Chapter 51

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  Most of the time, He Yan still has to go hunting or fishing with Sloan.

At first, he thought about asking the figures who were separated from them during the hunting time to take care of Rau, such as Awen and Junya.

But soon, he found out that this plan was not going to work.

Every time he came back in the evening, the little dinosaur would be picked up by him crying.

Awen said this: "This little guy is too unlike a beast."

After all, no beast would love home so much when it has enough food and drink.

It was okay for the first half of the day, but in the afternoon, Rao became abnormal. Maybe because he couldn't see the congratulatory words and Slaughter, he would cry all the time, and it was useless to coax him.

The cry of the dinosaur is different from that of the ferocious animal, with the sound of "Hey Hey Hey", it is quite scary at first, and makes the nearby small animals dare not approach.

At the beginning, He Yan was thinking about how to slowly change his strange behavior, but one time when he was out hunting, he suddenly thought of the little dinosaur at home. Maybe he was crying again at this point, and he immediately thought of the left behind in the previous world. child.

Feeling depressed for a while, I went back with Si Lu early that day.

This time the little dinosaur stayed at Junya's house, and it was afternoon when they returned. Junya put Lawu on Xiaohuo's back. It seemed to cry not long ago, but when it touched Xiaohuo's short red fur, the tears turned back quickly, like a child who got sugar, and the corner of his mouth grinned , stroking Xiaohuo's fur rolling happily on his back.

Junya was afraid that it would fall, so he kept yelling beside him: "Rau, be careful, roll this way, this way! Roll over there, I won't be able to catch it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little dinosaur jumped out The other side rolled and fell.

Fortunately, Xiao Huo stretched out his paws to cushion it, but after falling from such a high height, his butt still hurt. It curled its mouth, and its eye sockets were faintly wet. At this moment, it raised its eyes and saw a figure flying over quickly.

The little dinosaur glared sharply, and the tears that were about to collapse were all shrunk back in an instant. Holding up two short forelimbs, he got up and ran in the direction of He Yan.

The words of congratulations fell to the ground, and he leaned over and hugged the little dinosaur running towards him. He retracted his wings, stood up holding the little dinosaur, and smiled apologetically at Junya and Xiaohuo: "Junya, Xiaohuo, you have worked hard today, I will make you some bowls and plates with other patterns next time... "

Xiaomei, why did you come back so early today!"

"Well, there's something wrong. The other beasts have taken them with them. In the afternoon, they also went to the forest with fewer dinosaurs. We have enough prey, so we returned early. ."

After chatting with Junya for a while, he went back to the nest with the little dinosaur in his arms.

Sloan was handling pickled game at the door. After playing for a day, Rawu felt a little sleepy. He was patted by He Yan, and fell asleep in the hay nest. He Yan looked at it, took out a piece of animal skin and put it on its stomach, and went out to find Silu .

He decided to reduce his one-week hunting time to one day. When fishing and gathering, he would observe the vicinity in advance, so the chance of encountering dinosaurs is not high, so he can bring Little Rau with him.

After listening to his words, Sloan said: "It's okay not to go out to hunt, and you can wait for me to do other things at home."

His prey is the most every time, and he can raise He Yan and Rao well. He Yan If you are worried about Rawu, you can concentrate on taking care of him at home.

Congratulations shook his head: "I know that Lulu is very powerful, but I mainly participate in hunting to help everyone observe and ensure safety. Once a week is already rare, so it's okay. The main reason is that I want to let it practice when I bring it at home during this time Walk, it's safer to walk as soon as possible, and make some toys for him by the way, so that it won't be stuck at home. When it gets better later, I'll continue hunting with you like before." 

Slut looked at him, focusing on But in other places: "Toys?"

He Yan pointed to the two trees near the nest hole and said, "For example, you can use wooden boards and vines to build a swing there, and it can sit on it and swing."

Sloan looked at the two trees and thought for a while, and quickly understood how to make the swing in his mouth, and the action of marinating the meat in his hands quickened: "I'll do it later."

 He Yan smiled, and began to help him marinate the meat together, When this was done, the man went to weave thinner vines together, and finally went to planks.

After He Yan finished drying the meat here, he used a small mountain-shaped medium stone to knock and grind out a simple version of the slide, and then made a mat out of hay for Rau or other small animals playing on the slide.

When he was done, Slender's swing was also finished.

Although it was the first time for Si Lu to make a swing, the effect was very good. He Yan went up and tried it, and it was very strong.

The man pushed He Yan around for a few times, and He Yan came down and led the man to make dinner.

When it was almost finished, the little dinosaur's screams suddenly sounded in the nest, and He Yan knew that Rawu had woken up, so he ran in quickly.

As soon as the stone door was moved away, He Yan saw its teary face, squatted down and hugged it, only then did it shrink back all the tears and rubbed against his arms.

He Yan wiped away the wet marks on his face, and said helplessly, "You, why are you so like a human child? You cry when you can't see an adult. Are you a little crying bag? Are you ashamed?" The little dinosaur snorted. Moaning, he opened his mouth and held his clothes in his mouth, shaking his head and tail.

He Yan couldn't do anything about it, and said with a smile: "Hey, since you're awake, I'll take you to see your toys."

When he put the little dinosaur on the swing outside, the man had already taken care of the things on the stove and came over.

It was the first time the little dinosaur swayed, and at first he touched the vine and looked up and down in amazement.

He Yan patted its buttocks: "Sit down, it's not safe to stand, be careful to swing away."

The little dinosaur immediately supported the vine and his body and sat on the wooden board, looking at a loss.

Seeing that it was sitting firmly, He Yan grasped the vines on both sides and pushed behind it slightly.

When he swung out for the first time, the little dinosaur let out a very nervous cry. With the comfort of the congratulatory words and the increase in the number of times, he gradually stopped being afraid, and instead became more excited. Once he swung high, he turned his head back. He yelled at the congratulatory words a few times.

He Yan immediately increased his strength to swing it higher.

The little dinosaur immediately let out a sound of excitement.

He Yan thought, among dinosaurs, this might be a child's laughter.

Thinking of this, he also laughed.

The man watched him for a while, and then went to help the little dinosaur push the vine on the other side.

After a while, several little animals that had fully recovered to health ran over curiously when they heard the movement, and looked at the swing swinging the little dinosaur from a distance with puzzled eyes.

After noticing those white dumplings, He Yan immediately waved to them.

The little beasts have been taken care of by He Yan during this time, and they have already regarded him as the closest person. When they saw him waving, they subconsciously ran away go.

The congratulations made Si Lu stop, and then went to hug the little beasts to the little dinosaur one by one.

Fortunately, the swing board made by Sloan is wide and long enough to accommodate several small animals and small dinosaurs sitting in a row.

Seeing the little white dumpling next to him, Rau yelled happily, and stretched out his short front paws to grab it cautiously.

The dinosaur's claws were more flexible than those of the little beasts, and soon it grabbed the pads of the two little beasts.

The little beasts have known for a long time that this little dinosaur is a baby raised by He Yan's family. Although it looks big, it can't walk well, and even fell into a cesspit. In the eyes of all the little beasts, this is a newborn idiot Little kid, facing it at this time, they are very like a group of teenagers helplessly taking care of their little brother for the sake of their parents.

"Sit down, don't panic, this swing is not high, and there is grass under it, let's swing lightly, even if it falls, it won't hurt. Get ready—here we come!" He smiled and looked at the swing. With a glance, the two pushed forward at the same time.

The little beasts sitting in a row and the little dinosaur in the middle were close together, and under the setting sun, they all made irregular or nervous or excited calls, and at the same time raised their tails and swung upward...

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