Chapter 60

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 After a while.

When all the next words of congratulations were finished, all the figures and beasts were stunned for a moment, and then stood up one after another.

The hunting rules he mentioned were different from the previous ones.

It can be said that there were no rules when they hunted before, except that they did not hurt the same kind and went out together.

Now, however, He Yan proposed that when hunting in groups, the members of the hunting group should always be fixed if there are no accidents. This is because the longer the cooperation, the higher the tacit understanding will be, which will be better for everyone's safety and hunting efficiency. In addition, each group must elect a beast as the captain.

 The captain may not be the strongest, but must be smart or have rich hunting experience, and can make the best choice for the group in various emergencies. judge.

In addition, the most surprising thing for the beasts is that the hunting rules will implement a strict reward and punishment system according to the implementation:

According to the rules, no matter what the reason is, it is not allowed to hunt alone or act alone temporarily, and the person or beast who violates it will be punished. A large number of prey will be punished afterwards and it will not be allowed to go hunting with the group for a certain period of time.

If you have any opinions, you can directly withdraw from the herd to live separately.

After finishing that point, many beasts looked at He Yan in disbelief.

Prey and hunting are extremely important to all beasts, He Yan naturally knows this.

In the modern era where his previous life was, this was equivalent to punishing your wages and preventing you from going to work for a certain period of time to make money. However, in the primitive environment, when they were punished, it was far more serious than that.

Because food is life.

But the congratulatory words are more clear, only a strict system can make the rules be implemented better, and only then can all the monsters feel pressure and fear to act alone.

Maybe their hunting results will be less since then, but correspondingly, the danger that the headless beast will face due to impulsiveness will also be greatly reduced.

The ferocious beast is a powerful and ferocious animal, and because of its own strength, it often ignores the dangers that may come at any time.

Perhaps at another time, his words would most likely cause dissatisfaction among the herd. After all, no one would want their hard-earned prey and hunting opportunities to be controlled by others on a whim.

But it's different now.

Just yesterday, one of their buddies died.

Like them, the ferocious beast survived the huge disaster fortunately. It did nothing wrong, but it was afraid that there would not be enough prey. When it saw another giant crocodile nearby, it worried that its companion was still solving the problem in front of it. One, fearing that the other would run away, subconsciously rushed over.

In fact, even if they don't rush over, the hunting results of it and the group are enough for them to have a full meal after allocating other beasts.

No one knows what it was thinking at the time.

Maybe when he saw the giant crocodile, he thought of his friends lying on the mountain because of injuries and couldn't eat enough; maybe he wanted to show his hands in front of his companions and let other beasts praise him; or maybe it just subconsciously It wants to hunt more prey to gain a sense of security in this critical period...

Whether it is for itself or other beasts, it just wants to live well with the beasts in its territory.

But it failed, and even it itself, perhaps didn't know that its life would suddenly end there.

Under the scorching sun, He Yan clenched his fists tightly. He continued to look down at those people and beasts, and then spoke again, his voice still high.

"If you agree to abide by this rule, please nod your head. If you disagree, you can go out and form a herd by yourself!" 

This is the most cold and serious sentence He Yan has ever said to them. Without any emotion, it was like a continuous stream of magma, rolling on their hearts suddenly, making them panic.

Not a single person, not a single beast came out.

One beast began to nod, and five beasts began to nod...

After a long while, all the beasts and humans nodded.

They all agreed.

He Yan still clenched his fist tightly, but the other one held the man's broad hand and rubbed it back and forth.

He is nervous.

The man stroked the back of his hand gently, and looked at him with his head tilted.

At that moment, He Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He slowly spread his wings, turned his head and gave the other party a look, then let go of his hand, jumped up while everyone was watching, and flew to the place where Junya and Xiaohuo were not far away.

Junya, who was leaning on the little fire beast-shaped body, was staring at him in a daze.

The congratulatory words stopped firmly above him: "Yesterday that ferocious beast often hunted with you, Junya, do you know his name?"

The hairy monster suddenly changed back to human form, quickly supported Junya's crooked body and raised his head, "Lois, it's called Lois." 

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