Chapter 65

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 After the first house was built, many beasts were watching outside, and all the beasts that had evolved turned into human shapes to go in for further observation. Everyone has basically participated in the process, but looking at the completed building now is a different feeling.

The little beasts also walked in curiously.

If there is no problem, then the first room is their collective dormitory.

Rau swayed slightly and blended in, blinking his eyes together with the little beasts and making exclamation sounds.

The big wooden house was built very solidly, and the tiles on it were finished, and some hay was laid, and it could be formally moved in and rested.

He Yan checked it out and found no problems, so he handed over the house to the little beasts.

With a new house, it was still a style that they had never lived in. The little beasts were a little excited. They rolled around in it a few times, and then they came out to transport the fired tiles for everyone excitedly.

The walls were all built, and everybody started to build their own houses.

The houses built by pure animal-shaped monsters are relatively rough and spacious, and an empty house will do. For those who have evolved into human forms, they will make more simple facilities such as stoves during calculations, making it easier to do things in human form.

He Yan and Si Lu chose a place where a half-sized sapling grew to build a house.

The congratulatory words are not in a hurry, they are going to slowly build a house with a more lively atmosphere.

The house does not need to be too big, after all, it will not be as big as the previous stone cave. It is a brain-intensive and labor-intensive thing to build. For them, it is not as simple as digging a hole, as long as the space is suitable.

But it can't be too casual. The house must be easy to enter after Silu turns into a beast shape and Rawu grows up, so the height should be higher than other houses, and the space should be moderately spacious.

He Yan discussed with Slut, and the house they finally settled on was a "three bedrooms and one living room" layout. One room was his and Sloan's bedroom, the other was Raoul's bedroom, and the other room was dedicated to storing sundries. "Hall" is the place where they eat together or entertain guests.

At that time, a small yard will be built outside, and then a shed and a stove will be built in the yard. That will be their small kitchen for cooking.

After the plan was made, Slul got the materials and started working.

Except for slightly more delicate manual work like drilling wood and making tiles, the man basically didn't let He Yan do things that required too much physical effort.

In the first few times, He Yan thought about going to work with the man when he was in a good mood, but the other party immediately came over and pushed him back when he was going to carry the heavy wood.

The man always remembers what happened last time.

Seeing his stubbornness, He Yan had no choice but to do the work that the other party allowed.

He didn't want Sloan to worry, even though those worries might have disappeared, but he knew how dead-headed he was.

While He Yan was working tirelessly to "produce" tiles, the man has been rushing forward with the progress of building a new house according to his ideas.

Except for weather such as rain, they almost slept near the selected house location every day.

Just like before, every night, Si Lu would transform into a beast and hold He Yan and the little dinosaur in his arms to protect him all night.

Therefore, despite the strong wind at night or the dew in the morning, He Yan never fell ill.

Not to mention the little dinosaur Rau, which already has the self-protection ability of a beast. As long as it is not in particularly extreme weather and temperature, it will basically not be affected even if it is not nestled in Dad's arms.

After all the beasts' injuries have fully recovered, He Yan and their new home are half completed.

Some beasts living alone have even built their own houses, and the progress of the unfinished ones is almost too fast.

At dusk, He Yan would take advantage of the rest to sit on the top of the mountain with Slut and look down.

Various houses of different sizes were built on the originally empty flat land.

Those who have a couple live together, the house is slightly larger, and some have a good relationship and build the house very close, that is, neighbors.

The houses of Awen, Junya, Xiaohuo and Xiaofei are not far from He Yan's house.

And Xiaohuo's house is directly next to Junya's house.

In addition to humanoids, animal forms also have their own intelligence to some extent, and they will add or change some places by analogy according to their own conditions.

For example, for a pregnant Man Man's family, Tiao Tiao dug a hole in the house, and then asked Awen to help him burn a vat, and finally put the vat in the pit, and then made a wooden cover to cover it. It means waiting later After making bacon and jerky, they can be stored in it for Manman to eat at any time, and it will not take up the area of ​​the home.

But there are also some things that are not going well. Some houses will have water leakage and ventilation. After He Yan knew about it, he would work with them every time to find a way to make up for it...Find the defects, and then work hard to solve them, so that the people behind or myself in the future will be less Take a detour.

A good day is like a horse passing through the window.

As the sun and the moon alternate, finally, every beast has its own house, and He Yan's house has finally been built.

It was no different from his previous idea. When it was finally completed, Sloan still strangely didn't let him in.

Finally, after the man made sure that all the details were settled, He Yan led the little dinosaur into the room and began to look at it.

Halfway through the inspection, he found many surprises.

In addition to the paved hay in Rau's room, there is actually a small baked dinosaur next to it. It is different from the one He Yan made for it before, but it has a more ferocious appearance and patterns on its body. It looks like Slut's and the bedroom of the two of them placed some long-lost luminous stones, which should have been found by Sloan when he went out to collect wood and hunt, not many, but when he saw those few green stones, He Yan suddenly felt like they had returned to the days when they lived in the cave.

He subconsciously looked at the man, then reached out and hugged him tightly.

Sloan put his arms around him and kissed him on the top of his hair.

They have always been together, except for the change of time and circumstances, nothing has changed.

To He Yan's surprise, the little beasts' breeding factory has been built with the help of most of the idle beasts.

