Chapter 23

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After violently driving away the green-eyed ferocious beast that had been trying to get close to He Yan, it has maintained its animal form since then.

    When they were back in the cave, Sloan pried a new boulder over the entrance.

    This time, there was no gap at all, completely eliminating the possibility of a malicious beast coming to peep.

    He Yan's side has returned to its previous state from the initial mess.

    Although he is not sure whether he will be frightened by his own appearance again when "looking in the mirror", but the animal form in this state is obviously more suitable for living here, and he no longer has to be frightened by the unknown pressure.

    But when he went to see the big pig in the pigsty, the big pig didn't recognize him, and screamed several times in fright.

    To some extent, He Yan can understand it too.

    He had no choice but to motion for Slender to help feed him.

    After a while, the big pig hummed even more, so he hurried over to look.

    A certain male beast not only didn't feed the big sweet potato pieces that the big pigs usually like to eat, but even picked out the few small pieces that were left inside with its claws.

    The big pig, who hadn't gotten new feed for a long time and lost its stock, immediately groaned anxiously...

    Finally, seeing the congratulatory message, Si Lu raised his claws and slowly put big sweet potato pieces into it.

    Congratulations: ...I must have read it wrong, how could Slut bully a pig!


    In the middle of the night, apart from the sound of some insects outside the cave, there were suddenly a few low howls from a certain beast.

    The huge male beast immediately squinted its eyes and glanced at Youyou, and subconsciously turned to look at the male beast beside it.

    After confirming that he was in a deep sleep and didn't wake up, he buried the other person's head tightly on his chest, used his limbs to try to surround He Yan's smaller body, and then closed his wings to cover his ears. Finally, facing the entrance of the cave, he let out a hoarse and threatening sound that he only had when facing the enemy.

    The howling outside died away immediately.

    On the next day's hunt, Si Lu and He Yan still went together.

    However, He Yan is no longer an audience lying on top of each other.

    This time, he is also one of the fighters.

    Although he was a novice hunter, sometimes he didn't need to teach him anything. When he saw a suitable prey, he would subconsciously pounce on it and defeat it in his own way.

    This hunting made He Yan experience the power of this body crushing most species.

    Although the animal form is powerful, it is more convenient to do some delicate work in the human form. When Sloan had to change back into human form to start a fire, He Yan remembered the winter flower seeds he had dug up from the front yard when he left the southern tribes.

    It was late at night when the new house was finished, and the seeds hadn't had time to be processed. Later, he suddenly turned into a beast because of his adulthood... He Yan went

    into the cave and picked the animal skin with his claws, only to find that the leaves inside had been covered with new ones. I want to know that Slull did it.

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