Chapter 3

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 When He Yan woke up the next day, it was already dawn, and he was the only beast in the cave, and the big monster went somewhere.

His first thought was to take the opportunity to leave here, but he just crawled out of the cave and showed his round head when he was frightened by a few giant birds circling in the sky.

Those birds were no smaller than the large beasts he encountered in the jungle before. They looked a bit like vultures, but their mouths were several times larger than those of vultures. One of them was holding the half-cut corpse of a beast... in the bare rocky

mountains , He Yan's fluffy white head was very conspicuous, and he immediately became the target of one of the giant birds. The first time he saw him, he quickly flew towards him in a straight line.

When He Yan rolled into the hole in a hurry, his butt was unfortunately pecked by the big bird that slammed into the hole.

The white hair flew in mid-air in an instant, and with a "wow", his four short legs sped up, and then he hid in the narrow corner in time, and finally stared at the big bird who couldn't get in.

The big bird seemed to be extremely hungry, its scarlet eyes greedily staring at its chubby body, its dark brown mouth slowly opened, and its long tongue dripped disgusting yellow saliva.

This cave has a large space, and the entrance of the cave could have accommodated some giant animals to come in and out, but when the monster left, it should have blocked more than half of the cave entrance with boulders, so the big bird could not squeeze in completely at this time.

  But what surprised He Yan suddenly was that the tongue of the big bird seemed to be able to grow longer. 

After it realized that it could not go in, it opened its mouth wide and began to move its pointed tongue in the direction of He Yan little by little... He Yan I swear, this is definitely the scariest picture he has ever seen! Just when the tip of its tongue was only a fist away from the congratulatory words, the big bird's complacent eyes suddenly changed, and then, it let out a tragic wail, and quickly retracted its tongue. 

It struggled desperately, as if it wanted to leave here, and the strange choking from its mouth almost burst He Yan's eardrums.

When the voice finally got quieter, the boulder at the entrance of the cave was also removed. He Yan, who was curled up in the corner, quickly raised his head, and met a pair of long and narrow eyes.

The big monster came in biting the neck of the big bird. It seemed very angry. Its light blue eyes stared at the bloody big bird under it, looked at the congratulatory words, and suddenly raised its thick tail and slapped the big bird hard. .

The ground shook.

The big bird had no breath, it was dead.

He recovered a little life again, tears of congratulations almost fell down, he thanked the monster in animal language, and warned himself in his heart with extra fear: in a short time, if you don't fully understand the situation here, don't take it lightly. Leaving...

Although he is still a beast, compared to these giant monster-like beasts, he is simply as weak as an ant.

Going out is to give them a gap between their teeth.

The monster should have gone out to prey before. Seeing that He Yan was safe and sound, he walked out of the cave again, but this time it quickly brought back a huge beast carcass.

It was the scaled tiger that He Yan encountered on the first day of his travels. He Yan felt that the name bald tiger was very suitable for them.

The monster didn't seem to be afraid that there would be natural enemies nearby. After it came back, it completely removed the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave, allowing most of the sunlight to enter the cave, and then began to deal with the bald tiger it brought back.

It first tore off the hard scales, and then used its sharp claws to divide the meat into small pieces.

He Yan had seen the appearance of the monster eating before, the other party tore off the scales and gnawed it directly, how could it be so gentle, he was just wondering, when he saw the other party moved all the small pieces of meat to his side...

He Yan suddenly remembered the piece of meat left by the monster before, and He Yan immediately understood.

This was specially assigned to him!

The congratulatory message that had already been sent to the animal fence began to feel a little embarrassed, but it seemed that it really couldn't go out to hunt for food by itself.

In order not to eat for nothing, He Yan patted the hair on Xiaopang's legs, ready to help the monster deal with the big bird.

The monster was stunned when he saw him plucking the big bird's feathers one by one with his small claws, and then his eyes stayed on He Yan. After He Yan found out, he explained to it in the animal language of "Aooo": I can help you handle food, and I can do some odd jobs!

After finishing speaking, he saw that the other party was still staring at him, and seemed to raise his eyebrows slightly...

He Yan's hair was not plucked fast, he thought the monster was just laughing at him, he frowned, then gritted his teeth, and suddenly opened his mouth and bit a big one. Rip off the feathers!

After a few bites, a piece of the big bird's back has become bare.

He was very satisfied, and looked up at the monster behind him as if to prove it.

The other party narrowed his eyes and walked towards it, not only did not offer any praise, but suddenly stretched out his claws and poked his ass.

Shocked by the indecent congratulatory words, he hurriedly covered his butt, but the touch was soft and soft, and he froze in place immediately.

Only then did he realize why the other party kept looking at him that way.

His butt is actually so bald.

