Chapter 25

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It was a slender, white male figure.

    He has a well-proportioned figure, short fluffy light gray hair on top of his head, a pair of round black pupils under his eyebrows are half covered by thin eyelids, and thick brush-like eyelashes are slightly curled up, complementing the drooping arc at the end of his eyes...

    Obviously He is already a human being, but whether it is visual or tactile, his first impression is like a ignorant and cute little animal.

    He Yan's humanoid body was shaking all the time, almost curled up in the arms of the tall man.

    After a while, Si Lu directly tore off his clothes with one hand, wrapped him around He Yan's body, placed him on the ground carefully, and then changed back into a beast shape. He stretched out his claws to pick up the fragile new human form, and quickly Spread your wings and fly to the valley near the distant volcano.

    He Yan's consciousness has always been there, but he has no energy in his whole body, as if half of his soul has been taken out.

    But he knew very well that Slul had taken him away.

    Inexplicably very reassuring.

    I don't know how long it took, the short and hard animal hair disappeared, and when he was hugged by those strong arms again, he subconsciously knew that Slut had changed back into a human form.

    After the rest of the journey, he can already speak in a very low voice.

    "Lulu... Silu...cold..."

    With a sense of speeding up the bumps, he was carried into an extremely warm hot pool within a short while.

    The cold feeling was swept away, and the brand new humanoid body was finally stretched in the hot water.

    He Yan exhaled with his mouth, showing the tip of his tongue like a puppy, and felt that his breathing became a little smoother.

    As his body relaxed, he subconsciously rubbed the figure's back, and then completely closed his heavy eyelids.

    But not long after, he became agitated again, and began to cry hot in a low voice.

    Noticing his strangeness, the man behind him immediately picked him up and hugged him.

    But the cold air outside the skin still failed to drive away the abnormally rising heat in his body. He was struggling to get out, but at this moment, his hand touched the man's chest unintentionally.

    He suddenly felt a chill.

    As if meeting an oasis in the desert, he couldn't wait to wrap his arms around the other's lean and strong waist, and quickly pressed his flushed face against it.

    The man took a quick breath.

    He Yan's current state is very similar to that of a drunk who has been drinking. Although he is awake, his mind is not very clear. How can he notice that something is wrong with the other party.

    He rubbed his cheeks upside down like fried eggs, and after a while, he patted the other person's chest and frowned and muttered: "It's so noisy inside, it's beating drums...stop beating!" !"


    Following the sudden sound of "crashing" water, the man raised his hand and tightly strangled his flailing wrist.

    He Yan was not happy about being grabbed by his wrist. He swung his arm 360 degrees to shake it, but he couldn't shake it at all. He tried a few more times and found that he couldn't shake it.

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