Chapter 34

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  It was already noon when he woke up the next day, and part of the wounds on He Yan's neck and back had scabbed over. Not long after he sat up, Si Lu, who had finished boiling the water, came over and hugged him out of bed.

"Lulu, when did you get up? Why didn't you call me?" He Yan who was sitting on the stone bench rubbed against his shoulder.

"This morning, you didn't sleep well." The other party brought shoes for him to wear.

He Yan bent down: "I can do it myself..."

Slut had already knelt down and put on socks on him, He Yan had to put on another one, he glanced at the other's legs, pursed his lips, and said in a low voice : "Lulu, is your leg still hurting?"

The man was startled, then shook his head.

After putting on the shoes for him, Sloan lifted his clothes and looked carefully at the wound inside.

Most of the scabs have formed, and the curative effect of Zifen is very good. It's obviously a new injury, but so far, He Yan is only slightly sore, which is not unbearable.

The man was not at ease at all.

After he went out, he brought back some Zifen that he had crushed last night, put some hot water in it, and then came over and moved him with the stone bench near the warm fireplace, and finally took off his clothes halfway, exposing most of his shoulders .

His eyes darkened slightly, some of Zifen's liquid was stained, and he gently wiped those scars.

He Yan was looking at his hair.

The short hair seems to have been simply treated by the man, and it looks much more pleasing to the eye, but occasionally some hair hangs down to the front when the head is lowered.

He Yan reached out to smooth his hair back, and took the opportunity to touch the man's ears with both hands.

"Lulu, when the wings are healed, will the hair grow?"

The other party thought for a while: "I don't know, when the wings were injured before, they were still in human form."

Slut was injured before, and He Yan immediately sat up straight: "Ah? How did you get injured?" 

"When I was just an adult, I never hunted." He gently blew on the wound on the back of He Yan's neck, and continued to wipe Medicine, "The same kind fights."

Hearing that it was the same kind, the congratulatory expression changed slightly, and he didn't ask any more questions. After a while, he grabbed his arm and said again: "Lulu, are you alright? I'll come and apply medicine to you too... Your injury is much worse than mine..." 

The top of his head sank suddenly, and the man His chin pressed against the crown of his head, and his voice was extremely low: "I wiped it off in the morning."

He Yan lowered his head and stopped talking.

He... He actually felt a little hot for no reason.

It must have been too close to the fireplace!

Sloan painted it very carefully, and it took a long time to finish it.

After getting dressed, He Yan washed his face and brushed his teeth with the water boiled by Si Lu, while the man went out to deal with yesterday's prey.

After leaving their bedroom, He Yan found that there was another space in the cave.

This space is not big, inside there is a flat stone table, on which there are freshly baked earthenware cups and a row of fresh wooden branches, the kind that can smell mint, and there is a cup full of water underneath. Small tank.

There is a drainage hole under the inner stone wall connecting to the ground, and a long pit leading to the outside is dug under the hole. The pit is inclined, getting deeper and deeper, and it extends for a long time.

Because of this arrangement, after washing, there is actually no need to carry the water outside and pour it out. Just pour it into the hole, and the water will go out.

This drainage pit is like a slide, and if there is accumulated water outside, it will not come in. Even if the water accidentally flows in, it will flow into the pit connected to the hole indoors, and will not cause large-scale water accumulation on the ground.

This is also a simple bathroom.

Clearly, it was Sloan's doing.

A sense of pride subconsciously rose in He Yan's heart.

In the primitive period, his partner was really smart to think of making such a toilet by himself!

After washing up, He Yan went out to take a good look at the dead dinosaurs.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the warehouse cave, he was surprised by the white balls that surrounded him tightly.

A group of small furry beasts walked around the three dinosaurs, stretched their necks from time to time, and let out a few howling sounds.

The innermost one, Si Lun, had already handled the smallest dinosaur. Some of the minced meat fell on the ground. Seeing that he hadn't picked it up, the little beasts quietly moved over and quickly lowered their heads to lick it into their mouths.

Then, He Yan saw a few little beasts staring at Chu, showing extremely happy expressions, and then began to stare at the work in the man's hand wholeheartedly. When another piece of meat fell, the few little beasts would rush Thumping over to grab the leak...

It seems that this dinosaur meat should taste very good for their species.

But He Yan didn't regard this new species as his main prey at this time. He had already seen how powerful they were through yesterday's experience.

Compared with the usual crushing hunting activities, it was a life-and-death struggle.

