Chapter 20

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Along the way, He Yan always felt that the way Slut looked at him became strange.

    He thought it was the reason he was wearing the upgraded little armor.

    After all, the clothes were made too thick by Si Lu. His body was already round, but after wearing the thickened and scaled armor, his chubby belly was obviously bulging again, and his four short legs were all covered Not as flexible as before. He himself thought it was funny. But wearing short clothes, He Yan let him read. This "journey" is different from the previous ones.

They didn't encounter particularly bad weather. Although there will be inevitable cold winds when they are on the road, the upgraded version of the small armor can completely replace He Yan's new hair that hasn't grown well. Help him block the invasion of the cold wind.

    On the night of the fifth day, He Yan, who fell asleep, had an inexplicable dream. It's still a dreamy dream.

    The self in the dream is still the same as in the previous life.

    Short fluffy and soft hair, a height of 1.79 meters, and lazy drooping eyelids... He was standing in the foggy bathroom, working on normal physiological needs. At the most critical moment, he suddenly sensed something, subconsciously lowered his eyes, but met a pair of light blue eyes.

And then...then he woke up with a fright. The first time he opened his eyes and saw this primitive world, he was still a little terrified. When his eyes caught sight of the black wings covering his body, he took a slight breath, and then the whole beast was still in a trance. I don't know how long he was in a trance, the big wings covering his body suddenly moved slightly, as if thinking that he was frightened, they flapped to comfort him. He Yan thought of those Chu eyes in his dream again, and he arched a few times in embarrassment.

    The air at night was very cold, but the space under the monster's wings was like a small room with heating. He forced himself not to continue thinking about it, it was just a wild dream...

Soon, he was in this comfortable and warm space He quickly forgot the embarrassment not long ago, and shrank his head inward, falling into a deep sleep again.

    At dawn, Sloan was grilling meat.

    He Yan was washing his teeth in a nearby pool, wearing a thicker armor. After washing for a while, he found that the reflection of the water seemed to be a little different from before.

    The place where the teeth were ground became sharper, the limbs seemed to be slightly longer than before, and the round body seemed to be stronger.

    He raised his paw in doubt, jumped up and jumped again, and obviously felt that the strength in his body was different from before.

    He thought of the unspeakable dream last night again, and couldn't help muttering: He must have reached puberty, right? !

    If it was really puberty, what Na Silu said in the southern tribes that he was nineteen years old was really a fool!

    Returning to Si Lu's side, He Yan deliberately lifted a large piece of heavy meat with one paw to show his new strength.

    The man thought that his appetite had increased again, so he took the piece of meat and grilled it together without hesitation.

    Congratulations: "..."

    Forget it, even if I increase my strength by ten times, I will still be a weak chicken in front of Si Lu!

    After the two had eaten and fed the big pig, they embarked on the journey again, but this time, before they could find a resting point, they encountered a sudden group attack on the way.

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