Chapter 67

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 Later, He Yan came out with red-eyed Chu holding the little dinosaur.

After he finished talking briefly about the matter, he controlled his emotions and together with Slut, picked off the tiny hairs on the little dinosaur that hadn't been brushed off.

Afterwards, He Yan fed Rawu some water, and let him eat a few wild fruits to moisten it, and then put the raw meat in front of him and started eating together.

The meal this time was different from before, He Yan always hugged Rawu.

The little dinosaur stopped sneezing, and all the tears were wiped away. He sat obediently on his lap. After a while, he seemed to forget the previous sadness. He glanced back at He Yan from time to time. Immediately, he lowered his head and ate the meat, with his mouth puffed up and moving.

He Yan was full without eating much, staring at the little dinosaur full of thoughts.

All the subtle expressions on his face were seen by the man.

After eating, Slut packed up everything, came in from the outside, hugged the little dinosaur in He Yan's arms, and said, "Let's make a swing." He Yan looked up at him, the man's other hand had already held He held on.

The family went outside.

When the sun is good, some small animals and adult beasts began to bask in the sun again.

Raoul climbed up from the man's arms and stretched his neck to look over there.

Congratulations noticed its small movements, and leaned over to kiss the little dinosaur on the cheek: "Does Rao want to go too? Go if you want, it doesn't matter even if it's different, and there are even some benefits. You see, in the future, everyone may When Dad wants to find you, he can see you at a glance. Isn't it?"

The little dinosaur was stunned for a moment, then slowly widened his eyes, suddenly looked down at his body, and then at the group of people in the distance Bai Tuanzi patted his paws in surprise, as if he had discovered something extraordinary because of the congratulatory words: "Huh!"

It was so easy to be happy again, but He Yan felt even more distressed, touched its head again, and sent it to the small herd with the men.

As soon as they saw the little dinosaur, several small animals nearby patted the empty space next to it, motioning it to get down very skillfully.

The little dinosaur walked over, glanced at He Yan and Si Lu, thought for a while, then turned his butt upwards, and slowly lay down like all beasts.

Because as soon as it lay down, the exposed back was obviously a different color from the nearby little beasts. It stared at the back of its paws, and then at the white ball beside it. At first, it rolled its eyes nervously... until a little beast Began to stare at its scales curiously.

It is rare for a little dinosaur to lie down and bask in the sun with the little beasts recently. Although it did before, it was smaller at that time, and its scales did not grow well. Among the group, all the little beasts didn't pay much attention to the special feature of its scale armor. But now, under the sunlight, the dark scales actually reflected some different spots of light. Staring at it for a long time, it looked like the glistening water surface under the scorching sun. 

 The little beast seemed to find it miraculous, and couldn't help stretching out its flesh pad to touch its scales. The little dinosaur was startled and looked up quickly. The little beast beside him thought it was upset, so it gave a low whimper, and politely moved its furry forehead to let it be touched. The little dinosaur didn't react at first, stayed for a while, and then stretched out its paws to touch its head twice. 

The fluffy feel made him really like it. When it couldn't help but prepare to touch the third one, the other party suddenly raised its head Come on, woo woo woo to signal it to lower its head too. The little dinosaur blinked, and Yuanyuan's head lowered obediently. The opponent's soft meat pad slowly touched its forehead twice.

"Eh?" This is the first time that Rau has been touched by a small animal other than his fathers and adult beasts. Rubbing, it seemed that after such a touch, it found something special about it, and began to lie next to it.

The little dinosaur didn't react at first, and when he realized that the other party's behavior just now seemed to be because he liked his scales, he slightly widened his eyes, then grinned, and rubbed against the little beast, but due to his partial body Big, almost turned the opponent over... 

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