Chapter 32

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Slull did not go hunting the next day.

In the warehouse cave, when He Yan was making all kinds of pottery with clay, he followed the way He Yan built the kiln yesterday, and built a kiln about three times the size of the previous one near the small kiln.

After He Yan finished making a small water glass, he felt a little amused when he saw Si Lu come over and stare at the work he was doing and began to learn.

He felt more and more that Sloan was like a kind of good student who didn't have to worry about it all the time, and he was that teacher, he didn't need to teach at all, students would understand and learn by themselves, let alone assign homework, because students would consciously write questions and draw inferences from one instance. !

When the second cup was finished, a flat object had already been squeezed out from the man's side. He Yan looked at it carefully for a while and thought it should be a plate.

There is also the imprint of small flowers drawn in the middle of the plate.

"..." He Yan didn't know whether to praise him or not.

At noon, He Yan finally finished the pottery for the first batch of experiments: two water cups, a small water tank the size of a head, and a plate made by Slough.

He Yan put all these things on a flat stone in the warehouse cave to dry, and then took Silu's hand to go back to the cave for dinner.

When he was approaching the entrance of the cave, he saw a white snowball with half a giant leaf on it.

When I walked over, I realized that it was not a snowball at all.

The little chubby beast squatted motionless at the cave door of his house with Leaf on its back.

As soon as the leaves on its back were congratulated, it knew it was coming to work. It was funny for a moment, leaned over and poked its forehead and said: "Little friend, the work of transporting goods was finished yesterday, this is not needed every day You guys came to do it, and if there is more work later, can I go to your place to inform you?"

The little fat beast rolled its eyes and understood, but still didn't leave.

Congratulations Yan thought of his prodigal behavior before, and felt a little bit in his heart, thinking that the meat earned yesterday was gone, so he asked, "You...are you hungry?" 

Hearing this, the little fat beast immediately shook its head, He also stretched out his fat paws and pointed to his mouth, shut his mouth tightly and continued to shake his head.

Not only is he not hungry, but he still hasn't eaten his wages from yesterday!

At this moment, the footsteps of wild animals running suddenly came from not far away.

He Yan looked up.

A green-eyed ferocious beast with a lot of animal skins and black wool on its back is running towards here at a fast pace.

Looking at the outfit, He Yan knew what he was here for.

As soon as he stood up, He Yan's hand was firmly pinched by someone.

Sloan's expression had changed.

After realizing that the man was about to turn into a beast, He Yan grabbed his wrist with his backhand: "Lulu, don't!" 

"I sent Junya here, he doesn't know how to make clothes and shoes... Teach him."

The man stood there without moving, but his eyes were full of hostility.

Congratulations had no choice but to hug his waist: "Si Lu, we are already partners, I only like you, you believe me... If you are unhappy, I'm sorry." 

The man's originally stiff body shook instantly.

Junya, who finally ran to the front of the hole, immediately braked: "..."

He let out a muffled groan before changing into a human form, holding the pile of materials in his arms, gritted his teeth and walked over.

Even though he was mentally prepared to face Xiaomei and Xiaomei's partner, he was still a little awkward seeing such a scene.

Just as he was about to get close to those two people, there was a milky and extremely restrained cry of pain from under his feet. He was startled, and immediately looked down.

He stepped on a stubby white tail.

The snow-white and round little chubby beast was almost integrated with the snow, especially since there was half a leaf on his back. At first he thought it was a leaf that fell on the snowdrift.

A leaf is still a leaf, but a snowdrift is not a snowdrift.

Junya, who used to be a small animal, naturally knew how painful it was to have his tail trampled on, so he was also stunned. He thought the other party would howl and cry, but he kept his mouth tightly shut the whole time, and blinked his wet round eyes vigorously. Without raising his head, he suddenly ran away with his calves thumping.

He didn't pay much attention, looked up at the two people who had separated in front of him, and pouted.

He Yan led him into the cave with some embarrassment.

Originally, Junya, who had imagined that Xiaomei lived in a cold cave, was shocked when she entered.

"Xiaomei, your house is so beautiful..." He kept staring at the stone tables, chairs and stones that separated several spaces from the hole.

"Thank you, you can also do it at home. These are easy to do."

After chatting for a few words, Congratulations dragged the silent Slut and led Junya to a small room with a fireplace inside.

"Let's make clothes here. It's not easy to make clothes in animal form. It's warmer here in human form."

Seeing the fireplace and the quilt on the stone bed, Junya's eyes widened.

"Xiao Meimei is amazing..."

"Most of it was done by Slut, he is much better than me..." 

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