Chapter 66

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   Before autumn comes, the vast plain surrounded by mountains finally uproots the tender shoots of flowers, plants and trees that are unwilling to come out from the soil.

In addition to some new plants that appeared, it didn't take long for the beasts who went out to hunt to find the revived Zifen in the nearby swamp.

Zifen can mainly treat most traumatic injuries, while the beast, like most carnivorous beasts, has been hunting all its life, and it is basically impossible not to get injured.

This is the most amazing good thing so far.

As for He Yan, he remade the armor with the scales of the prey returned from hunting, but there are no claws designed before. After all, large beasts such as feathered dinosaurs have never appeared since the last earthquake. The claws of other beasts It's not that long, so I can only shelve the idea of ​​using armor to fight.

But because of this, everyone knew one thing clearly, the feathered dinosaurs that were evenly matched with them should have been extinct in this area.

This is not a good thing, although feathered dinosaurs have brought them a huge crisis, but because of their size, successful hunting will also bring them a feast for several days, which is unmatched by other common prey; but it is not a bad thing , He Yan knew that with the disappearance of the dinosaurs, the long-tongued birds were controlled by the natural enemy giant eagles, even if the giant crocodiles were difficult to deal with, as long as they stayed away from the waters where they lived in situations other than hunting, nothing would happen.

Creatures began to diversify, and to some extent, this land was more suitable for human survival.

Recently, Si Lun made another Lu Zhibow exactly the same as before to congratulate him.

For the opportunity to go hunting in the future, He Yan would frequently practice shooting with that bow and the newly made bow and arrow when he was at home, and at the same time exercise his arm strength.

Although the beast's natural enemies are fewer, he has lost his animal shape, and now there are more birds in the sky. Although most of them are not so deadly, the long-tongued birds still exist, which are his biggest natural enemies.

The change of seasons in this area is later than other places, and it is the same as when all the beasts first migrated here. Even though it is already autumn, the outside is still green, and there is rarely a lot of dead grass and leaves.

Several trees near the yard grew taller, and every day Rau would stand in front of the tree trunks with a small clay dinosaur to compare his height.

When they first built the house, the saplings were about the same height as it, and they could touch the leaves on the top of the tree with their claws.

At this time, the young sapling had grown strong and tall, but it was still a small dinosaur that only reached the thigh of its father.

In fact, Congratulations has been recording its height. Every seven or eight days, he will let Rao stand in front of the wooden wall in the yard, and then scratch it with a piece of black charcoal.

Compared with the original record, Rawu has grown a lot taller, but maybe because he watched it every day, He Yan always felt that Rawu was always the round and soft little dinosaur at the beginning, and he didn't even know how to do it. Imagine Rau, a round-headed dinosaur taller than all beasts.

Although it didn't grow much taller just by looking at it, it was obvious when it stood in front of the little beasts. Because of its height, the little dinosaur finally couldn't quietly blend into the small beasts.

But it always has its own way.

One afternoon, the little beasts collectively lay down on the open space in front of He Yan's yard to bask in the sun, and the beasts that hadn't gone out to hunt would also huddle and lie on the nearby lawn at the same time, so no raptor dared to approach at will. Be careful, it doesn't matter if you can't prey, and it is very likely to become the other party's prey.

Si Lu went out to hunt, and He Yan was sorting out the cured bacon at home. The fragrant salt grass was already ripe, and they could use this method for long-term storage of meat.

After he put away all the dried bacon, he came out with a stone hoe to dig up some soil in the yard.

He Yan found yellow flowers by the river in the morning, and he planned to transplant some of them.

That kind of flower is actually a bit like the chrysanthemum in his previous life, and the taste is also quite similar.

He himself has no interest in flowers and plants. In his last life, he didn't even have potted plants in his house. Every time he relied on his friends to come over and force him to put some potted plants in his house that didn't need to be watered frequently.

But Sloan likes flowers.

If they hadn't left the tribe in the south before, according to Sloan's temperament, the yard might have been filled with all kinds of flowers.

Thinking of the picture of the man standing among the flowers, he felt inexplicably happy.

Now he wants to make up for that regret a little.

If the transplant is successful, Sloan will be able to see these flowers in the yard every year in the future, and he may also be able to sit under the eaves and watch Sloan busy in the flowers.

When he was digging the soil, the little dinosaur was sitting not far away holding the clay dinosaur and watching.

When he finished digging up that piece of soil, he turned around again, but the little dinosaur was no longer there.

He Yan thought that Rawu was going to play with the little beasts again, so he raised his eyes and looked at the pile of white balls not far away. There was no sign of Rawu in the white pile.

He frowned, immediately put down the hoe and went back to the house.

I searched inside and outside the house, but I didn't see the little dinosaur.

"La Wu!" He Yan shouted around the room, and soon ran out anxiously. Just as he stretched out his wings to search down in the sky, he heard the familiar screams from the small herd of animals. Extremely.

He Yan thought something happened, so he flapped his wings and flew over quickly.

In the group of small beasts like white snowdrifts, a small dinosaur lying flat on his back was holding his paws high and his legs up, screaming anxiously because he couldn't turn over.

The belly of the little dinosaur is milky white, so lying on its back among the herd of small beasts, at first glance from a distance, it is really impossible to tell that there is a little dinosaur inside.

Congratulations was angry and funny, he squatted down and hugged him vigorously: "What are you doing? Are you playing peek-a-boo with Dad on purpose?"

The little dinosaur was picked up with his arms between his hands, his round head subconsciously shook, and he stretched out his claws to hug He Yan's arm tightly.

He Yan seldom hugs it recently, because now Rau walks no differently from some adult dinosaurs, except that his physical speed is not as fast as that of adult dinosaurs, but he is very stable, and sometimes even He Yan can't catch him while running. It no longer needs to be carried away as often as before.

So when he hugged him like this, the little dinosaur excitedly stretched out its claws to hug him back.

He Yan watched it hug him hard and grinned happily, but after a while, he showed an inexplicably depressed expression, thinking that it was because he couldn't turn over just now that he made a fool of himself, so he smiled and pinched its paws and shook: " What's the matter? You're not a human, and it's not easy to turn over if you lie down like that, so be careful not to lie down like that again in the future, in case something happens, you won't be able to run in time." 

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