Chapter 61

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  That night, because of the new Lewis Law and the arrival of the hexapod prey, everyone seemed to be in a much better mood.

After He Yan and the others returned to the resting place, Slut went to barbecue, and He Yan took out the peanuts left in his pocket and peeled them, and handed them to Raw who was always next to him and kept blinking his eyes.

He decided to call this kind of food peanuts in the future, and it's no problem to be a snack for beasts and dinosaurs.

When the little dinosaur was eating peanuts, He Yan held it in his arms, touched its dirty paws because it kept drawing eggs on the ground, then found a leaf to wipe it, and went to Touch its round and slippery belly.

When building the canopy, He Yan took the time to feed it some raw meat from time to time. It is currently full and feels very comfortable.

As soon as he touched the little dinosaur, he grinned and wobbled in his arms. Finally, he felt that his touching movements slowed down, and turned over, lying on his side to expose his belly, so that he could continue to touch it.

He Yan looked at it with a smile: "Rau, you really don't look like a dinosaur anymore."

The little dinosaur looked at him suspiciously.

He Yan stretched out his hand to touch its belly twice, and suddenly went to scratch its creaking nest. The little dinosaur grinned and struggled desperately for a while before letting go.

After a while, the little dinosaur was not afraid that he would continue to play tricks, panting and rubbing against his arms again with his belly exposed.

"If I'm any worse, what kind of treatment will you have..." He Yan hugged the little dinosaur helplessly, feeling that it seemed to be heavier than before, and suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart that his son had gained weight .

The man not far away had already grilled the meat, He Yan put the little dinosaur on the ground, and ate with the man who came over.

In addition to some unfinished giant crocodiles, the meat that Slull roasted tonight also had several pieces of hexapod meat.

The taste of the six-legged beast is a bit like the beef in He Yan's impression, he likes it very much, and he seemed to accept it well when he saw other beasts eating before. Hexapods are not big in size, but they are abundant, and their taste is not as repulsive to them as animals such as sheep before. The danger of hunting is also very low, and they can be one of their main prey in the future.

After eating and drinking, He Yan finally felt tired.

The little dinosaur started to doze off when they were eating, but he was unwilling to lie down and sleep next to him, and kept lying on He Yan's lap to watch him eat.

After the fire was extinguished, He Yan picked up the little dinosaur and sat on the leaf-covered ground. When the man turned into a beast shape, he lay down in his arms exhaustedly. After closing his eyes for a while, he and the little dinosaur both All fell asleep.

When He Yan woke up the next day, it was already noon.

When he opened his eyes, the little dinosaur was sitting next to him drawing eggs. When he realized that he was awake, he immediately got up and ran not far away, screaming.

Si Lu is continuing to build yesterday's canopy with other monsters, and it looks like it is about to be completed.

Some of the beasts are not there, so they should go hunting.

When he heard the cry of the little dinosaur, he turned his head and looked over, then said something to the nearby figure, and walked over quickly.

He Yan sat up in a daze.

He felt a little headache, but he didn't care. He said to the man who came over: "It feels like it's almost afternoon... Lulu, why don't you call me?"

His voice was very hoarse, and he himself was a little surprised when he finished speaking.

The man knelt down and touched his head, and felt that his body temperature was normal, so he whispered: "Sleep well and get up again."

After he finished speaking, he touched his face, turned around and went to light a fire not far away to prepare barbecue for him.

He Yan wanted to go there at first, but he felt a little dizzy when he got up, so he had to take a deep breath and sit down again.

Suddenly Raoul ran behind and arched his head on his back.

Congratulations was humiliated for a while, and he couldn't help turning his head and laughing: "Why do you humiliate me? Why don't you go to find Manman today?"

At first, he thought the little dinosaur was playing, but after a while, he realized that it seemed to be a little anxious, and slowly realized that it saw him when he almost stopped standing not long ago, so he kept pushing him forward.

Congratulations froze for a while, then stretched out his hand to grab it, but when he touched the opponent's body, his eyes suddenly went black, all the strength in his body seemed to be taken away, and his body fell back uncontrollably.

His first thought at the time was: It's over, I'm going to crush Rao!

Fortunately, at the next moment, when he was about to fall over, he was caught and hugged tightly by a certain pair of hands that appeared in time.

In his last consciousness, his mind was filled with the sound of Raoul crying and the man yelling his name hurriedly.

He wanted to respond, but he couldn't speak a single word, he couldn't move his body, his soul seemed to be leaving, he was frightened and powerless, and finally, he just entered the chaos.

After an unknown amount of time, he vaguely saw the light, slowly traced the light source, and finally saw himself again.

He was a little confused.

Because what I saw was my self the day before I lost my sight in the previous life.

At that time, he was only 20 years old, had been in the national team for two years, won the world championship a year ago, and became a highly anticipated shooting star.

That day was originally one of his vacations, and he just wanted to visit the abandoned factory near his hometown before the training camp.

When he was a child, he liked to stick to the target and play with toy guns there, but when he grew up, he came less and less.

He never thought that such a peaceful day would be different because of a group of murderers hiding in it and an undercover policeman in danger.

The policeman was seriously injured and was originally hiding in a huge iron box. When He Yan was almost discovered by the murderers inside, he uttered his voice in time to save him.

They were hiding in a huge iron box. The other party seemed to have been slashed several times, and he was on the verge of dying. It was difficult for him to call the police as soon as possible.

When He Yan went out for a walk, he didn't have the habit of bringing his mobile phone.

The other party was a little desperate, he didn't know what to do, he just kept using his hands to stop the bleeding, but the wounds were too many and too big, and after a while, both of them were covered in red.

The other party panted, shaking his head and sticking it to his ear: "No, it's useless, they found out my identity, and they are all murderers. Now you may be found out if you go out by yourself, let alone me...don't even think about it." Help me. You first find a way to escape by yourself...then call the police, maybe you can save the people inside...they are a group of of them has been killed by them...there is another... " 

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