There is a lot of space, and there are several spaces outside, which are reserved for future pigs.

After Xiaofei went out for a big hunt with other beasts, he finally let go of his obsession with raising pigs. After struggling for two days, he completely handed over the farm to the little beasts.

After that, He Yan taught all the dolls to build toilets near their houses.

However, thinking about the little dinosaur falling into the pig manure pit before, He Yan began to order Lawu to stay away from the manure pit with a complicated mood.

On the evening of the third day after He Yan's house was built, the interior was finally almost furnished, and they invited all the dolls over to eat cooked food.

In the kitchen in the courtyard, Si Lu was in charge of the barbecue. He Yan mashed the peanuts he had dug out to get a lot of oil, and then heated the oil in a pottery pot. Put the sliced ​​hexapod meat on it and fry it.

As soon as the sizzling sound came out, the man pulled him back, and said with a congratulatory smile: "It's okay, the fried steak is delicious like this."

Seeing the expectation in his eyes when he stared at the pot, the man began to look at it seriously. With those steaks.

The sizzle sound became louder and louder.

The little dinosaurs licking and eating minced meat under the eaves also began to look up curiously.

It didn't take long for He Yan to fry the meat until it was half-cooked, then took it out and covered it, and then put the soup in the pot beside it to cook.

The soup is a mixture of giant crocodile meat and some kind of jujube-like fruit.

During the cooking of the soup, He Yan chatted next to the man one after another.

After a while, He Yan suddenly noticed something pulling his leg from behind, and immediately looked back.

"Hey..." The little dinosaur took out a pottery bowl out of nowhere, and held it vigorously to the congratulatory words, "Hey! Hey!"

He Yan thought it wanted to drink soup, so he smiled: "The soup is not ready yet. !"

The man beside him frowned, took the bowl and showed it to He Yan.

The man said: "Fragrant salt."

After he reminded him, He Yan discovered that there was a thin layer of white seeds on the bottom of the bowl, which was the fragrant salt grass that hadn't grown well nearby.

The little dinosaur has seen the process of He Yan cooking soup before, and knows that he will sprinkle some fragrant salt into it every time, and the fragrant salt is taken from the fragrant salt grass.

This is the first time He Yan has seriously cooked soup after building the house, but because the fragrant salt grass hasn't grown well yet, he naturally didn't put fragrant salt in it.

But the little dinosaur thought that he was too busy and had no time to get the fragrant salt, so he ran to the nearby grass by himself, dug out some with his little paws and brought it over.

"..." He Yan stared blankly at the scented salt with a bit of grass foam in the bowl, and then at the little dinosaur who was blinking at him, his heart seemed to melt, and he took the bowl without saying a word He poured the scented salt that might be tasteless because it was immature into the jar, then turned around and squatted down to hug the round-headed little dinosaur, "Why is Rau so capable?" 

"Huh, huh..." the little dinosaur Mouth him.

The congratulatory words went up and hugged: "But the fragrant salt grass has not grown up yet, just like Rawu, it will become very powerful when it grows up! Later, when the fragrant salt grass grows up, Dad will teach you how to pick... Let's go, first Go in and entertain guests with Dad!"

The little dinosaur's stubby little paws gripped his clothes tightly, and he yelled twice in doubt.

It doesn't seem to understand what it means to entertain guests.

He Yan couldn't help smiling, and gently kissed it on the forehead: "Daddy and big daddy are the masters of the house, and Rau is the little master of the house, so we will entertain everyone with the fathers!" 

The little dinosaur tilted After pondering for a moment, it seemed to gradually understand when He Yan walked into the hall to greet Junya and the others. It began to hug He Yan's neck and arch upwards, and stretched out its paws to Awen behind him: "Hey Hey..." 

 Awen was puzzled for a moment, then she saw He Yan turned her head and winked at her quietly, then she understood the general idea, smiled and held the little dinosaur's paw: "Thank you, Lao, for your welcome, come to my house to play if you have nothing to do in the future !" 

 It was the first time for the little dinosaur to do this kind of thing, and he replied a few words in a low voice, and then shyly retracted into the arms of He Yan. Awen was amused by its reaction, and casually took two pieces of dried meat from her bag and put them into its paws. The little dinosaur paused, yelled at Awen twice, then immediately took out one and put it to He Yan's mouth. 

 Awen couldn't help laughing: "Your little dinosaur is too much fun!" 

 Junya next to him also felt his hands itch, and leaned over to take out the jerky and imitated Awen to feed the little dinosaur. However, the little dinosaur was holding the piece of meat in its paw in its mouth, and the other paw was still held by He Yan's mouth. Facing Junya's kindness, he didn't know how to take it. 

 He Yan saw that it was a little anxious, and immediately put the piece of jerky it was holding into his hand. At this moment, a tall figure walked outside. The man came in with the meat, and when he came over, the other hand hugged him and led him in. "Wow, it smells so good!"

"Ah, I haven't eaten the food made by Xiaomei for a long time..."

"Actually, Lulu's cooking is better than mine..." 

  "What is this?"

"Hmm... It should be called six-legged beast steak... ..."

"Eh? Does Rau usually drink soup like this?! I think dinosaurs are cute when they drink soup..." 

"No, Rau just likes to lick the bowl with his paws..."


... ...

night falls.

The first small banquet after the establishment of the new home has already begun.

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