Chapter 64

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  The next day, everyone was divided into two groups, one group went hunting to provide food for everyone, and the other group continued to build fences, simple stone walls and wooden houses outside the tribal range.

He Yan started firing the first batch of dried tiles.

Sloan built another kiln nearby, and he planned to fire a few pots for hot water and soup during this period. He knew that He Yan usually likes to drink soup. He used the method He Yan taught before to make larger pots. It was the ancient mud strip pan construction method in He Yan's original world. 

After making the chassis, first rub out the mud strips from bottom to top to make it bigger Then use fired small pottery pieces to smooth out the uneven surface caused by the accumulation of inner and outer mud strips, and finally let it dry to wait for later firing.

This method requires some patience, and men never seem to be short of patience.

The house couldn't be built in just a few days. During this period, he didn't want He Yan to make do with it all the time.

When he was concentrating on making pottery, He Yan had already called all the dolls over to make tiles.

He made simple square molds with wooden branches. Compared with the relatively complicated process of making pottery, as long as the tiles are roughly made in front of them, everyone will know it, and then divide a mold to make each one.

When Si Lu finished the first pottery clay embryo, the people over there had already made a lot of tiles and hung them in the designated place.

At the same time, the other monsters continued to build the first wooden house according to He Yan's demonstration.

Everything is moving forward.

There was an unforeseen situation, and when the house was being built to the fourth day, it began to rain.

Fortunately, the congratulations were not unprepared.

The night before last, he found that there were no stars in the night sky, and he had a premonition that the weather might not be good the next day, so he and Slough made a simple low shed in advance, and covered all the tiles and mud embryos that everyone had not yet burned. Cover it up underneath.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was falling in a hurry.

A small number of the beasts that were still recovering from their wounds and the pregnant Manman were sent by other beasts to the canopy on the top of the mountain to hide from the rain, while the other young and strong beasts just drenched in the rain indifferently.

To them, being exposed to the rain is like basking in the sun, and they will not easily get sick or feel unwell because of it, basically just taking a bath.

Some even excitedly chased a few hexapods in the distance in the rain.

When He Yan and Slut flew to the top of the mountain, the little dinosaur was standing beside Manman and stretched out his round head to look out. When he saw his figure, he immediately yelled loudly and rushed over, nearly falling down. .

Congratulations rushed to the canopy first and hugged Rawu: "Come on, Daddy is here to hide from the rain with Rawu!"

The little dinosaur hugged him tightly, raised his head and whispered.

The blue-eyed male beast following behind stared at them for a few moments, then suddenly leaned over and licked the water off He Yan's face, finally let out a low growl, then turned and rushed into the rain.

He is also going to take advantage of the rain to have a small-scale hunt with those excited beasts.

The space under the canopy was not too crowded. He Yan watched the figure of the male beast completely disappear from his field of vision, and then sat inside with the little dinosaur in his arms.

When turning his head, he inadvertently saw Junya who was being carried by Xiaohuo not far away.

Junya was seriously injured at the time. Although he saved his life, there was not enough Zifen to heal his injuries at that time, and the recovery from his injuries was slower than other beasts. Up to now, he couldn't even walk freely by himself.

Xiao Huo leaned on him on his lap, and then turned back into the animal form. Junya took advantage of the situation and leaned on his animal body, half lying down.

Looking up, Junya also saw the congratulatory message, and she didn't know what to think of, and suddenly lowered her head, as if embarrassed.

He Yan saw that he was in good condition, so he didn't go to bother him. He squeezed the little dinosaur's paw and began to brush the dirt on it one after another.

The little dinosaur stretched out the other short claw.

"Xiao, Xiaomei..." Junya's low voice suddenly came from behind.

When He Yan turned his head, he saw Junya looking at him, and raised his hand to beckon him.

"What's wrong?"

"Could Xiaomei come over a little bit? I, I can't move now..." he said in embarrassment.

He Yan didn't think much about it, he got up and walked over holding the little dinosaur's paw: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Junya shook his head, and suddenly raised his finger to point to the open space in front of him: "Sit, Xiaomei."

He Yan didn't know what he wanted to do. What are you doing, sitting down with some doubts, the little dinosaur hugged his arm and sat gently on his lap.

Junya glanced at the little dinosaur in his arms, and murmured: "Xiaomei must be very happy if she has a child." 

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