Chapter 37

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 The hunt ended faster than He Yan had planned.

The largest blind dinosaur even injured a companion next to him when resisting the bite because he couldn't see clearly; the one with the lame leg knew that he was not suitable for fighting at this time and wanted to escape, but because of the injury, he couldn't run fast at all, congratulations Yan directly blocked its path and rushed over...

He Yan had just finished off the lame dinosaur, and Slut and Junya had already killed one of them, leaving only the blind dinosaur bumping and running not far away.

Junya glanced at them, her green pupils darkened, and turned around to chase after them.


Hearing the gradually weakening roar not far away, He Yan directly transformed back into a human form, and walked to the side of the two hideous beasts that hadn't been eaten yet.

The ferocious beast lying motionless on the ground was still breathing, but passed out. The ferocious animal that was tortured by the dinosaur not long ago did not show any joy at the reversal in front of it. It suddenly looked at the approaching human figure while dying, and made a weak but extremely nervous sound.

He Yan knew what it was thinking, squatted down and whispered: "Don't be afraid, we will not kill you, let alone treat you as prey. You have also seen that those dinosaurs are not weaker than any beasts at all. There may be a little possibility of winning against a beast, but against a dinosaur hunting in groups... you already know and experience it, let's just say it, now we need companions, if you are willing to join us, we will hunt and live together in the future And never hurt your companions, just nod your head, we will do our best to save you. But if you don't want to, of course we will save you, but if anything happens to you later, it is your own choice, just be completely with us It's irrelevant..." 

 Before that sentence was finished, the ferocious animal in the pool of blood blinked, and suddenly a line of bloody tears flowed down. It raised its forelegs, and Si Lu, who had not yet transformed into a human form, immediately blocked it. In front of He Yan, however, the scarred beast did not attack. With the lifting of its forelegs, she transformed into a human form.

It was a young woman with short hair. She was lying in a pool of blood, raising her hands slowly, and said loudly, "I am willing." He Yan was


He didn't expect that this ferocious beast had already evolved into a human form.

Si Lu's animal form was also taken aback.

Junya had finished the last dinosaur. He walked towards He Yan and was startled by the sudden appearance of a human figure.

The woman looked at the wreckage of the ferocious beast not far away, gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, her voice was crying: "That's my father... the one next to me is my partner, he listens to me the most, and he is also in human form ...You save him! He will never hurt you...I beg him..."

Although the human figure in front of everyone was somewhat unexpected, He Yan knew that this place should not stay for a long time, he He stepped forward to help the woman up: "Don't worry, talk slowly when you get back, we will try our best to save you."

The woman was still crying.

The congratulatory words asked Si Lu, who had just turned into a human form, to pick up the woman, and then turned into a beast form.

Sloan put the woman on his back, and then transformed himself into a beast shape to fight against other heavier dinosaurs.

He Yan put another unconscious beast on it, and when he was about to help carry a smaller dinosaur, he found that Si Lu and Jun Ya had already resisted the four.

Several people prepare to leave.

When passing the wreckage of the ferocious beast, He Yan paused, and the woman on his back noticed his strange appearance, and suddenly begged: "No, don't eat it..."

 He Yan didn't mean that at all, he just Thinking that these two ferocious beasts will be their partners in the future, is her father's body just placed here...

He can see that this woman has deep feelings for her father. When she was observing before, she fell to the ground There's no need to scream at that dinosaur to torture her.

She roared feebly at the group of dinosaurs at that time, more like stopping them out of hatred.

He Yan didn't think too much, he quickly put the woman and the ferocious beast down, then wrapped the few remaining parts of the wreckage with two giant leaves, put them in the woman's arms under her pleading, and then re- Picking them up, they walked towards home...

Before reaching the nest, they saw a group of small white beasts waiting at the foot of the mountain. The most eye-catching one was the little chubby beast, which was circling crazily at the door of Junya's lair. Seeing their triumphant return, it immediately wailed and rushed over like the wind.

They used to put the dinosaurs all down.

He Yan asked Si Lu and Jun Ya to help dig a simple nest hole to house the two newcomers.

While they were busy, He Yan went to prepare the medicine.

After mixing a large bowl of Zifen liquid, the two newcomers have been put into the newly dug simple stone cave.

Sloan and Junya continued to make a simple fireplace inside.

Under serious injuries, the two ferocious beasts lost too much blood, and the warm environment is conducive to their recovery.

The injuries of the two of them were very serious, almost no part of their body was healthy, He Yan looked at it, and called a few registered little beasts to help.

He first taught the little beast to shrink its sharp claws back, then dipped the purple fungus liquid on the meat pads, and then let them control their strength, and gently wiped the liquid on the meat pads on the wound of the hideous animal. After teaching, he He made another bowl of Zifen Liquid and began to smear the woman.

The woman endured the pain and remained silent.

He Yan took the opportunity to chat with her: "Are the three of you humanoid?"

"Uh... no, no." She frowned and endured the pain, her voice was very low, and then her throat trembled as if caught in some memory , his voice seemed to be ground by gravel, "My father is not, some beasts can't become human in their lifetime..." 

"But not all beasts are so indifferent. Before I was an adult, when all the little beasts in the vicinity When I was exiled after growing fangs and being able to walk, my father was the only beast that insisted on keeping me by my side..."

"So when I became an adult, I swore that no matter what happens, I will never leave him." 

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