Chapter 41

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 At the end of this winter, all the stone walls within the planning range were finally built.

Because it is estimated that there will be newcomers joining in the future, He Yan and the others have left an extra loose exit at the foot of the continuous stone mountain, and usually use a few huge boulders to block it. If there are too many adult beasts in the future, You can also extend the expansion wall there at any time.

During this period, three more small beasts became adults, and He Yan and the others rescued two new adult beasts. Now including He Yan himself, Si Lu, Junya, Xiaohuo, Awen, Janet and the one rescued last time, there are already twelve adult beasts in their home.

Although the new beasts from outside will be hostile and subconsciously attack them at the beginning, those beasts who have grown up from the small beasts here are all mild-tempered except for the short-term rage when they are just adults.

As a result, He Yan finally proved that the previous thought was correct: the beasts are not naturally cruel, and when all of their kind are cruel, they will naturally learn from each other for survival or for various reasons, but if they have long-term contact with their kind who treat them gently, They will also slowly learn this method of getting along with their own kind.

And when they were young beasts, they have been watching He Yan's various transformations from human form to beast form, so in this point, they are also different from those beast forms that have never seen human form, because before they reach adulthood I am already familiar with their different forms, so I will not attack after they change back to human form.

The team began to grow like this. Although they would still be vigilant when they went hunting together, they were no longer as frightened as before.

Junya named the male ferocious animal whose hair was damaged to the point of being partially zebra-like after being injured, and he said at the time: "Look at the white spots on its body, these are the marks left by the battle. It's very meaningful, and it should be named to commemorate it, isn't it, Tiaotiao?"

The beast named Tiaotiao: "..."

After that, the other beasts were also "given" new names by Junya from time to time...

After the snow melts completely, spring comes.

Erzhu's stomach has become very big at this time, and the little beasts who clean the pigsty will look around Erzhu with great anticipation every day, perhaps understanding the meaning of Erzhu's pregnancy, and the number of times they feed pigs has also become more often than before.

He Yan used scales to make a batch of small armors for the collection team. In addition to collecting firewood, they would occasionally follow him to plant vegetables and grains in nearby planned places.

He Yan and Awen dug the soil and sprinkled the seeds, and the little beasts pushed the soil into the pit with their paws to bury the seeds.

They work together pretty well!

Now that there are more adult beasts, sometimes they don't have to go out to hunt. For example, in this period of changing seasons, there are many things to do, and the congratulations will stay. The basic thing to do is to sow seeds, sew new clothes, Manufacture all kinds of useful stone tools and pottery, etc., and when I am busy, Awen, who has no wings, will stay and help together.

After sowing the grain and vegetable seeds brought from the southern tribes, He Yan took the plucked Zifen root eyelashes and looked for a sowing place nearby.

Zifen mostly grows in swamps and likes humidity. They have very thick and long root lashes. As long as the root lashes are fully grown and inserted in a suitable wetland, they can be planted. Their newly grown lashes can be broken off for use, and after a while, they will continue to grow again.

He Yan finally found a slope. There is a spring on the top of the slope, and the spring water flows all the time. It will irrigate the land below for a long time. Yes, it is the most suitable place to grow Zifen.

After the vegetables, food, and medicine are planted step by step, the rest becomes easier.

The sewing of spring and summer clothes is far easier than winter cotton clothes. Sometimes He Yan has finished sewing a few pieces, and Slug and the others have not come back from hunting.

Another time, he was really bored, so he went to knead new clay embryos. They didn't lack any living utensils. He thought about it, and suddenly had an idea, and made two little people—one with long hair and horns between his eyebrows, and one with horns between his eyebrows. Short hair, looks like a normal human being.

When he put it on the stone to dry, he took the little beasts to watch the dusk at the exit and wait for people by the way.

It wasn't until a group of familiar shadows of beasts carrying various prey appeared not far away that he got up and rushed over, hugging the head of one of the ferocious beasts, and let go after a while.

With the arrival of spring, many wild beasts began to move frequently, and their hunting results this time were quite limited.

At night, a group of people and beasts ate a big table meal in the moonlight outside the lair.

Xiao Huo, Tiao Tiao, and five other pure animal-shaped beasts gathered around a huge stone table, on which there were roasted cooked meat and raw meat that other beasts except Xiao Huo loved to eat.

He Yan and the five human figures ate at a smaller stone table next to them. There were barbecue meat, broth and some wild fruits on the table.

The red-haired beast wanted to change to a small table several times in the middle, but when it sat down near Junya, its claws could not help reaching the edge of the stone table. Put the stone near Junya's position, put barbecue on it and ask him to sit down.

Xiaohuo now has his own place very close to Junya.

And the little beasts before they were underage were all eating extravagantly in the little beast cafeteria at this time, and today they all had extra meals.

During the meal, the table was very lively, the ferocious beasts roared and chatted with each other; Awen and Junya kept arguing about the name of the little beast if they were pregnant in the future; Janet kept adding soup to Awen; Quietly took out a few small yellow flowers, and gently pinned them to He Yan's ears.

Congratulations resisted the urge to reach out and pull those flowers down: "...does it look good?"

Si Lu looked at it for a long time as if admiring: "It looks good."

His expression was extremely sincere.

Congratulations: "..."

This hobby seems to be irreversible.

When going to bed at night, He Yan put the flowers on his ears into the vase he made earlier, and placed the vase on the stone table beside the bed.

There is no need for a fireplace now, and the ventilation holes below are all blocked, and the blocked window openings are opened for ventilation.

Although the room is not too bright, the appearance of the flowers can still be seen at a close distance, and a faint fragrance can be smelled when you get close.

Sure enough, Si Lun saw the vase of flowers when he went to bed, and paused.

Congratulations was in an inexplicably good mood today, looking at him under the quilt, he raised his lips and smiled: "Does it look good?"

Naturally, he asked about the flowers in the vase, but the man stared at his face the whole time after looking at the flowers.

"It looks good."

As he said that, the man leaned over and hugged the man and the quilt in his arms, and he was kissing him.

He Yan pulled down the quilt, revealing his slender neck, opened his mouth and was about to speak, when the man kissed his neck forcefully. He immediately trembled, and stretched out his hand to try to grab the man's clothes, but in the end, he touched the developed triangle on the man's arm. Just when the man lightly bit the collarbone under his neck, he hummed instantly.

The man raised his head, looked at him with dark eyes for a few times, and then blocked the mouth that kept humming...

All the toes of the foot that were exposed outside the quilt were turned up.

After it was over, he lay in the man's arms with wet eyes.

He firmly believed that he didn't cry, it was just physical tears.

The man gently kissed his eyelids over and over again.

He Yan yelled a few times in a hoarse voice, and then completely fell asleep in his arms.

In the afternoon of the next day, He Yan finally finished firing the two villains at the door of the warehouse.

He rushed into the hole with the two little men, and Sloan was sewing clothes at this time.

He held a small figure in one hand and held it in front of the man: "Guess who this is?"

Although the villain is rough, he has distinctive features. The man glanced at the hornless one, "Yan Yan." 

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