Chapter 5

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In order to show that he was not just talking, He Yan even specially made a set of equipment for himself.

    He made a small wooden bow with the wooden branches he brought back and the remaining long tongue tongue. Since the claws of beasts are not as flexible as human fingers, it took him a lot of effort just like making the butt cloak last time.

    While the monster fiddled with his wooden bow to look back and forth, he picked up another wooden stick, put one end on the stone, and grinded it back and forth until a pointed end was sharpened, and then took out the next one... and it was done

    . With a complete set of small bows and arrows, He Yan was so tired that he stretched out his limbs and lay down on the ground to rest.

    The monster kept staring at his bows and arrows. He Yan seemed very interested in it, smiled, got up and stretched his limbs. Like the monster, he is able to walk on two limbs for certain periods of time.

    He used his forelegs to pick up the bow and put it around his neck, and inserted the bow and arrow into the belt of the cloak on his buttocks. Then he walked to the entrance of the cave and turned his head to signal the other party to follow.

    The monster's hunting target this time was still the bald tiger. He Yan knew that the simple bow and arrow he made would not be of much use against such a large beast, and he didn't want to eat a fat man in one bite.

    When the monster was hunting, he would obediently hold on to its short fur, carefully observe the fighting style of the monster and the bald tiger, and look for each other's shortcomings.

    After a bald tiger fell heavily under the bite of the monster, He Yan jumped down and took the initiative to do the chores of handling the food.

    With the help of the monster's claws from time to time, he finally tore off all the scales of the bald tiger, and then he forgot to barbecue first, and hurriedly dragged the scales to the river.

    The scales washed by the river glisten in the sun and look very beautiful.

    He quickly dragged the cleaned scales back to the shore, and he was very surprised that the monster had actually started a fire according to his previous method.

    He could basically be sure at once that the other party was a beast with a high IQ. After all, even humans who had learned such knowledge from an early age might not be able to make fire successfully.

    And it did it right the first time.

    They finished eating cooked meat outside, and the monster put him and the clean scales on its back, and ran to the wide jungle in the distance.

    Soon, it passed through the thorns and stopped in front of a giant tree.

    There is a large piece of emerald green lawn, no messy thorns and branches, only scattered flower bones protruding from it, and bunches of golden sunlight seep out from the gaps in the huge eyelashes above... Congratulations were captured by this

    scene The beauty is here!

    Without waiting for the monster to bend over, he just slid down from its tail.

    Seeing all this, his dull and restrained mood seemed to be instantly healed by the grand beauty bestowed by nature. As he walked, he jumped a few times excitedly and then began to roll... The

    monster stared at him for a while and then disappeared. He lay down comfortably, as if he was infected by the appearance of congratulatory words, and his tail patted the ground lightly.

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