Chapter 72

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 When winter was about to pass, more than a dozen more beasts evolved into human forms, and Xue'er could already crawl flexibly on the ground by herself. After the newborn's fluff slowly grows, Xue'er is much more beautiful, because her body is round and she likes to stick out her little tongue. She is very popular in the tribe, and even the little beasts will work hard to earn snacks Or a toy to keep it entertained.

Rawu from He Yan's house is no exception, every few days he will go to Manman's house to see Sister Xue'er together with the words of congratulations.

After all, as soon as Xueer was born, the youngest in the tribe was no longer Rawu. Rawu, who was often treated as a kid and little brother by the little beasts, instantly became like a little adult. Sometimes when it fell down, I would learn how the little beasts usually walk and teach it how to walk.

Congratulations: "..."

He Yan thinks that it will definitely cry if it knows that it has fallen into the cesspit before.

A few months later, after the overwhelming white snow completely melted, the temperature gradually rose.

He Yan is planning something recently.

He was going to take Raoul out fishing with Slool.

The little dinosaur has grown taller, and its fangs have become sharper and sharper. It may be dangerous to take it out for hunting, but fishing is still no problem.

Sharks or some large fish rarely appear in the shallow waters along the coast. Even if there are, they are easy to be spotted by He Yan and the fishing team, and some small fish and shrimps will not pose a threat to Rau at all.

What's more, the purpose of this trip is said to be fishing, but in fact it is more like taking the children out to play and see the world.

After making an appointment with the fishing team, He Yan and Slut began to prepare for this unusual trip.

Knowing that he was going on a long trip with his fathers, Rau was so happy that he got up before dawn. He practiced under the eaves by imitating various hunting moves of his father. His appetite was much bigger than before. When I sleep, I will subconsciously hum the sound of "Hey Ha Hey Ha" during practice.

Seeing that it was so serious, He Yan didn't stop him, and specially made him a few small harpoons and net bags.

Si Lu also made a few more bundles of new bows and arrows for He Yan, and picked a lot of wild fruits and dried them to dry for He Yan on the way.

On the day of departure, the family of three were well prepared.

After all, it is not the first time for He Yan and Slut to go to the sea area there, and the things that should be taken have already been packed, and the newcomer Rau is not only the first time to go to the seaside, but also the first time to travel far. Anxious, I checked my bag several times.

It was carrying a backpack made of congratulations, and I put some dried meat and fish in it. I originally planned to put the small clay dinosaur in it, but when I put it in, there was not much space in the bag.

It also wanted to bring back some more things for Xue'er and the little beasts...

He Yan saw it reluctantly took out the little dinosaur, and subconsciously opened his own animal skin bag to let it in.

The little dinosaur took a look and shook his head.

He Yan already put a lot of things in his bag.

When the other party wanted to help it put it away, it sent the little clay dinosaur back to the house in one swift motion.

He Yan was about to set off, but He Yan smiled and didn't insist on letting him take it with him. He hugged the little dinosaur and put it on the back of the male beast, and the family started to go out.

After meeting up with the beasts of the fishing team at the entrance of the fence, He Yan put on a straw hat and flew at low altitude to keep a very close distance from Slut.

This time the fishing team included Awen and his wife. They frequently participated in seaside fishing operations in winter. Now they are the two most familiar beasts in the group, so they run side by side and lead the way.

Raoul was excited when he rested on the side of the mountain that first night.

This is completely different from being forced to sleep outside because of the earthquake, and they are fully prepared.

Rawu sat between the two fathers, and after eating, he happily shared his jerky with He Yan and Slut... After eating and drinking, he rubbed into He Yan's arms, and He Yan hugged it and lay down directly into the beast under the wings.

Even though he was very tired along the way, the little dinosaur did not fall asleep immediately.

It looked up at the stars in the night sky with He Yan for a long, long time, until He Yan fell asleep, it still looked up, and finally found that the big daddy was holding his wings tightly, and then shrank together. went in.

The time spent on this trip was not much different from that of He Yan and the others. They arrived at the beach at noon the next day.

Seeing the blue ocean for the first time, Rau didn't react for a long time.

When He Yan, who was sitting behind it, hugged it and flew down the beast's back, it still looked dumbfounded.

Sloan returned to human form and began to organize the tools.

He Yan thought that Rawu was being stupid, so he immediately reached into its scaly armor and touched it, and found that he was not sweating a lot. Just as he was about to ask questions, the little dinosaur suddenly came back to life, shook his body, and hugged He Yan with a grin. Yan's arms burst out laughing.

