Chapter 8

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Ever since he returned to the monster, He Yan found that the other party had changed, and seemed to be a little... clingy.

    It was getting late at that time, and they didn't plan to leave the bottom of the cliff immediately, but they found a flat place together and prepared to rest for the night.

    There were no other animals in the vicinity, and there were monsters. He Yan, who was already extremely tired, quickly fell asleep. But when he fell asleep, he felt a dull heat covering himself.

    It's like the kind of enthusiasm he felt covered in the quilt when he read ghost stories when he was a child.

    He Yan frowned, and he raised his paw to try to lift the thing that was pressing on him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift it at all, so he had to roll in the direction of the wind.

    This method really worked, and the dull enthusiasm disappeared in an instant.

    He curled up his mouth comfortably.

    But not long after, the familiar dull heat hit again, this time he couldn't get out no matter how hard he tried, and under the discomfort, He Yan opened his eyes in a daze.

    What catches the eye are two huge forelimbs, which are the monster's forelimbs.

    It tightly circled itself, and used a pair of dark-colored wings, like a closed clam shell, to envelop him firmly inside.

    He Yan got up slowly, and he carefully pushed the monster with his meat pad, trying to remind him to let go of himself, he was going to be breathless.

    The opponent's eyelids were only slightly raised, and seeing his efforts to crawl out, he only moved his forelegs back, exposing his entire head in the air, and then closed his eyes again... Congratulations: "

    ... ..."

    He struggled a few times, but was really weak, and gave up because of fatigue.

    Until the middle of the night, a urge to urinate came from under him.

    He Yan ate a lot of watery wild fruit when looking for a way out, but until now, he hasn't peed yet.

    This time, the monster sensed his urgency and embarrassment, and gently released him from the prison.

    Congratulations, who couldn't bear it anymore, hurried to the nearby weeds.

    After it was over, he turned back comfortably, only to see the monster lying on the spot standing behind him, staring at him unblinkingly with its long and narrow eyes.

    Congratulations: "!!!"

    Do you know that doing such a thing like this will scare people to death? !

    When he and the monster returned to their shelter with lingering fear, he remembered the other party's behavior not long ago, and tentatively kept a small distance from the other party.

    At first, the monster only moved slightly to his side, but there was no other movement for a while.

    He Yan was slightly relieved, closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep peacefully, when the familiar heat came again!

    Its forelimbs and wings wrapped his body tightly again.

    He Yan immediately twisted his body, but the other party seemed to think that he was uncomfortable, and patted his back lightly with his claws.

    It's like... coaxing someone to sleep.

    He Yan was immediately discouraged by it.

    They left the cold cliff bottom in the early morning of the next day.

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