At the end of the day, with a tear of shame in his eyes, Congratulations struggled to weave a butt-exclusive cloak with the feathers he plucked under the strange eyes of the monster.

What's the difference between naked and streaking? !

Although he lost the hair on his butt, but the next day, he gained a new thing.

After dawn, the monster didn't go out to hunt immediately, but to deal with the body of the long-tongued bird. Since the feathers hadn't been pulled out, He Yan wanted to go up to help several times, but every time he touched the feathers, he was gently caught by the monster Get up and put it aside.

Finally, He Yan, who had nothing to do, sat down and watched.

He saw that the monster only scratched a few times casually, and tore off all the feathers and skin of the long-tongued bird. Afterwards, he did not rush to deal with its meat, but cut off the long-tongue's mouth and throat, and pulled the retractable The tongue was removed and placed on the stone at the entrance of the cave...

After all this was done, the monster put the greeting on its back, and finally walked out of the cave and the stone mountains.

Lying on the monster's back, He Yan stared at his round eyes like an old hat in amazement. This was the first time he could observe the general scene of the world so clearly and conveniently.

From the jungle to the plain, whether it is plants or various animals, they all resemble the prehistoric state he knows, but the appearance of most animals is even weirder than those prehistoric animals.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that this is still a brutal world where the weak prey on the strong.

And this monster seems to be the overlord of the surrounding area.

The monster came out to hunt. He Yan guessed that the reason why he was brought out today was because the long-tongued bird attacked him yesterday.

Not long after, watching the monster throw the bald tiger to the ground again, He Yan believed that the bald tiger should be the monster's main target for hunting and eating.

This time, the monster did not take the prey away, but directly dealt with the food on the spot.

Seeing the few pieces of meat set aside in front of him, He Yan was not in a hurry to eat them.

He pulled out a pile of dead leaves and grass on the ground near the monster, picked up several dry sticks, and then stepped on a wooden stick on the ground with two paws, and started to turn back and forth quickly... the monster

thought He was playing a game, and after eating the meat, he lay down and looked at him, and finally saw that he had played for a long time without stopping to rest, and he didn't eat any meat, so he went forward and held a small piece of meat and handed it to his mouth.

He Yan resisted the huge temptation and shook his head.

The monster's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to stand up to take away the "toy" in his hand, but saw a little spark suddenly shot out from under the opponent's wooden stick... Under the monster's surprised gaze, He Yan wiped the toy away with dry grass

. Light the fire to make it bigger, and after stabilizing the fire, skewer the meat with twigs and roast it.

When the smell of meat began to spread, the monster leaned over and sniffed.

After the meat was cooked, He Yan handed half of it to the monster.

He carefully observed the monster's expression, and found that it seemed to like it very much. Suddenly, he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. After eating the cooked meat, he patted his chest with the meat pad, and he told him, "Although I can't hunt, I can I can help you roast the meat deliciously! I'm really not that useless!

After he finished speaking, the monster stretched out his hand and lifted him up. He Yan was taken aback at first, but when he found out that the other party was not malicious, it seemed that he was just holding himself up for fun, so he lifted up his somewhat loose buttocks with confidence. cloak.

Before the two left, He Yan deliberately took a big mouthful of water from the nearby river, and then ran to the fire and sprayed it out to extinguish the fire.

The monster watched all his actions.

After putting out the fire, He Yan realized that he hadn't drank water for several days, but before that, he didn't realize it because he basically didn't feel thirsty.

So he sees himself as a species that doesn't need as much water in the short term.

After returning to the cave, the sun had already set, and the slender tongue on the stone at the entrance of the cave was completely dried out, and it became thinner. At first glance, it looked like a rope.

The monster pinched the tongue, pointed to He Yan's butt cloak, and then put it on his paws.

He Yan instantly understood what he meant.

The butt cloak made of feathers is not tight, so it needs to be lifted from time to time. His butt cloak suddenly became loose several times in front of the monster, and then fell off suddenly before he had time to mention it...

It turned out that the other party's move in the morning was because of this.

Looking at the thing in the paw, He Yan's ears started to feel hot for no reason. He lowered his head to express his gratitude, and then began to study this thing.

It was very elastic, and when he pulled it, He Yan reminded him of the elastic bands in modern society. He cut off one-third with his claws and kept it, and then put away the remaining two-thirds.

The monster saw that he was using the tongue to fasten the loose butt cloak firmly, and then he showed a satisfied look.

The congratulatory message stared at the ass: "..."

Before the night fell, the monster started to move the boulder to the entrance of the cave. After seeing the congratulatory message, which was still resting, he hurriedly got up. He found a small hole in the uneven wall, then raised the pad and put all the luminous stones given to him by the monster into it.

It was supposed to be a cave where you can't see the five claws, so there is a small soft light desk lamp.

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