Chapter 59

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 It was dark when they returned to their perch on the top of the mountain. At first, the hideous beasts guarding the top of the mountain were very excited when they saw several times more prey than yesterday, but when a few of them found the seriously injured Junya and the hideous beast that hadn't returned, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

All the ferocious beasts stopped making a sound.

After distributing the prey in silence, everyone stayed in their own place to eat, and some even stopped moving after eating two bites.

When He Yan came back, he picked up Rawu who rushed over, and immediately went to Xiaohuo with Slut.

There were Awen and his wife and many ferocious beasts around there wanting to help, but Junya's current situation was special, all of them were traumatized, and they didn't have purple fungus and herbs, so they could only watch from the sidelines.

Xiao Huo was using the beast form to lick Junya's wounds, and the little Zifen that everyone gathered could not heal even one tenth of Junya's wounds.

Junya lay there bloody, the little fire beast-shaped body tensed all the time.

All people and beasts stood powerlessly aside, and turned away after a while.

He Yan stood there looking at Junya, and after a while, he suddenly bent down to pick up those Zifen that were stained by Junya's blood and flowed to the ground, put Rawu in Si Lu's arms, and pulled him to turn around and leave.

They returned to the resting place, and part of the prey left after dividing and the collected things were piled up there.

They haven't eaten yet, and He Yan has no appetite at this time. He turned out the shrimp in the bag and handed it to Sluan: "Lulu, you and Rawu should eat first..." 

The other party frowned at him, and said Didn't say much.

According to the words of congratulations, he peeled the shrimp and put it together with other raw meat, and fed it to Lao.

After being fed once, Rau took the meat and ate it in small mouthfuls, looking at Dad and Big Daddy from time to time.

The eldest father took a few glances at his father, and then began to process their portion of crocodile meat. After the processing was almost done, he started to bake it.

Dad has been tinkering with the big green melon he brought back since he came back.

He Yan used the stone flakes he brought back on the road to cut a small part of the top of the watermelon. After peeling off the small piece of melon skin, he took out a large leaf and spread it out, and directly pulled out all the flesh inside.

Rawu was so startled that he forgot to eat the meat on his paws. He staggered over and stared at Gua: "Hey..."

Seeing the round head approaching, He Yan was slightly stunned, and then Pulling the corner of his mouth, he took out a small piece of melon pulp and handed it over: "Want to try it?"

The little dinosaur blinked hard, and tentatively stretched his mouth to his palm.

He Yan chuckled, and fed all the melon pulp into its mouth.

The little dinosaur first licked it with its tongue, and it tasted sweet, then sucked it, and swallowed it in two mouthfuls.

It stuck out its tongue and raised its paws with a very nice expression.

"You still like to eat everything..." Stretching out his hand to stroke its head, He Yan felt that his mood seemed to be better.

The little dinosaur bowed its head in the palm of his hand a few times, then ran to the big daddy to watch the fire.

After tidying up the melons, He Yan stood up holding the melon skins: "Lulu, I'll go get some water from the spring at the bottom of the mountain, look at Rau..." 

Before he finished speaking, the man directly took the roasted melons Put the meat aside, picked up Rao and followed him.

They walked for a while before reaching the spring below.

He Yan squatted down and filled the melon rind with water, then put the melon against a stone and began to wash the plaster on his hands, feet and face.

The little dinosaur patted the water with its paws to play, and the man behind him helped him wash the skin of his neck and shoulders, afraid that he would be cold, so he turned his body to protect him from the wind.

Rawu played there covered in water, He Yan laughed, pulled it over vigorously, and then cleaned the head, claws and belly of the little dinosaur well.

After a while, the big one and the small one were all cleaned up.

He Yan began to wash the arms of the man beside him with water in his hand, and the man was leaning over to wash his face.

After washing the opponent's arm, he looked up according to the muscles on it, and finally stared at the red and purple corner of Sloan's mouth in a daze.

"Huh?" Slut glanced at him, reaching out his hand to wipe off the drops of water on his nose.

He Yan's eyes darkened slightly, and he stretched out his hand to his face, and slightly moved the corner of his mouth, as if he was afraid that he would hurt.

The man looked down at him without moving.

He Yan also glanced at him, and continued to move his hands until night, touching the short corner between the man's eyebrows little by little.

Holding the short horn, he raised his head and kissed the wounded thin lip on the corner of his mouth.

The man grabbed his waist and panted in response.

When the two lips and teeth parted, He Yan suddenly whispered: "Lulu, that tooth has grown..."

The tooth that was pulled out in the southern tribe has now grown completely.

The man hummed, and when he was about to get up with his arms around Congratulations, a big round head suddenly protruded from the side: "Huh!" 

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