Chapter 36

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The cleaning method of the pigsty is relatively simple. The pig manure can be pushed outside through the manure opening, and it is enough to get out some remaining broken pieces of big sweet potatoes inside.

Congratulations picked some huge leaves in advance, and divided each small animal into a mop, and then taught them to press the leaves with their two front paws, push forward with their hind legs, and push the rotten debris out of the hole. .

The little beasts live outside all the year round, they are very smart, and they can be taught as soon as they are taught.

Seeing that they had successfully cleared out a batch of residue, He Yan took a flat stone as a shovel and went to the back of the pigsty to push all the pig manure that had been made before into the specially dug cesspool. When spring comes, when they can plant seeds, these are fertilizers.

After finishing the back, He Yan walked into the pigsty again. The inside had become very clean, and a few little beasts began to pile up the dirty leaves at the door, ready to rest.

He Yan turned into a beast shape, crushed the newly dug big sweet potatoes, and threw them into the trough used to feed the pigs.

As soon as the two pigs came up to eat, He Yan found something different from usual.

The second pig became very edible, and after eating his share, he immediately went to grab the pieces under the big pig's mouth to eat.

After eating, I was not as active as before, so I lay down on one side and started to sleep satiated.

He Yan took a closer look at the second pig, and found that it was much fatter than before.

The big pig has been raised for so long, and its fat cannot keep up with it.

When he was about to go out, a white shadow suddenly jumped in.

The little chubby beast came in biting a new leaf. It didn't wait for the congratulatory message, and suddenly put the leaf down, then pushed the leaf and began to mop the ground vigorously.

"Didn't you finish procrastinating just now? You don't need to..." Before finishing speaking, someone walked in, "Xiaomei, is this the pig you raised?!" 

He Yan looked at Junya in a daze, and then Looked at the little fat beast mopping the ground back and forth quickly.


Junya is not very interested in pigs, and after only a few glances, he pulled out the congratulatory message: "I have finished the meat, Xiaomei, teach me how to cook that, that mud! Your partner knows how to do it." I'm the only one who doesn't know how to do it!"

"It's not about burning mud, it's about making pottery." He Yan smiled and took him to the warehouse hole, then took out some clay and gave it to Junya, "I'll teach you how to make smaller plates first, slowly Come..."

Junya just took the mud and played for a while, when there was a loud noise outside.

It was the sound of the little beasts yelling and thumping in unison, and the tone sounded extremely frightened.

He Yan thought something was wrong, so he was the first to rush out.

A group of small beasts with firewood on their backs ran towards him immediately, yelling loudly around him.

Their eyes and movements were very flustered, as if they had been greatly frightened.

He counted them immediately.

Ten, not one less.

I looked carefully again, and none of the beasts were injured.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then became strange again.

It stands to reason that even if they encounter something terrifying, as long as they run away in time, they should not be so frightened. After all, they have lived outside for so long, and they are not like cubs who grew up in an ordinary greenhouse. It is impossible that they have never encountered terrible beasts or dangers.

Not far away, Si Lu also heard the sound.

He Yan squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch their heads, and tried his best to comfort them: "Don't be afraid, talk slowly if you have anything to do, don't worry."

After being patted down, they gradually stopped roaring.

The first few began to hum in a low voice, using interactive movements and tone of voice to describe their recent experiences...

"What?!" After seeing what they meant, Junya opened his eyes wide, "There are three adult beasts Was killed by a dinosaur over there?! Three heads?!"

He Yan was also stunned, and said: "Are you sure it's a beast and a dinosaur?"

All the little beasts nodded.

They are ferocious beasts themselves, so naturally they won't admit their mistakes. As for the dinosaurs, they have seen the corpses of six dinosaurs, and even jumped on them... let alone admit their mistakes.

Si Lu: "It should be migrating here."

He Yan frowned, and continued to ask: "Are you sure that the three beasts have been killed?" With

this question, several small beasts began to hesitate Yes, a few of them nodded in confirmation, as if the beasts had already fallen to the ground, and a few of them were still thinking.

"How many dinosaurs have you seen?"

Now they agreed and compared to four.

He Yan pursed his lips, looked at Slut and Junya, and said after a while: "Let's go and see first? In case they are not dead..."

Slut didn't even reply, and directly turned into a beast shape, standing beside him.

Although the wings have not recovered yet, his legs can already walk and run normally.

Junya was stunned for a moment: "Xiaomei, you, you want to save them?"

He Yan stood up and thought for a while: "Not necessarily, I just go to take a look from a distance first, if they are dead, we will come back, if they are not dead... also It depends on whether it can be saved."

Junya was stunned, looking at the little beasts around him, and finally turned into a beast shape.

He Yan didn't follow the transformation, he rushed back into the cave first, searched for the long-tongued tongue that had been stored before, and then asked Si Lun to leave a Y-shaped branch on the tree.

He stretched a part of the long-tongued bird's tongue tightly on it, and finally tried it with a pebble. The elasticity was good, and the stone could fly a long distance.

