Chapter 46

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  When they were amazed by this scene, there was a sound of running rapidly in the forest behind them.

Congratulations immediately turned around, and Slut and the others looked over vigilantly.

A few trees in the distance were shaking, as if some wild beast had bumped into it, and soon after the tree, there were sounds of flapping and roaring from different wild beasts.

He Yan thought that other dinosaurs were preying, and exchanged glances with Slut, and flew into the air together, Junya and Xiaohuo immediately followed.

As a result, when he flew over the tops of those trees, He Yan caught a glimpse of a familiar shadow below.

A red-winged female beast is leading a few male beasts to surround the two feathered dinosaurs that are left alone for the final hunt.

The congratulatory words stopped immediately, it was the animal shape of the leader of the southern tribe.

Si Lu also recognized the identity of that person, stopped Junya and Xiaohuo from flying forward, and stopped in mid-air with He Yan.

After they watched the hunting below completely over, they flew down and landed on the ground.

The hideous beast that descended from the sky obviously startled the hideous beast on the ground.

The leading female beast was about to rush over, but when she saw He Yan's human figure, she stopped immediately, and stopped the rest of the beasts behind her who were baring their teeth with a ferocious expression. She looked at He Yan and his side again. Desi gave a glance, and carefully changed back to human form. When his eyes moved to the red-haired beast beside them, his eyes suddenly widened.

When Xiao Huo saw her, he was also stunned.

He Yan has been observing her actions, seeing her eyes should still remember Slut, so he said: "Hello, I am He Yan who once lived in your tribe, so I don't need to introduce you. These two It's our friend, don't get excited, we're not here to cause trouble, we just want to inform you of something, and we'll leave after we finish."

The woman came back to her senses and looked at He Yan's wings, very surprised: " You... are you really that little beast? You have evolved into this appearance..."

Congratulations They didn't have much time, so they nodded and got straight to the point: "I remember you once had the idea of ​​wanting human form and pure animal form to live in peace, didn't you?" 

The woman paused slightly: "What do you want to say?"

" Your idea can be realized."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not difficult to live in peace with the human form and the pure animal form. Because the nature of the beasts is not what you said, they are just passed on from generation to generation. Influenced by the ferocious and indifferent beasts, they will always learn to imitate and continue this so-called nature. As for harming human forms, you know it yourself, because they have never seen human forms, so they will naturally treat human forms as another kind Animals attack, but this can be changed... For example, you can try to raise small animals that stray nearby, as long as you don't abuse them, raise them normally, after adulthood, they will not attack except for the initial short-term violent state Humanoid ones, after all, they already understand that humanoids are also their own kind. When they become adults, even if they don't evolve into humanoids, they can get along with you normally and hunt cooperatively, but you must guide them well and don't bully them..." 

Before the words After finishing speaking, the woman's eyes suddenly turned red, she looked through the congratulatory words, and looked in the direction behind him.

He looked back in a daze, and saw Xiao Huo leaning towards Junya.

He looked at the woman again with a puzzled expression.

The woman withdrew her gaze, she bit her lower lip, and looked up at him again: "Thank you for telling me about this... But in fact, I have also noticed this during this period of time... But it was through other beasts, You should have met many round-headed beasts like that on the road, right?"

Congratulations: "You mean those round-headed dinosaurs?"

"Round-headed dinosaur? Is that what you call it..." 

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