Chapter 39

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  When the progress of the stone fence was driven to one-third by them little by little, there was finally movement in the trap that had been set up long ago.

A ferocious beast fell into their trap.

When I went to rescue it at first, no matter what He Yan said, it roared angrily inside, and was unwilling to cooperate at all. In the end, Si Lu turned into a beast shape and directly pulled its legs to throw it out.

It staggered to its feet and glared at them fiercely.

But for one-to-five, it obviously knew that it couldn't win. In the end, it only kicked a few stones into the trap to vent its anger.

He should have gone to the nearby Stone Mountain to find a place to live.

Awen changed into a human form and said: "It's a beast that hasn't evolved. It looks like it didn't encounter a dinosaur when it came here. It's impossible to listen to you."

The figure who was going away, took note of the approximate direction, and then followed them and turned back.

In the next few days, they hunted and went out without encountering that ferocious beast again.

Recently, Awen likes to drink the broth made by He Yan. Before they came here, they ate raw meat directly. Get used to it.

After discovering that Awen likes broth, Janet will ask He Yan to learn cooking whenever he is free.

He Yan's current soup is a little more complicated than before. In addition to meat and fragrant salt, he will also put some big sweet potato pieces.

The taste of the big sweet potatoes boiled in broth is completely different, whether it is the little beasts or their human figures, they all feel very good after eating.

This made He Yan feel more at ease: in case there will be less meat in the future, they can also use broth to cook a large amount of sweet potatoes to survive the difficult period. Although the nutrition intake is still not much, at least it will not taste. Difference.

However, this worry should not arise in a short time. Although there are many small beasts, their five hideous beasts can hunt back several large animals every time, and occasionally kill a few pheasants and bring back some bird eggs. Occasionally encountering a small number of dinosaurs is a rewarding hunt. 

After all, the meat of a dinosaur mixed with big sweet potatoes is enough for those little beasts to eat for a few days. Pheasants are also one of the new species that have appeared here. He Yan has deliberately captured them alive several times for raising, but those pheasants are different from lazy pigs. 

Once they are locked up for more than a day, they will stop eating until they starve to death. He Yan, who failed, had to give up the idea of ​​raising chickens and eating eggs. A few more days later, when they were hunting in the northern forest, they encountered the hideous beast from before. It was lying on the bed dying, and was being licked by a little dinosaur to lick the blood flowing from the wound... It was a little dinosaur brought out by its parents to learn how to hunt.

 When it can no longer move, it comes forward to lick the blood of its prey, and from time to time, it will use its own teeth to grind those wounds, watching the wounds become bigger... while those big dinosaurs Take a rest under the giant tree not far away. They seemed to have eaten enough before hunting the ferocious beast, and after biting the ferocious beast to a half-dead state, they handed it over to their children for practical exercises. 

 The scene they saw looking down from the top of the mountain finally looked at each other. There are six big dinosaurs in total, and the place where they rest is a certain distance from the small dinosaurs. If they used the fastest speed, they should be able to leave with the beast on their backs before those dinosaurs caught up.

Awen directly transformed into a human form and wanted to jump on Jante's animal form, but He Yan said after turning into a human: "Awen and Janet, you don't have to go, there is no advantage in passing them all at this time, you go back first, in front of the nest Just pick us up. Lulu, you have great strength and you can run fast, rush over to pick up that ferocious beast and hurry away! Junya and I will hurt the little dinosaur when you carry it, but don't If it is killed and the little dinosaur is injured, at least one big dinosaur will stay for the injured little dinosaur out of the six. In the end, even if they catch up to the nest hole, there are only five of them, and we Five heads, there are our traps nearby, and I will be in an advantage at that time..."

Awen and Janet thought about it for a while, but they had no objection. They have been cooperating in collective hunting these days, and they are almost 100% satisfied with the congratulations of trust.

Si Lu frowned: "You carry it, I'm behind." 

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