Chapter 55

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 He didn't even try to distinguish it carefully, he was sure in his heart that it was definitely Slut.

The speed of the other party flying away is really worthy of his long hair... He Yan couldn't catch up for a while, and he was angry and funny behind him.

Knowing that it was impossible for the other party to come back and wait for him on the other side of the mountain, he stopped chasing with all his strength, and began to slow down, preparing to sprint forward at full speed after his breath evened out.

As soon as his speed slowed down, he couldn't see the shadow of the beast that flew forward quickly.

However, it's just that you can't see it for less than two minutes.

After a while, the familiar animal figure appeared again in the empty front.

A beast with a small dinosaur on its back is flying towards him quickly.

The congratulatory breath was no longer so hasty, and he took this opportunity to charge forward, just as the other party was flying towards him very quickly.

Thus, a man and a beast met face to face in the air in a blink of an eye.

The other party's eyes were fixed on his body tightly, as if he thought something happened to him because he was too far behind just now.

Congratulations didn't have time to say more. He glanced at him and the grinning little dinosaur with teardrops on his back, but couldn't make an angry expression. Parallel to it and fly forward.

When they reached the air where the group of hideous beasts were temporarily suspended, several injured beasts could hardly hold on anymore. Fortunately, a few young, strong and uninjured beasts would cooperate to push those wounded upwards.

If this kind of picture was in the past, it would be absolutely impossible to appear.

Although most of the beasts have not evolved into human form, they have developed a deep relationship with their companions under the influence of the environment of helping each other and living and hunting together in the territory for a long time.

Now, they are still pure animal-shaped ferocious beasts, but they are no longer those wild beasts that would not pay attention to their companions dying in front of their eyes.

Not long ago, some flying beasts saw the congratulations from a long distance, and before he got close, they heard a group of Qiyi roaring.

He also shouted loudly: "I have found it! There is a place to stay! Come and fly to that direction with me. If you can't hold on, I hope you can help me a lot. If you hold on, you will arrive soon!"

 said Then, he rushed over and hugged a small beast nearby to help out a little. The adult beast next to him carried eight or nine small beasts on his back, and was already very tired compared to being suspended in the air for so long.

Si Lun also went to pick up six small animals and put them on his body. His physical strength and flight endurance are the best among the beasts here. Although he has followed the congratulations for so long, he is still in good condition.

Several small beasts climbed onto Si Lun's back and pressed tightly against the small dinosaur in the middle.

The little dinosaurs blinked their swollen eyes, and gently stretched out their forelimbs to wrap around their furry necks to prevent them from accidentally falling.

As soon as Si Lu flew forward, the little beasts wailed in a low voice, and the little dinosaur also made a sound of "Hey Hey".

There were too many monsters in the air, and He Yan stood at the front, and he couldn't see many of them behind him. He shouted a few more words to let the other monsters pass on the words. Before he left, he paid special attention to Tiaotiao and Manman. Manman knew that Tiaotiao was injured, so he kept trying to fly upwards. Junya and Xiaohuo also pushed upwards from time to time, so as not to let them fall into the sky. The peril of saving.

Seeing that everyone was supporting each other, He Yan felt relieved, just like hunting before, he gestured vigorously to the beast behind, flapped his wings, and Slut took the lead to fly forward.

After they flew a certain distance, the densely packed ferocious beasts behind them all followed in mighty fashion.

This time, with a goal, he didn't waste time flying around like before. About twenty minutes later, He Yan saw those mountains again.

After he landed on the brand-new mountain top, he put the little beast in his arms on the ground, and then flew to catch Si Lu, whose speed was gradually slowing down. The hideous beast has a huge body, and he naturally knows how tiring it will be if he drags such a body and flies back and forth twice without interruption.

Si Lu was not far from the top of the mountain, and He Yan took the two little beasts from his arms. Holding them for a long time might make your hands sore, but such a short distance is just right.

Before he made the second pick-up, the huge body of the male beast was already standing on the land at the top of the mountain.

After surrounding Rau and all the little beasts, He Yan was afraid that the long-tongued birds flying around here would take the opportunity to snatch them away, so he discussed letting Slug stay here to rest while he continued to go over to meet them.

Most of the hideous beasts were exhausted by now, but when they saw the shadows of the mountains from a distance, they all persevered and persevered.

Life and death are only one step away.

He Yan's receptor type is limited, and he can't help adult beasts fly, and he can only relieve the burden of some adult beasts carrying small beasts.

After transporting most of the small animals back, finally a group of beasts landed safely on the mountain.

With other beasts guarding the little beast, Si Lu and He Yan went back to meet the others who didn't arrive.

Si Lu first helped Tiao Tiao to lift the manman to the top of the mountain, and then he and the other beasts who had rested went to pick up the beasts who had fallen behind due to injuries.

When more and more rested beasts flew back to help, He Yan returned to the top of the mountain and began to check the status of the wounded who had already arrived.

Due to the responsiveness of the beasts, most of them were only slightly injured, and a few of them were seriously injured on the head and back. Fortunately, their head injuries were also not fatal places such as ears and side faces.

The most important thing now is to stop the bleeding first.

The incident happened suddenly, so it is naturally impossible for any beast to take care of Zifen while running away.

There are no healing herbs at all.

If it was possible to search temporarily before, but there is nothing on this mountain except stones and soil.

He Yan had no choice but to tear off a part of the animal skin on his clothes and wrap it around the wound of the bleeding beast, and then flew back to see if there was a beast or a human figure that happened to be wearing Zifen.

Not long after flying, Jiante came over with Awen's figure on his back.

Seeing his hurried appearance, Awen hurriedly yelled to stop him: "He Yan, don't rush over, your partner Si Lu and other monsters will help behind you, you are now in human form, it is useless to go, go back quickly Let's rest!"

"But there is no Zifen! There is nothing on the mountain..." He Yan pointed at the ferocious beasts lying on the mountain, "I want to ask if anyone has brought medicine in the back, how many are injured? Heavy, I have to hurry..." 

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