Chapter 11

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He Yan felt that he was going to die of heat.

    He seemed to be in an infinitely chaotic dark space, extreme heat followed by extreme cold, and then the world bumped up and down, repeating the cycle.

    It was not until a long time later that he finally broke free from that space.

    He couldn't describe that feeling.

    Like new shoots emerging from the ground when the earth rejuvenates, the entire body is gently purified from the inside out by an invisible force, and the weakened limbs and organs are gradually reborn, absorbing new energy continuously.

    Finally, he found that his tooth hurt a little.

    It was a slight but rather grating pain, with a bit of itching, which gave him the strength to raise his paws and touch his mouth... He touched a few sharp teeth, which were much sharper than his original ones. The teeth are much sharper, they must have been replaced... When he pressed down hard, the pads of his flesh were so painful.

    This stab made his consciousness completely clear.

    With a trembling of the thin eyelids, He Yan slowly opened them.

    For a moment, he even began to suspect that he was in a dream.

    This is a completely strange place, where the eyes are covered with misty white water vapor, and under the water vapor and mist is a hot spring.

    Numerous hot spring pools are located in the valley, and farther away, there are patches of low mountains. At first glance, it looks like a quiet ink painting.

    His body was floating in a pool of hot spring water.

    He Yan plucked out a precious hair, and immediately frowned in pain.

    It doesn't seem like a dream.

    He immediately moved his buttocks to stand up, but suddenly found a net-shaped thing under his buttocks. The net bag tightly wrapped around his little body, and there were long ropes tied on both sides like a swing. The end of the rope was hung on the top of the rock behind him, so that he could soak the unconscious man in the hot spring so that he would not drown.

    After He Yan was surprised, he turned his head and looked around. He subconsciously wanted to find Si Lu's figure.

    But there was no sign of half the beast.

    Did the other party leave him? But he remembered that there was no such hot spring on the road...

    Countless questions filled his mind, he tried his best to crawl out of the net bag, and was about to swim to the shore when suddenly footsteps came from under the rocks on the opposite shore Voice.

    It didn't sound like the walking of a beast at all.

    It was very familiar to him who was once a human being.

    Before he had time to think about it, he heard a human voice in his ears.

    "This tooth is really the most perfect and suitable for bloodletting I've ever seen. It's a pity that it's gone."

    It sounded like a middle-aged man's voice, with a bit of helpless pity in his tone.

    Congratulations Yan's eyes widened suddenly, he felt that his whole beast became hot, and when the other party said the second sentence, he had already swam to the shore at top speed.

    The man's voice continued.

    "It's not long since you became an adult, right? Tsk... In a while, you should be able to evolve from a powerful ferocious beast into a perfect human form with your ability. Come back at that time, you will definitely be very popular... you Why are

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