Chapter 52

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 After that day, He Yan began to teach Lao how to walk seriously at home.

At the beginning, it could only insist on walking a few steps, and sometimes when a small animal passed by, it would even fall to the ground after only one step.

It can be called porcelain.

He Yan had no choice but to make a simple cloth like a cloth bag according to its body size, and tied vines on the clothes, and then put the clothes on it, while he held the other end of the vines.

How should I put it, although He Yan doesn't want to admit it, it's really like walking a dog...

But with him holding the vines beside him, even if the little dinosaur's body is crooked, He Yan can still grab the rope in time to prevent him from falling...

.At first, the little dinosaur, who was afraid of being dropped, felt safe after coming down a few times, and became a lot bolder. Slowly, he realized that he could go far, so he let out a cry of excitement, and immediately ran forward quickly. As a result, he staggered under his feet, and when he fell hard to the ground, He Yan had no time to pull it.

"Don't rush, take your time..." Before He Yan went to pull it, the little dinosaur pulled the vine to get up by itself.

When it was learning to walk, it basically never cried. At this time, it still wagged its tail to indicate that it was fine, and started walking again.

It has gone pretty well.

He Yan looked at the side for a while, and went to help it take off the clothes tied with vines as usual, patted its gray body and said: "Today's study time is over, go play, I will Around here, remember, don't run around."

After speaking, he pointed to the stone slide where a few small animals were already playing.

The little dinosaur followed his line of sight, patted its paws, and approached slowly with wobbly steps.

He Yan didn't leave immediately, he stood there and watched from a distance.

When the little dinosaur passed by, the little beasts whined immediately, their tone of voice was excited.

They have swung with Rao several times during this period, and they are already familiar friends with him.

A little animal that had just slid down put the straw mat in front of Rau, then pointed its paw at the slide with a whimper.

The little dinosaur grinned, leaned over surrounded by those little beasts, picked up the straw mat carefully, and swayed up the slide.

The little beasts following saw it carefully sit down on it, looked at each other, and at the same time stretched out the pads and pushed the chubby little dinosaur down.

"Hey——" the little dinosaur screamed and slid all the way to the ground.

When the other little beasts surrounded it, it was still a little dazed, sitting on the ground motionless.

Just when the little beasts thought they were frightened, the little dinosaur blinked very slowly in reflex arc, let out a high-pitched cry twice, pointed at the slide with its short paws, and jumped vigorously. He fell down, fell to the ground, grinned and rolled excitedly.

Just when the little beasts didn't know what happened, it got up from the ground again, staggeringly picked up the straw mat and rubbed against other little beasts.

It was only then that everyone realized that this was fun, and they wanted to come back with them again...

Seeing that Rawu had completely merged with the little beasts, He Yan went to the pigsty to see the piglets that had been released before.

The little piggy has grown very strong now, and like the big pig and the second pig, it has started to eat big sweet potatoes and other plants.

After thinking about it, he decided to dig a few smaller pigpens and raise them separately.

The pigsty is not as big as the nest hole, so it is not difficult to dig, but now that he has no animal shape, this kind of thing can't be done well. It just so happens that Tiao Tiao is at home today, so he came to help him dig out a few pigsty holes soon .

Most of the new pigsty holes are near the vegetable fields, which makes it easier to fertilize nearby.

He Yan divided the piglets into different pigpens according to the method of male and female mating. After cleaning up the new pigpens, he called all the piglets over.

The sick little beast is all well now, looking up at him energetically.

I heard from Awen that most of these immature little beasts are still a few years away from adulthood. Considering that the ferocious beasts in the territory will gradually have a partner and their own children, there are seasons when prey is scarce or other things. Unpredictably bad situation, the pig is He Yan who thinks out a way out for the little beasts. 

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