Chapter 24

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                                Suli? !

    He Yan was dumbfounded.

    Their speed was too fast, not long after, he couldn't even see the shadow of the beast.

    After waiting for a while, He Yan didn't see Si Lu coming back, so he had to transport all the pebbles back to the cave, and when he came out of the cave, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the roasted meat next to him.

    The roast is divided into two portions, one on the left and one on the right, on clean leaves.

    After watching He Yan do this once, Slut will do it every time.

    He was absent-minded for a moment, and then a man who roasted the meat but couldn't find him suddenly appeared in his mind, and finally turned into a beast to go out to look for the beast, only to see him with another ferocious beast.

    And it was he who seemed to hate that green-eyed ferocious beast since yesterday.

    Thinking of the angry look of the other party when they chased him out, He Yan felt that Si Lu must have misunderstood it!

    He set off quickly, looking for Si Lu in the direction where the two beasts ran in his memory.

    But after walking for a long time, he didn't see any familiar shadows. Finally, he passed another hill and didn't know where to go.

    After thinking for a while, he was worried that Si Lu would not see him if he went back, so he ran back immediately.

    Still Sloan didn't come back.

    When the golden afterglow in the sky was about to recede, a huge shadow gradually appeared at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

    The congratulatory words lying at the door saw that it was Si Lu at a glance, and immediately got up happily to meet him.

    When he got closer, he saw that there were many fighting marks on the beast-shaped body of Slaughter, and there were many messy feathers on the back. The black ones belonged to him, and the others should belong to that Junya... Congratulations

    worriedly Called "Lulu", but the other party seemed to shake his head, then only glanced at him, and then continued to move forward.

    This... is this losing your temper?

    He Yan, who was treated coldly for the first time, was dumbfounded and forgot to follow.

    After a while, he saw the beast that had gone a long way ahead stop and look back at him.

    He Yan also looked at him and blinked.

    Seeing him motionless, the huge male beast's eyes changed slightly. After a while, the originally indifferent male beast raised its feet and ran quickly towards him, growled, and suddenly spread its wings and put his head under its body.

    He continued to growl, his tone of voice sounded angry at first, and then seemed to be friendly, which was extremely contradictory.

    Even though He Yan is now a member of the beast, his self-awareness is still human, so many times he still can't fully understand some of the sudden behaviors of this species in the animal form.

    But it was amazing that at this moment, he could clearly feel the other party's unusual and human-like complex and changeable emotions.

    His heart trembled, he didn't think about the things contained in it, but followed his own thoughts, raised his head and looked straight at him.

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