He put the animal skin bag on his back, put the slingshot and some pebbles in it, and finally picked up a smarter little animal inside: "You help us lead the way, let's go over quietly and take a look, if the dinosaurs don't leave, we can't disturb them "

Although the little beast was a little scared, but looking at the three strong and tall beasts in front of him, he felt a little more at ease, and nodded in agreement.

Without this human figure, they would still have to hunt for food in this extremely dangerous environment. Compared to this, leading a way is really nothing.

After the congratulatory words, he turned into a beast shape and put it on his back.

Along the way, the little beast patted his neck with its paw pads to guide him.

They hadn't gone far before the little beast reacted enormously.

He Yan immediately turned into a human form, and Si Lu and Junya beside him also changed back. The three of them knew that there was a situation ahead, and their steps began to lighten up.

Not far away is a huge stone entwined with withered vines.

He Yan put the little beast on the ground, and asked the other two to squat down together, and slowly approached the little beast.

After reaching behind the stone, the little beast's legs had already started to tremble slightly. He Yan gently stroked its fur to comfort it, then tilted its head and carefully looked forward.

On the other side of the stream in front of the boulder, four dinosaurs are eating a beast.

Most of the beast had been eaten, and the other two beasts were lying bloody not far away. One of them was motionless, and it was unknown whether it was alive or not, while the other screamed desperately at the group of dinosaurs.

But it could only roar, its wings were bitten off, its body was covered in horrific wounds, and it was difficult to even stand up.

Those dinosaurs knew that he couldn't attack anymore, and they didn't deal it a fatal blow, leaving it there for the last struggle.

They even admired its state at this time, and one even walked up to it with a part of the beast's meat in its mouth, swallowed it hard, and then took another bite on its broken wing.

The ferocious beast roared feebly.

It didn't kill it.

But that kind of long-lasting pain was far more painful than death for that ferocious beast.

Seeing such behaviors of torturing and beating prey, He Yan's face became serious. He always felt that these dinosaurs seemed to have intelligence...

He tried not to let himself be nervous, and continued to observe the four dinosaurs.

At this time, Si Lu whispered in his ear: "One of them was bitten." 

What he was talking about was the dinosaur that humiliated the beast not long ago. It was a medium-sized one, and one hind leg was bitten. His skin was torn apart, he walked very slowly, and he was always cautious. Perhaps it was bitten by the beast it tormented, an act of revenge.

"Hmm... Lulu, look, is the biggest right eye hurt?" He Yan also whispered.

"Yes, it was scratched by the claws."

Junya stared at them in shock, and said in a low voice, "You guys have such good eyesight? Why didn't I see that its right eye was injured?"

Slut: "When you looked at it, it had already turned away. Now."

Junya: "...I don't care, Xiaomei just has good eyesight."

Si Lu was quiet for a moment: ""

Congratulations did not say anything, but he was a little dumbfounded in his heart, who would have thought that he was blind in his previous life?

Si Lu next to him unconsciously held his hand.

He Yan paused, gave him a reassuring look, and at the same time had a plan in his heart.

When those dinosaurs were about to finish eating the ferocious beast, He Yan immediately whispered to the little beast below him: "When we go to hunt later, you run back quickly, they are all in the stream By the way, you will not run here, you are not conspicuous in the snow, and there are stones to cover you, don't be afraid, as long as you follow your usual speed and be careful..."

Hearing that he suddenly called this action a hunt, the little beast widened its eyes in shock, but inexplicably, the fear in its heart dissipated a bit, and it nodded slightly.

What He Yan said was not to appease the little beast.

He is really ready to hunt.

In this case, even if the three beasts were dead, he would attack those dinosaurs.

Although it seems that they currently have four heads, one more than them, but one of them has a newly added serious injury to its leg, it will be the easiest to hit, and the one with the largest body can still see things even after one eye is injured. , but if...

He Yan took out the slingshot directly.

He was a member of the national shooting team in his previous life, and he happened to be the one who had won a gold medal.

As long as the bigger dinosaur Eye Chu was not injured today, he would not have such great confidence.

Although he brought a slingshot, he knew that if he wanted to sneak attack, he only had one chance. After all, most wild beasts reacted very alertly. Once they were hit, they would move quickly. At that time, the running targets would not be so easy to hit, and their positions might be discovered.

No matter how accurate he is, he can't hit both eyes at the same time with one flick.

But the dinosaur had already injured one eye.

He Yan aimed the slingshot directly at the left eye of the big dinosaur. Instead of using the pebbles he prepared earlier, he directly used the gravel he picked up casually under his body.

The stone has edges and corners, as long as you shoot it right, the eye will be destroyed.

He Yan glanced at it and said: "After I finish shooting, if we get hit, we will transform into beasts and rush over immediately. They were in a panic at that time and were not prepared. We had three heads. Although they had four heads, the inside of them There are two crippled ones... Lulu is so powerful, we can hold on and win!"

After speaking, the stone in his hand suddenly flew through the air and flew towards a beast eye.

next second.

Following a huge scream that pierced through the air, the three ferocious beasts that suddenly appeared rushed to the other side of the stream at high speed.

This is a real hunt.

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