Chapter 35

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 It was almost evening when Jun Ya came over, and He Yan and Si Lu just used clay to make a slightly larger mud cylinder at the entrance of the warehouse. When he heard the movement, he grabbed the man's hand and went out to look.

Junya's luggage is not much, but it is very miscellaneous.

After He Yan went over to help him unload it, he discussed with him where to build a nest.

He Yan The stone wall at the foot of the mountain in the row of their nest holes has been dug out for a pigsty and a warehouse hole. Considering that there will be more pigs in the future, he will continue to expand the pigsty in that row. He Yan finally suggested that he build a pigsty on the opposite stone wall. nest.

After watching it for a while, Sloan went back to the warehouse hole and continued to make pottery.

When Junya was building a nest, He Yan took the opportunity to go back to the cave and take out a set of pottery. When he came out, he saw a group of small animals beside Junya.

It should be attracted by the sound of digging.

He Yan put those pottery on the ground nearby and said: "Junya, here are the pots and bowls I made out of clay. You can use them to hold water and store things in the future... Bowls can be used for eating and drinking ...You helped me get a lot of mud before, and these are for you, if you want in the future, we can continue to make it." 

Hearing the sound, Junya immediately looked back, and was instantly attracted by the appearance of these little things When he arrived, he stopped what he was doing, raised his claws and tapped lightly.

It didn't soften as he expected, and it made a crisp sound.

He changed back into a human form and said in surprise: "This, is this made of that mud? Wow... Xiao Meimei is amazing..." 

"Well... You can put it this way, but the clay for making pottery is best to find clay... When the time comes I'll do it for you to see, you'll learn it soon."

Junya touched the pottery back and forth several times curiously, and then reluctantly changed back to the animal shape and continued to build the nest.

He Yan saw that he didn't need his own help right now, so he turned around and was about to go to the warehouse hole. His feet suddenly sank, as if he was pressed by something soft.

When he looked down, he saw the little chubby beast holding his calf, its head up and howling eagerly.

It happened to be followed by the five particularly thin little animals, and they were also barking.

He Yan took a few glances at it, and understood in his heart: "Are you...have you decided to join?"

The little fat beast nodded heavily.

At this time, Junya, who was building a nest behind He Yan, stepped back, and he was looking at the position behind the hole.

He Yan moved away subconsciously, but the little chubby beast suddenly let go of its claws and stood motionless on the spot.

At that moment, He Yan always felt that its body seemed a little stiff, and he was about to go over and take it away, but before he reached out, Junya, who was closer to the little fat beast, had already swept it with his tail in advance, and then turned to look at it. .

When he saw this little chubby beast, he immediately patted the ground slightly with his tail.

Signal him to step aside.

The originally stiff little chubby beast seemed to have returned to its body, lifted its feet and ran away like a gust of wind.

Congratulations: "..."

Junya: "..."

Junya continued to build the nest.

He Yan went to the cave to get the registration board, and when he came out, the little fat beast that had run away just ran back and stood guard in front of his cave entrance.

He Yan didn't say much, just took out Zifen juice and let him dip his paws, then pressed it on the wooden board, and wrote the number six with black charcoal.

"Okay, you've finished registering." With that said, He Yan put away the board and went back to the cave to get the meat.

The little chubby beast outside the cave looked at the purple color on its own flesh pad, and then looked back at the green-eyed ferocious beast that was still building a nest, its expression gradually cheered up.

After giving the little fat beast a piece of dinosaur meat, He Yan went to the warehouse cave.

Sloan is making pots out of clay.

He Yan thought for a while, and pinched the clay to form a thin and long thing...

Si Lu glanced at it and asked: "What is this?"

He Yan smiled and said: "Vase."


He Yan Hmm, without explaining, when he was almost done, he picked up a very thin branch, poked a flower shape on the mud embryo, then held it up to the man and said softly: "When spring comes, we can break some Put the flowers back in the vase, and put the vase where Lulu can often see it..."

The man was stunned, and quickly shifted his gaze from the vase to He Yan's face, looking at it for a long time without speaking.

When it was dark, Junya's nest hole had already been dug, and most of the luggage had been moved in. He Yan saw the familiar little chubby beast in the past, carrying some remaining less heavy things in its mouth, and its pace was very fast.

He Yan thought that Junya had just learned to hire little beasts to help with work without a teacher, but the other party said: "This little guy is quite enthusiastic. He has helped me move for a while, and he is also Xiaomei's friend." ?

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