Chapter 44

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  In the herd of small animals, there are more animals that are approaching adulthood. In these days, many small animals have grown up, and there are less than a hundred small animals in their nests. After more and more adult ferocious beasts, their territory also began to gradually expand, and it became more and more lively.

The hunting ability of adult ferocious beasts is very strong. With this kind of development, the pressure of raising young beasts in the past has been completely shared.

But the congratulations still did not change Xiaoshou's previous labor arrangement.

The little beasts will continue to do their own things well and keep exercising every day.

Regardless of the development of the territory, as far as the current living environment is concerned, they cannot be cultivated as flowers in a greenhouse.

Today, He Yan already has several bows, with different sizes, woods, and qualities.

There is a bow that Silu made for him. The color of the wood is a bit dark red. The most one.

When He Yan is fine at home, he often touches it in his hand, and the arched part is smoothed by him.

He actually seldom thinks about his past life now, but sometimes after shooting a wonderful arrow while hunting, the hearty and happy feeling still makes him feel like returning to the game.

Although the gun has become a bow and arrow, although his shooting is no longer for achievement, but for survival...but for this reason, the frequency of the heartbeat is the same.

Since that time when his humanoid body grew wings, he has never been able to return to his animal form.

Although he lost part of his strength, he became the king of the sky. When he occasionally encountered a bird of prey, he didn't even need a weapon. A flap of his huge wings could make the opponent dizzy.

In hunting, the bow and arrow are his most important sidearms.

He also named his favorite bow—Luzhi Bow.

Hunting or practicing with Lulu's bow during the day, sleeping or playing chess with Lulu at night, the days go on like this day by day, and sometimes he even feels that he is the original winner.

However, the peaceful and happy life did not last as he thought.

While feeding the little beasts, He Yan discovered a strange phenomenon.

There were two or three beasts with listless expressions, and they stopped eating even half of the meal.

This is very abnormal, even if there are more adult beasts now, even if the prey is no longer scarce, the small beasts who cannot participate in hunting still cherish the hard-won food, and will eat up all the small animal food every time.

At first, He Yan thought that those little beasts had already eaten meat in advance when they went to work for other beasts, so they really couldn't finish this meal.

But in the next two days, he found that those little beasts were still like this, and two more little beasts had such symptoms.

After learning that Man and Beast hadn't hired them all this time, he finally realized something was wrong.

He immediately took all the little animals out and turned them over carefully for inspection. First, he saw some red spots on the belly of the first few little animals, and the skin under the fur was much hotter than usual.

Although there is nothing abnormal about the two new stomachs that have a bad appetite, their body temperature is also overheated.

The congratulatory words quickly called out all the dolls.

He carefully placed the little beasts on the stone table.

The little beasts walked crookedly for a few steps before lying down, as if they were very sleepy and tired.

Congratulations anxiously turned the little beast's belly over: "They seem to be sick! These few have been eating very little recently, and the red dots have grown on their stomachs. I just saw it today... their bodies are usually hot. , do you know what's going on here?"

Slut took a look and said in a steady tone, "It's okay, don't worry."

Junya also said: "Xiaomei, some of this kind of disease will be acquired before adulthood, and it will be fine after eating some iris."

Awen and Jiante also nodded, and Awen asked a little strangely: "He Yan, even if you haven't had this disease, you have seen it when you were a child, right? Many little beasts who are not in good health have suffered from this disease during the season change. Find some iris to eat and you will be fine!"

Dazed, he was finally relieved after hearing their tone: "Really? Then..." 

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