Chapter 48

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  He Yan directly dragged Si Lu away.

The man was a little surprised at first, thinking that he was in a hurry, so he didn't break free, and followed obediently. After seeing that he was walking in a hurry, he immediately held him with the other hand, fearing that he would fall.

He Yan didn't know what was going on, but his slightly sour heart suddenly became lighter.

He glanced back at Sloan, and his hands tightened even more.

The two finally stopped at the big stone table, and when the congratulatory words came, they said loudly: "I have something, I think I should make it clear to everyone as soon as possible."

And the other ferocious beasts nearby raised their heads.

"Actually, since I couldn't change back to the animal shape, not only my appearance, but also my diet, and even other aspects that I haven't paid attention to, have changed... But it's definitely not sick, it's A kind of deeper evolution, you or your descendants may also be like this in the future, you can refer to my example and pay attention to it, especially for those without horns like me." 

"But this kind of evolution is not a bad thing, because In addition to being able to fly more swiftly, I can also accept more food other than meat now. Even if hunting is not good in the future, I will have more foraging range. Eating food other than meat for a long time is not The problem, on the other hand, can also reduce the danger of unnecessary hunting... so you must not worry about this." 

He Yan said, and then looked at Si Lu who was thinking about something, "Lulu, if you want to If you catch fish and turtles, I will still be with you."

"Okay." The man looked down at him.

While other people and beasts were still struggling to understand that sentence, a few little beasts suddenly wailed loudly not far away.

Several people subconsciously turned their heads to look over.

He Yan stood outside the table, he tilted his head, and saw the strange scene over there for the first time.

In the clay bathtub, the big egg was actually rolling in the steaming water!

Not a normal shake at all.

It rolled around the edge of the bathtub regularly, and amidst the cries of the little beasts, it rolled faster and faster, making a lot of water out of the bathtub.

He Yan was dumbfounded.

All people and beasts were dumbfounded.

When rushing over, the egg has changed from rolling regularly on the edge to standing in the middle like a tumbler, using the upper body of the egg to tip the side of the bathtub back and forth, back and forth... It's like playing a game!

He Yan was about to stretch out his hand tremblingly, but was stopped by the man in an instant, Si Lu tested the temperature of the water with his own hand: "It's a bit hot, be careful..." 

"Then you try again!" He Yan picked up the water with distress He blew it with his hand, and continued to look at the egg, "What the hell is this... how does it look like a living thing! After cooking for so long, it should be scalded even if it is not cooked?" 

But the egg in front of him was playing in the water. Very happy.

Although it's just an egg, anyone who takes a look at it will have the thought "this egg is so lively"!

Sloan looked at the egg twice, then turned into a beast shape, raised his forelegs, and took the egg out directly.

His series of actions happened suddenly, and He Yan had no time to react, so he subconsciously squatted down to put out the fire, and when he got up again, the egg had already been put on the ground by Si Lu.

He ran up to the male beast and pawed at his paws, and he was relieved to see that the beast's claws were not hot red.

Although the animal form's skin is thicker and not as fragile as the human form, he still gets nervous.

The male returned to human form and whispered, "It's all right."

They refocused on the egg.

The egg that was put on the ground was much "quieter" and did not move for several minutes at first. When Junya couldn't help but went to touch the eggshell, the egg suddenly turned.

Junya was so frightened that she immediately withdrew her hand.

Xiaohuo, who was following behind him, blinked and stretched out his probing claws again. Before Junya could stop him, the egg swayed and bumped into the sharp claws... At that moment, everyone's eyes

widened Chu forgot to breathe.

When Xiaohuo and Junya stayed where they were in fright, a small crack appeared in the eggshell in front of the claw.

The big egg stopped turning immediately, it leaned forward, and fell back hard, and then, the whole egg fell on the hard flat stone behind it... The egg fell apart.


A chubby lizard with a round head and round brain suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, with a half eggshell on its head, and it rolled on the ground with its eyes closed.

Everyone's eyes have changed.

Because they all know that it is not a lizard.

It's a baby dinosaur.

Especially the four of them, He Yan, who had been to the southern tribe area, recognized the appearance of a round-headed dinosaur at a glance!

Even the sound is the same!

But other people and beasts don't think so...

Ever since the natural enemy feathered dinosaurs appeared in this area, no beast can show kindness to them... Awen and his wife directly transformed into a beast shape and several other beasts Rushed over, looking like he was going to bite the opponent to death...

Subconsciously, He Yan spread his wings and quickly flew over to block them, saying anxiously: "Don't kill, it and the feathered dinosaurs that hunted each other with us Not the same species! They don't eat beasts!"

Awen turned into a human form: "What do you mean? How could dinosaurs not eat beasts?! Congratulations, are you confused?"

Junya hurriedly shouted from behind: "Awen, what the congratulatory words said is true! We saw another kind of dinosaur when we were looking for Yuangen over there. That kind of dinosaur was much bigger than the dinosaur with feathers. They also hunted down feathered dinosaurs for Food, it is very good to us, and even sent us meat, although we didn't eat it... You see, this little dinosaur has no feathers, and its head is round, the cub is only this big, it is definitely the one we have encountered That kind of dinosaur cub!"

Xiao Huo also flapped his wings and nodded.

Jun Ya immediately pointed at him and said, "Xiao Huo was touched by that dinosaur before !"

Awen stared blankly at the humming little dinosaur, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. Jane turned back into a human form and frowned: "If they can kill feathered dinosaurs, why would they let the beasts go? Is there really such a dinosaur?" 

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