Just like scratching the creaking nest before, this reaction was definitely tickled by him just now.

"..." He Yan looked at it amusedly, "What happened just now? It didn't move at all."

The little dinosaur has now recovered, jumped around holding He Yan's arm, and then smacked his face heavily with its mouth. He arched up, yelled and dragged him to the beach.

This is overexcited.

He Yan was also in a good mood. After running with it for a while on the beach and picking up a bunch of shells, Slut over there came over.

He handed the small harpoon and net bag to the little dinosaur, and He Yan a harpoon, and then accompanied them to search for seafood by the sea.

Before catching anything, a few ferocious beasts flying in the distance suddenly started roaring.

They are calling the nearby ferocious beasts to help.

This is the discovery of the big guy.

Si Lu turned into a beast shape and flew over quickly, helping them bite the fishing net with his mouth.

The time to catch the big fish will not be too fast. He Yan took the little dinosaur to watch it from a distance for a while, and then continued to drag it around to find seafood.

After a while, Si Lu's side finally ended.

Panting, He Yan helped the little dinosaur catch a hermit crab on the beach.

Although nothing was caught, the little dinosaur kept grinning.

As soon as the man came over, it screamed and pointed at the hermit crab in He Yan's hand.

Sloan touched his head. Although he didn't say anything, the little dinosaur seemed to be greatly encouraged by it. He squeezed the little harpoon and ran to the beach quickly.

He Yan wanted to get some kelp back, so he handed the little dinosaur to Si Lu.

Slull's fish catching skills are better.

After explaining to the little dinosaur, he flew straight to the sea area where kelp had appeared before.

There were a lot of kelp washed up by the waves on the beach over there. He Yan sorted out a few, and it didn't take too much time this time.

Just as he spread his wings and was about to fly away, he caught a glimpse of bright red out of the corner of his eye.

He froze for a moment, and retracted his wings in an instant.

Not far away, on the bulging moist sand, there is a bright red flower growing.

Golden stamens, long and pointed petals, and a few emerald green leaves above the root lashes.

Although the color is bright, the petals are already a little wilted, and they look like they are about to wither.

In this area, there haven't been any flowers blooming nearby recently. Winter has just passed, and even the wild flowers that bloomed first are now just clusters of buds.

After He Yan walked over, he immediately thought of Donghua.

He had never seen the appearance of winter flowers. All the winter flower seeds he had taken from the southern tribe had died on the road, and they hadn't had time to see the winter flowers in full bloom.

All He Yan's concept of Donghua comes from Si Lu.

Sloan said it was a flower that would bloom in winter.

And the one in front of me obviously blooms in winter and is about to wither in spring.

Without even thinking about it, he bent down to touch the flower.

As soon as the finger touched it, the sand under his feet suddenly sank.

He Yan immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly spread his wings, but before he could fly, a few pairs of tiny claws in the swirling sand tightly grabbed his legs and pushed him heavily to the beach Pull below.


The man was teaching the little dinosaur to catch fish, when a terrified call suddenly came from a distance.

It was the voice of congratulations.

With one side of his eyes, Si Lu immediately turned into a beast shape and rushed over with the little dinosaur on his back.

Over there, half of He Yan's body was sunk in the sand. While calling for help, he kept poking down with the harpoon in his hand.

But the thing below seems to be very strong and flexible, and it can avoid it every time.

He Yan not only failed to hurt it, but also cut his own leg several times.

When the male beast galloped over from a distance, the pile of sand had already spread to He Yan's chest.

Si Lu didn't even change his human form, he rushed over and hooked He Yan's body and pulled him up.

"D-There's something down there! Don't stand on the beach! some other people..."

It was already difficult for He Yan to breathe.

The male beast roared.

The little dinosaur climbed onto the head of the male beast, and imitated the male beast, grabbing his shoulder with its claws and screaming, but the corners of its eyes were wet.

Si Lu continued to hook He Yan's body and flapped his wings to fly upwards vigorously. Not long after, he found the other party's pained expression, and then the animal-shaped body fell to the ground again.

He hugged He Yan's shoulder with his front paws, and pawed desperately on the sand with his back paws.

He dug out a lot of sand, exposing more of He Yan's body... However, the situation didn't improve, because they both sank partly at the same time.

"Stop, stay in the air and don't hit the ground...Stop!" He Yan panicked, "We can't all fall into it, lulu, you stay in the air, wait for the others to arrive..." Before he could finish speaking, he slammed Let out a cry.

Something below was twisting his feet hard.

The eyes of the male beast suddenly turned blood red, and he raised one of his front paws and dug it down fiercely. Not long after, there was a scream of "chichi" from inside.

