Chapter 13

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Purcell sent the congratulatory message home and left.

    After He Yan calmed down, he began to concentrate on taking care of the wounded Si Lu lying on the stone bed.

    He first combed his long hair with his claws, but after a few combs, he found that his nails had grown a lot, and if he was not careful, he might scratch the opponent's scalp. He had no choice but to stretch out his claws and run to the end of the stone bed to grind them up and down.

    After grinding for a while, he finally smoothed and smoothed the nails of the two front paws, and then stretched them towards the man's hair...

    He lay behind the man's head to take care of his hair, the man's hair was very Shun, it is also very easy to take care of, which makes He Yan inexplicably envious.

    If the man is awake at this moment and he can talk again, he thinks that he will be like the shampoo boy in the barber shop, gently holding his long black hair and admiring: "Ah, your hair quality is really good!" Well, you must take good care of it at ordinary times, right?"

    After combing Slut's hair carefully, He Yan began to worry about the environment where the other party slept.

    If it was the time of beasts, he would be fine sleeping anywhere, but now Si Lu is in human form, no longer protected by thick fur, sleeping on a stone bed, let alone it, must be very uncomfortable!

    Maybe the other party has been frowning because of this!

    Thinking of this, He Yan couldn't sit still.

    He more or less needs to go out to pick up some leaves and hay or something to give him a cushion.

    Unexpectedly, as soon as he got out of the stone house, there were several young people pointing at him in whispers.

    Some came to watch the excitement, and some just passed by by chance, but the moment each of them saw the congratulatory message, they all showed hostile eyes at the same time.

    There are also more timid people who will subconsciously take a step back, as if he is some crazy beast.

    He Yan didn't care about them, he just walked out quickly.

    Ten minutes later, when he was struggling to walk back to the stone house with a pile of hay taller than himself, an old and hurried voice suddenly came from behind him.

    "Hey hey hey! That little grass-stealing thing in front! Stop!"

    He Yan didn't realize that it was calling himself at first, and he still moved forward with the two short legs that stood upright at the back until he reached the back The man yelled angrily: "The one holding the hay! If you don't stop, I'll beat you!"

    Looking at the hay in front of him, He Yan looked back suspiciously.

    An old woman with a cane was panting towards him, and when she got close, she couldn't help but take all the hay in He Yan's arms: "This is the hay that I have worked so hard to dry for five days! How can you be like this?" Want to steal it?! Bullying the elderly can't run away from you?!"

    He Yan was completely stunned, he didn't know that these dry grasslands scattered randomly on the ground also had owners... But compared to this, what surprised him even more was that the other party was there. When he saw clearly that he was a beast, there was no trace of surprise or hostility in his eyes.

    It seemed that the person standing in front of her was just a very annoying brat.

    After taking the hay away, she put all the hay on the ground, and then tapped his head hard with her knuckles, as if teaching a child who didn't learn: "Didn't anyone at home teach you? Stealing is wrong." If you want hay, you can pull it out by yourself, and then circle a place to dry it... This is the last time, if I see you stealing my things again, I will break your leg!"

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