He went over to collect the feathers that Sloan had taken, and then took some dinosaur meat from Sloan and went back to the cave to cook.

This time, in addition to sprinkling fragrant salt and grilling, he also made a broth in a small tank. He tasted it before making it, and it tasted really good.

He didn't feel very happy, and even a little scared.

If they were the ones who lost last night, they should be the ones being tasted now.

When the bowls and plates were set on the stone table, Si Lu had already come in. When he saw the two bowls of broth, he was stunned.

He Yan said: "This is called broth. Although the meat is not as fragrant as roasted meat, the taste is completely different. The soup in it is also delicious. Try it."

The man sat down next to him, and after drinking, his expression changed slightly.

Congratulations was still nervous at first, but seeing him drink two more sips one after another, his heart suddenly relaxed.

Slut whispered: "It's delicious."

He stared at the contents of the bowl seriously, as if he was studying how to do it.

After dinner, He Yan told him what he had been thinking about since last night.

"Lulu, shall we let Junya build a nest near here?"

The man suddenly looked up at him.

The congratulatory words didn't wait for him to answer, and asked again: "Lulu, are you sure you haven't seen those beasts yesterday?" The man shook his head absently.

His expression suddenly became serious: "Those are dinosaurs. In my... my hometown, at a certain period, they dominated the land... I think, they suddenly appeared here now, and naturally there are not only a few of them. They are in the The bite force, rapid attack, and body size are not inferior to adult beasts. As you saw yesterday, they still hunt in groups. In the future, once they meet with beasts that often live alone, the beasts will basically be at a disadvantage. Although yesterday we I won, but it is impossible to be so lucky every time, as a ferocious beast, if you want to restrain this new species, you have to make changes." "


He Yan said seriously: "Well, so I want to make Junya Please come to build a nest nearby. In addition to helping each other, we can make an appointment for the three of us to go out together when we hunt in the future. Don't be alone. If we encounter other beasts later, I also want to try to persuade it to join us ..."

The man was silent for a while, and when He Yan was a little nervous, his hand was suddenly wrapped around a big hand.

Si Lu got up: "Let's go together."


Convincing Junya was far easier than what He Yan thought.

"What?! Xiaomei, do you want to live with me?" After hearing the congratulatory message, Junya, who was wearing a new cotton suit, rushed over in surprise and joy. When she was only two steps away from the congratulatory message, she was caught by the black hair The man blocked it with a cold face.

"Not living together, but being neighbors together."


"After being neighbors, it is convenient to do a lot of things together, such as sewing things together, hunting together, exchanging food and so on... the dinosaur I just mentioned You may not know how scary they are, and you will know when you go to our warehouse..."

Junya didn't think of refusing, and said excitedly: "Then Xiaomei and I are not only friends now, but also neighbors It's... I feel, I feel that there is an extra layer of relationship than a partner!" As he spoke, he glanced sneakily at Si Lu.

He Yan grabbed Si Lu's hand in time and said with a smile: "But there is only one partner."

"Why don't you go now, we'll help you move together." He Yan said.

Junya was startled, and shook her head again and again: "No! It's messy inside, I don't want Xiaomei to see it! You, you go first, I'll go there in a while..."

Junya's side has solved it, and there is still a next step.

After returning home, He Yan took Si Lu to look for those little beasts.

The change of species naturally starts with the doll!

When passing the warehouse, there were a few small beasts watching the fun around the dinosaur, and the little fat beast was also inside, staring at the claws of the dinosaur, looking like it was studying it seriously.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but He Yan felt that it was a little thinner than before...

"That's a dinosaur. They hunt in groups. If you don't continue to cooperate when you grow up, you basically won't be able to defeat them." He Yan stood The door of the warehouse smiled and said, "Come here, I have something important to discuss with you."

The little beasts thought that there was another work arrangement, and quickly rushed to He Yan's feet.

Before the nest.

All the little beasts raised their heads and blinked their big eyes to stare at the congratulatory words. He was full of confidence and became inexplicably nervous for a while. After all, he had no experience of speaking in front of so many beasts. Finally, he coughed and said: " I, I can give you a fixed amount of food in the future..."

As soon as these words came out, all the little beasts screamed, but the most active little fat beast in the past blinked Chu in a daze.

"However, I have conditions." Congratulations continued, "Before you reach adulthood, you must obey my arrangement as much as possible and don't go out casually. After you become an adult, you are not allowed to hurt the same kind. If you choose to stay, you must stay with us."

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