.

It always feels like its parents will reappear from there one day.

However, it failed to see the half shadow of its parents, but waited for a pair of distinctive wings.

Unlike the wings of those birds, there are no feathers, more like a skin membrane, which can glide easily and fly very far.

With wings, it looks very different from other round-headed dinosaurs.

At first it was scared because of its own differences, but later the old dinosaurs in the group told it that this was a kind of evolution, but it was the first one in the group to evolve.

It didn't believe it, and felt that this was what the old dinosaur said to comfort itself.

It is more inclined to be elongated.


Xia Zuo stopped playing with the little dinosaurs in the group, because he was always afraid that others would think he looked strange.

It went to the beach more frequently than before, and in the summer of a certain year, it found a very strange creature on the beach.

That kind of creature has many tentacles with claws, and it will drill under the water and sand. It will put some conspicuous things on its back to attract other creatures, and then pull it into the sand to suffocate or hang it, and finally eat it.

One day, Xia Zuo was unfortunately pulled into the sand, and when he crawled out again, he found that the other party had been bitten to death by him.

Since then, most of Xia Zuo's food has been the flesh of this creature.

It returned to the group and told the old dinosaur about it, and the old dinosaur told other round-headed dinosaurs, but there are not many round-headed dinosaurs willing to go to the beach to hunt such creatures. For the powerful round-headed dinosaurs, hunting A feathered dinosaur is far more cost-effective than going to the seaside to find sea creatures that are too small for them.

But there are also some old dinosaurs with poor hunting ability who will go to the beach to try.

Although the amount of prey was not as large as that of feathered dinosaurs on land, it was enough for them to feed themselves.

It didn't take long for all the old dinosaurs to fall in love with going beach hunting.


A round-headed dinosaur is an adult at the age of fifteen.

After Xia Zuo became an adult, he waited for another four years. He couldn't wait for his parents to return, and he still hadn't seen a dinosaur with a pair of strange wings like himself.

And the southern tribe where the beasts lived not far from them started a war.

It is said that some ferocious beasts wanted to push the red-haired leader down, but the leader also had some supporters, and the two sides began to fight openly and secretly because of different ideas, and there were even examples of framing companions during hunting.

This year, many beasts died in the wild.

Xia Zuo, like all round-headed dinosaurs, likes beasts very much.

It's just that some don't quite understand why they want to kill each other.


Xia Zuo began to go to the beach more frequently.

In addition to hunting water and sand beasts, it will observe the birds flying in the sea more often.

They flew very far, and some never came back after leaving, as if there was another world that could be left behind on the other side of the sea.

It suddenly had a plan in mind.

It wants to leave here, like those birds, to take a look at places that have never been seen.


When Xia Zuo left, he only bid farewell to the old dinosaur who had been secretly helping him.

The old dinosaur only said a word: If you can be happy, then go for it.

Since his parents left, Xia Zuo has rarely been so passionate about anything.

Take a look at the outside world, and your mentality should be better.


Xia Zuo flew on the sea for three days, and all the meat on his body was eaten. When he felt tired, he would stand on the back of the blue whale on the sea to rest for a while.

On the sixth day, Xia Zuo finally saw the coast.

After landing, it found many footprints on the beach that resembled beasts.

This shows that there are beasts living here.

It was very unexpected.

It caught a few more creatures with many claws on the shore to fill its stomach, and then continued to fly further inward.

On the second morning, it found an incredible picture in the sky.

It was an endless plain, surrounded by mountains, and not far away was a tribe as big as the southern tribe, but it was full of wooden houses and adobe houses.

What surprised it even more was that it saw many of its kind around that tribe.

When it fell to the ground, it was discovered that it was just a round-headed dinosaur carved out of mud or stone.

When it kept looking at the fake dinosaur in front of it, it was suddenly patted on the back.


it turns back quickly.

A round-headed dinosaur that was only slightly shorter than him was looking at him with a grin.

Xia Zuo also looked at it.

I have to say that this fake dinosaur is the most realistic. The texture and color of the skin are exactly the same as their round-headed dinosaurs. The only flaw is the red hat on the head and a white feather on the neck.

They round-headed dinosaurs never wore that stuff!

It didn't make a sound yet, but the dinosaur on the opposite side stretched out its claws and gently touched its retracted wings, and suddenly screamed.

This guy is saying: Wow, daddy made this dinosaur with wings!

Xia Zuo: ...

it had no choice but to say: Who are you?

As soon as the words fell, the dinosaur on the opposite side seemed to be frightened, and Chu stepped back with wide-eyed eyes. Xia Zuo was puzzled, and suddenly rushed over again.

It eagerly asked: You, aren't you made by fathers?

Xia Zuo: ...What do you mean? ! Of course I was hatched by my parents. Did you make it out of these things?

It grinned excitedly: I was also hatched by my fathers!

It seems that there is a group of round-headed dinosaurs here, Xia Zuo continued to ask: What is your name?

The other party said excitedly: My name is Rau! Eighteen years old this year, how about you?

After finishing speaking, Chu looked at it sincerely with a pair of bright eyes.

Xia Zuo felt a little awkward being stared at by it, hey hey said: My name is Xia Zuo, I am nineteen years old this year... I came to travel from the other side of the sea.

The opponent's eyes widened even more this time, and he said after a long while: "That's amazing...

Xia Zuo's face became inexplicably hot.


Xia Zuo soon met Rau's fathers.

It's not the same as it thinks at all!

Its father is actually two ferocious beasts!

This is impossible!

In the evening, after Rawu and the ferocious beasts came back from hunting, Xia Zuo called it out.

Xia Zuo questioned it: Are those really your fathers? How did they hatch you? !

Rao raised his paw and said, "Of course it was boiled in the bathtub water on the fire, and it will hatch after boiling." Very simple!

Xia Zuo: ...

Xia Zuo continued to ask: Are you the only dinosaur here?

The other party immediately shook his head: dinosaurs are everywhere here, didn't you see that day? There are also little dinosaurs made by my parents at home, of course I am not the only one!

Xia Zuo: ...

it doesn't want to talk to this guy anymore.


Xia Zuo was finally discovered by a hideous beast the next day when he sneaked into the courtyard of Rau's house to look for it again.

The ferocious beast was still in human form, but when he saw it, he immediately turned into a beast. He had a pair of green eyes, and before he ran over, he suddenly let out a long howl. After a while, many ferocious beasts came.

Even the two humanoid monsters in the room came out.

They surrounded it and talked about it.

The winged figure was stunned for a while, and said loudly: "Pterosaur... No, this is a round-headed dinosaur!" 

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