Chapter 29

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After going back to finish the fireplace that day, He Yan and Slut found a few flat boulders to enclose a small space in the oversized hole as a bedroom.

    The stone bed is in the bedroom, close to the new boulder wall, and the fireplace is at the opposite end of the stone bed, so that the small space will make the warmth effect better.

    Although the fireplace has a chimney, just in case, He Yan drilled three finger-thick holes at the bottom of the fireplace for ventilation, and used the excess mud to pinch two hole plugs and left them to dry, so that the fireplace will not fire in the future When the time comes, these two holes can be blocked at any time.

    Not far from the fireplace, there are colorful cobblestone flowers that He Yan once glued together for Slull. Under the dim light, at first glance, it looks like a patterned rug.

    And those luminous stones were placed on the stone table beside the bed, and most of them were found for him by Si Lu.

    With the fireplace and the luminous stone, even though the upper window hole has been blocked, the cave has not been plunged into darkness again.

    He Yan is very satisfied with this newly partitioned small bedroom. Compared with the original spacious big hole, it is more like a cozy little home.

    After eating, the two went to wash up at the unfrozen spring near the cave as usual.

    Before in the southern tribes, all human figures used water, cotton cloth and a kind of mint-like leaves to clean their mouths. At that time, Slut who turned into a human form had always done the same thing. Later, He Yan became a human form, and he went to the countryside to do as the Romans do. The things brought from the southern tribes to clean teeth, although I still feel a little inconvenient, but there is no other way for a while.

    After all, he still can't do the fine work of embedding cleaned animal hairs one by one on the wood to make a toothbrush... In the end, he can only

    take out part of the twine brought by the southern tribes and tear it into a piece A section is used as dental floss, and used together with the previous things.

    At this time, He Yan, who had finished cleaning up first, put his hands in his sleeves and waited for Silu.

    Although Silu is a ferocious animal born and bred here, every time he cleans his mouth, he will be very careful and meticulous.

    He Yan was relieved, but remembered the state of human children when they first learned to brush their teeth—this was the case for a child of a trainer in his previous life. The brush in a small pot can last for nearly ten minutes, and its seriousness and obsession are somewhat eerily similar to the man in front of him.

    He Yan smiled, and began to admire the snow scene at night, and finally moved his eyes to the plants near the spring without knowing it.

    It is a plant similar to Sijiqing, with very thin root eyelashes, covered with a layer of white snow, the leaves under the snow are still emerald green, under the moonlight, the green reflects the white, which is pleasing to the eye.

    Congratulations was going to bring back a few and put them on the bedside as decorations, so he reached out and broke off a branch.

    The place where it was broken gave off a refreshing and refreshing smell, which was very similar to the suspected mint leaf taste of the southern tribes.

    He Yan was taken aback for a moment. He first thought he had found the mint in this world, and he was overjoyed. He immediately tore off the leaf and took a few bites to verify it. The result was that it didn't taste the same at all.

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