He hit it!

Just as Si Lu was about to continue to grab down, he heard the little dinosaur on his body screaming and roaring in anger, and then He Yan's original sinking motion stopped suddenly.

The legs became extremely relaxed for a while.

He Yan couldn't believe it, and quickly climbed up.

The following things actually ran away like this.

Without the pulling force from below, Si Lu carried him out easily.

The beasts in the distance also heard the movement and ran over to help...

Awen came late, and she landed in a human form and was about to ask them what was going on, but saw He Yan groping the body of the beast in a collapsed state Looking for something.

"Where is Rau?! Why is Rau missing? It was clearly still on Lulu just now... Rau! Rau!!!"

The male beast forcibly controlled him in front of him, trying to prevent him from running around.

He roared at the rest of the ferocious beasts, signaling them to stay away from the beach, and then he hugged the flustered congratulatory words and flew into the sky, staring down and began to search.

They didn't even spare the nearby sea water.

But there was no sign of Raoul.

A baby dinosaur can't just disappear for no reason.

He Yan tried to calm himself down, he kept recalling all the details not long ago.

At that time, the strange thing under the sand was clearly not yet caught by Si Lu, why did he let him go so easily? !

Is it... Did you find a new prey?

right! He remembered hearing Rawu calling a few times at that time...

Thinking of this, He Yan really broke down. His voice was already hoarse, but he was still shouting Rawu's name loudly.

All the monsters are helping to find Rau at the seaside.

They searched for a long time but did not see the shadow of half a dinosaur.

Just when He Yan was on the verge of despair, somewhere on the originally calm beach suddenly moved upwards.

Si Lu was the first to notice something strange, and rushed over with a congratulatory message.

Before landing, a little dinosaur jumped out from under the sand half-submerged in seawater.

Not only the little dinosaur, the little dinosaur also bit a creature half its size in its mouth.

The creature had octopus-like tentacles with thin claws, but its body had a hard black skin like most fishes.

At first glance, it looks a bit oozing.

However, this infiltrating guy has now been bitten by the little dinosaur and broke most of his tentacles, and he is completely motionless.

When Congratulations ran over, the little dinosaur slapped the strange thing with its paws angrily, and it was only when it was hugged into its arms that it seemed to realize what had just happened.

It looked at He Yan with wet eyes: "Hey..."

He Yan yelled at it with tears and laughter: "Where did you go?! Why did you disappear suddenly?! Do you know that we are scared to death? It's so dangerous here, how can you run away alone?! In case something happens..."

The little dinosaur didn't feel scared at first, but when he heard the congratulations crying, he also started to cry in fear, and hugged him hard rub up.

Although the behavior of the little dinosaur burrowing into the sand and hunting that strange thing surprised everyone, its safety and security made all the monsters feel relieved. They went to growl to comfort them, and then went back to fishing again.

Si Lu put the congratulatory words that gradually calmed down together with the little dinosaur on his back, then picked up the strange thing that had been bitten to death, and flew towards the distant shore.

Under the trees away from the beach.

Rawu continued to rub against He Yan's arms.

As soon as Sloan returned to his human form, he cleaned the wound for He Yan who was sitting on the ground, and then applied Zifen to him, and looked at him every time he touched the wound: "Does it hurt?" He Yan kept shaking his head.

The man bowed his head and continued.

The little dinosaur in his arms had already calmed down. He Yan looked at Si Lun's head in front of him, and suddenly said in a hoarse voice: "Lulu, I just found out that this is actually very good." The other party looked up at him.

"Because I was worried that Rau would not see the same kind in the future, I always thought about the future... But just now, I couldn't find it..."

"At that time, I was very scared. I thought at the time, as long as God can return Rau to me, as long as it is still alive, it doesn't matter even if it is disabled. So what, as long as it has a father and friends... we can live the life in front of us!" 

After he finished speaking, the little dinosaur in his arms arched vigorously in his arms. He bit his lip and hugged the little dinosaur with one hand, but slowly spread the other hand towards Si Lu.

In the palm, is a winter flower that has been crumpled.

The man's eyes changed slightly.

He Yan said softly: "Although there will be no more in the future, both Lulu and I have seen winter flowers."

The movement of the other party to touch his palm suddenly froze.

After an unknown amount of time, the man finally raised his eyes and looked into his eyes.

He reached out and touched He Yan's face: "It doesn't matter if you don't look at it."

No one knows, he has already seen something far more amazing and precious than Donghua.

right in front of you.

He will watch him all his life.

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