Chapter 31

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  Putting down the little chubby beast with an inexplicable nosebleed, He Yan turned to look at Junya.

Junya, who had turned into a human form, was wearing a simple animal fur coat, wrapped in a black wool coat. At first glance, He Yan almost thought he was wearing a mink coat.

Junya's feet are bare/exposed.

He Yan could tell that he should have been spending the winter in the shape of a beast.

"You change back, you will get sick if you catch a cold." He Yan said.

"No, I won't be able to talk to you that way." Junya shook his head, his attention had already moved away from the group of little beasts, he walked up to him enduring the cold on his feet and stared at him, "Little Mei, you look so pretty!"

"Thank you, I really don't call me Xiaomei... you should call me Congratulations from now on." After finishing speaking, he looked down at his clothes and shoes, "If you like, I will I can teach you how to do it."

The other party was slightly stunned, suddenly lowered his head and stopped talking, not knowing what he was thinking.

He Yan looked at his bare feet, and added: "I'm serious, as long as there are animal skins and wool, these can be made. Whenever you want to learn, you can come to my house." The other party still looked down. ground.

He Yan turned around and set up the crooked wooden branch on the little fat beast's back. He still had work to do.

The little chubby beast below had already wiped away the nosebleed with its paws, and its nervous eyes were going back and forth between Junya and He Yan.

"Let's go." He Yan glared at it, stretched out his hand to pat it on the head, got up again and transformed into a beast shape, leading them to continue walking.

"Xiaomei! I have something to tell you!"

He Yan turned his head to look at him.

Junya gritted her teeth and said loudly: "I, I know that you have your own partner, but...but I still want to play with you, and I am willing not to annoy that big guy anymore, I... ...Can you...can you..."

He seemed to be at a loss for what to say, but he really wanted to express his thoughts. He was very anxious for a while, but there was no way.

Congratulations directly turned into a human form and looked at him: "Do you want to be friends with me?"

Junya paused slightly.


There is no such thing as a friend in the world of the beast.

Except for partners and blood relatives, all the same kind have no relationship with them.

Even if it is a temporary hunting partner formed as a last resort, when conflicts arise, they will immediately kill each other mercilessly.

What is a friend?

Not a partner, not a relative.

But can we stay together often?

He raised his eyes and stared blankly at the hornless young man in front of him.

After a long while, he said: "Well, I want to be Xiaomei's friend."

"Okay." He Yan replied without thinking, "Then we will be friends from now on, but... you can no longer fight with Si Fight."

Junya was stunned, and then said: "I won't! I won't fight with Xiaomei's partner!"

 He Yan only then rolled his eyes, and the two looked at each other and smiled inexplicably, but didn't say anything more .

He Yan changed back into the animal form and continued to move forward.

Junya also quickly changed back to the animal form after a brief absence, and followed, ranking behind the little beasts.

The little chubby beast also turned into a beast, with its chest raised and its head raised all the way, and every step it took was extraordinarily powerful.

After a while, their group caught up with the main force.

The other three little beasts could hardly keep up with its pace.

When he reached the river, He Yan used his claws to break through the ice layer, and intermittently dug out the soil needed to build the kiln.

Junya put down the bald tiger and came to help.

He Yan was not polite to him, and when the time came to burn pottery, he would just help him burn some pottery, and it would be useful for him to live in human form for a long time in the future.

After digging out the roughly required soil, the congratulatory words were evenly distributed on the giant leaves on the backs of the little beasts according to their endurance.

If they make more trips, they will definitely be able to finish the shipment before dark.

The little chubby beast who had an inexplicable nosebleed before was much more active than before, as if he had taken a stimulant. After the dirt was distributed on his back, he led the other three little beasts back quickly, and soon overtook them. The groups in front of them...

After getting out all the common soil they needed, He Yan went to find useful clay.

In the evening hours, clay is also sufficient. The pile of soil before the river had all been transported back by the little beasts, but Junya hadn't left yet, and had been waiting for him on the bank.

By the way, he turned into a human form and complained: "Xiaomei, your partner should also talk about it, why are you so lazy? Let you go out to work alone..."

He Yan made a pile of clay and it was inconvenient for someone to refute, I had no choice but to give him a white look, and then motioned him to get the pile of clay on his back.

Junya had no choice but to shut up and stepped forward to help.

When he was halfway through, He Yan suddenly noticed a white shadow appearing in the distance.

When all the clay was thrown onto Junya's back, the shadow had already approached.

