Chapter 68

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  Recently, Congratulations has always smelled some strange smell faintly, which is not strong or unpleasant.

It wasn't the smell of humans or beasts, and it didn't seem like the fragrance of flowers and trees, because the smell was very faint, and it came and went, and he couldn't tell clearly.

I asked Slut, and the other party, like him, had also smelled this strange smell.

Because the smell is really light, He Yan was a little puzzled and curious except at the beginning, but he couldn't find the source of the smell for a few days, and the smell sometimes disappeared, so he had to think that it was growing in this area. What new plants are blowing over with the wind.

It doesn't affect their lives anyway.

They are completely used to life here.

Since we settled in our new homeland together, we have gradually learned about the terrain and most of the creatures that appeared in the vicinity during hunting. In addition to the six-legged beast, a scaled animal similar in size to the previous bald tiger appeared not far away. It looks like a black bear and often appears in the mountains and forests. He Yan followed the previous naming routine and called it the bald bear.

Facing new prey, in the initial hunting, there will naturally be some impulsive beasts that are frequently injured, but after eating a little bit and gaining wisdom, they are also groping and learning bit by bit, gradually mastering different hunting methods.

In his spare time at home taking care of the little dinosaur, He Yan did something that puzzled the other monsters.

Using the white side of the prey scales as paper and black charcoal as a pen, he began to draw maps and biological illustrations based on what he knew, what Slull and others had seen.

At the beginning, he used a scale to draw different forms of the ferocious beast, which were the fluffy little beast before the adult and the fierce beast with completely different hands; then, he drew a bald tiger and a long-tongued bird underneath, There is also a giant pangolin, and a group of giant herbivores... At the bottom, a protruding feathered dinosaur is drawn, and opposite the feathered dinosaur is a taller, round-headed dinosaur.

On the back of the round-headed dinosaur, a fluffy little beast appeared.

When he was lying on the stone table and drawing seriously, Rau was holding a clay dinosaur that was much larger than before and watching. When he saw the round-headed dinosaur and the small beast, he pointed at himself in surprise, and then Pointing outside.

"Well, this is the future Rawu and the current Rawu's friends..." He Yan continued to draw while talking, and when he drew the bald bear that appeared some time ago, he began to put down the charcoal with sore hands, and collected the scale To the side, there is also a scale map that is often awakened and supplemented.

After collecting the scales, He Yan began to hammer his sore arm lightly.

After he beat it twice, Rau put down the big clay dinosaur and ran over, raising his paws and beating its legs.

Seeing him beating a part, the little dinosaur thought that his whole body needs be beating to feel comfortable.

He Yan sighed, bent down, hugged it and kissed its cheeks. After playing with it for a while, He Yan packed it up, took it by the hand and went out.

Manman's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and Awen predicts that it will give birth in winter.

He Yan took a few pieces of recently marinated bald bear meat with him on a thin rope woven from vines.

When he was almost at the gate of Manman's house, he handed the meat rope to the little dinosaur.

The little dinosaur raised its claws and lifted it in, and He Yan followed behind it with a smile.

Tiao Tiao went out hunting with Si Lu in the morning. At this time, in the spacious room, besides Man Man lying on his side, there was also A Wen who had turned into a beast shape and Man Man was chatting with each other.

As soon as she heard the movement, Awen turned into a beast shape and said in surprise: "Ah, little Rawu is here!"

The little dinosaur grinned, and walked up to Manman with the piece of meat in his hand and put it down.


The two beasts had become close friends because of painting eggs on the top of the mountain. The female animal happily stretched out her claws and put the meat aside, then took out a few pieces of dried crocodile from the tank under her body and handed it over.

The little dinosaur looked back at the congratulatory message.

He Yan said with a smile: "Go on."

The little dinosaur stretched out its claws to catch it, opened its mouth to take a piece, chewed it twice, then stretched out its claws and made a strange gesture to Manman.

Congratulations acted as an interpreter: "It is boasting that the food you cook is great and delicious."

Manman narrowed his eyes, and stretched out his claws to control his strength to touch its forehead.

This is to say that it is very well behaved.

After the head was touched, the little dinosaur moved to her belly, squatted down and began to look at the slightly moving belly with Manman's breathing.

He Yan and Rawu stayed at Manman's house all afternoon.

During the period, the little dinosaur and the pregnant female were chatting with each other, while He Yan and Awen chatted about everyone's current situation, such as which beasts have recently quarreled, can't hunt together, and which beasts The beasts have recently started dating, and two more beasts are pregnant...

When they left Manman's house in the evening, Tiaotiao had already returned, and the other beasts who were traveling with him also went to their own houses not far away.

When He Yan led the little dinosaur back to the yard, Si Lu had just returned.

After the male beast put down the prey, the little dinosaur leaned over and started counting again.

Si Lu harvested a lot of prey today, and He Yan took a closer look, but unexpectedly saw some rice in it!

Several stalks of rice are woven into twine to tie the two small birds together.

He Yan bent down and lifted the two birds up forcefully.

There are clusters of round grains on the top of the bird-entangled plant. Pull the next grain apart. Not only is it similar in shape, but it is also white rice inside, just like rice!

Maybe because it is wild, the rice is smaller.

But that's real rice!

The congratulatory words immediately looked at Slut who had changed back into human form: "Where did you get this, lulu?!" 

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