The little chubby beast came over with the leaves that had been torn down a lot on its back. Under He Yan's puzzled eyes, it lay down without saying a word. Seeing that no one paid attention to it, it turned to look at He Yan again. He turned his back, took a last look at Junya, and immediately lowered his head again.

Congratulations: "..."

Junya saw what it meant, and directly grabbed a handful of clay from He Yan's back and put it on the leaves on its back.

Afterwards, He Yan watched the little chubby beast stand up with trembling limbs.

When Junya walked away from behind it, its short legs stopped shaking, and then moved forward firmly step by step.

He Yan: "..."

Saying goodbye to Junya, He Yan walked back on the small footprints of the little beasts, but after walking for a long time, he saw a familiar figure.

The huge ferocious beast flew directly in front of him, without saying anything, it came up and rubbed his forehead with its horns. After rubbing hard for a while, it went directly to turn the pile of clay on his back that was cushioned by giant leaves to itself. back.

Then the two beasts patted each other with their wings, walked side by side, and began to run back at high speed.

Soon they met the little chubby beast carrying a small pile of clay, and without further ado, He Yan caught it and threw it on his back.

The three beasts just returned home before dark.

A small circle of small animals waiting to be paid has already surrounded the entrance of the nest.

He Yan and Si Lu unloaded the clay and placed it at the entrance of the warehouse cave, then changed back into a human form and went back to the cave to get meat.

When he was sleeping last night, he had already told Slough about this matter. After the other party came back from hunting, he had used a stone knife to help him chop some bacon into evenly small pieces, and put all of them in the bowl he specially made for his congratulations. In a fur bag.

He Yan took the animal skin bag and began to "pay wages" at the entrance of the cave.

The little beasts who had received the pieces of meat finally went back scatteredly.

The little chubby beast with the piece of meat in its mouth was the last to leave. It didn't know what it was thinking.

After the salary was paid, He Yan and Si Lu went to the nearby warehouse to tidy up. There is already a high pile of firewood on the left side of the big hole in the warehouse, and the soil brought back by the little beasts is piled up on the right side of the hole.

The wood was stacked very neatly, and there was basically no need to rearrange it. He Yan lit a fire next to the stone wall on the right, and used it for lighting while keeping warm.

He wants to build a small clay kiln tonight, so that he can use it to test the production of the first batch of pottery earlier.

After reconciling the soil, He Yan built the paste according to the idea...

Slut watched carefully, and when He Yan built a rough shape of the kiln, he took the meat and roasted it on the fire next to it .

After a busy day, when he smelled the meat, He Yan realized how hungry he was. He quickly put down his work and walked over quickly with a pair of muddy hands: "Ah, it smells so good! Lulu! Lulu, feed me a little bit first." !"

The man skillfully took out a part of the grilled meat, blew on it, and handed it to his mouth.

He Yan opened his mouth and swallowed it quickly, feeling extremely happy for a moment, he opened his mouth again: "More!"

A piece of meat was brought to his mouth again.

After taking a few mouthfuls, He Yan lowered his eyes to look at Si Lu who was feeding him earnestly. He didn't bite during the next feeding, but just lightly rubbed it between his lips, and suddenly said: "Ah, it's so hot!

" Immediately got up, subconsciously leaned in front of his lips and blew a few times, then stroked his lips with his thumb: "Does it hurt?" Obviously it didn't hurt, but He Yan snorted: "It hurts."

" I know why, obviously he is no longer the weak little beast he used to be, but in front of men, he can't help but pretend to be weak and want to act like a baby.

And Silu also clearly knows that he has nothing to do with fragility at all, but as long as he frowns, even for no reason, he can treat him like a porcelain bottle that is easily broken, and hold it carefully.

Where is it like a ferocious beast.

The man stared at him blankly, his thumb still on the pink lips.

He Yan opened his mouth slightly, and said in a low voice that it hurts.

He stared at Sluan, his voice was soft and soft that he didn't realize.

In the slightly cold air, the light blue eyes were slightly colored by the night, and the emotions that were originally insignificant suddenly became intense.

The tall and tall man leaned over and arched his back.

He Yan's lips were kissed hard.

Where does it hurt? Not even one-tenth of the pain given by the other party.

That person always has extreme tenderness towards him, but when he is emotional, he is like a real beast.

But he likes him like this, and likes him more and more.

He came into this world with nothing.

Slug was the only treasure he carried. 

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