Chapter 28

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The snow in this world is no different from the snow in He Yan's cognition.

    He ran out when Sluan was lighting the fire, because he put on a newly sewn cotton coat in advance, and wrapped his feet in half-tube socks made of animal skin. At first, he didn't feel cold when he stepped on the grass covered with thin snow. When the goose-feather snow fell on his eyelashes one by one, there was even a surge of heat in his heart.

    Immediately afterwards, a few more snowflakes fell on the white nose along the eyelashes.

    He Yan rolled his eyes motionlessly, staring at the slowly melting snowflakes on his nose.

    In his last life, since he lost his eyesight, he never saw snow again.

    Every winter after that, he became keen on listening to the weather forecast every day, and then walked back and forth on the street with his guide dog on a day when snow was forecast.

    Sometimes the weather forecast is not accurate, and he will walk for a long time in vain, but more often, he will still encounter snow.

    Especially in the first snow every year, he would stay motionless for a long time in a park with few people, and wait for the snow to fall on his exposed ear tips, cheeks, nose, palms one by one... After that, he would become inexplicably Very happy, humming songs on the way home.

    Because he can use his own method to see the size, shape and melting speed of snow.

    Like everyone else, his world truly enters winter when he sees snow.


    Congratulations Yan didn't want to brush the snow off his nose, he took a deep breath, and started humming and stomping on the grass.

    After a while, a few strings of footprints appeared on the thin snow layer...

    I was happy to be crazy, but soon my feet were numb from the cold.

    Even though he was wearing animal skin socks, the outer shoes were still the straw sandals he had woven with hay before, which didn't have any warming effect at all.

    When he ran back into the cave, Sloan had already set up the fire.

    Although it was cold, he didn't go to the fire first, but directly hugged the man from behind, stroking the man's waist and abdomen to keep him warm.

    The man subconsciously moved his body, and when he realized it, he pulled him into his arms.

    He looked at He Yan's powdery face, and raised his hand to gently rub his jelly face.

    After a while, He Yan's face became warm from being rubbed like this.

    The tossing heart was so calmed down, he leaned against Si Lu and warmed up with him, and after his whole body was warmed up, he remembered something, and immediately got up to take out some scales, hay and animal skins in stock, Then he compared his own shoes, and said seriously to Si Lu: "I want to make leather boots!"

    The man blinked his eyes, as if he didn't know the meaning of "leather boots" in his mouth.

    "That's what I think, use animal skins as the lining, and the scales are sewn on the outermost layer, and then put some hay in the middle of the soles. By the way, you can also add some sheep wool inside to make it warmer... But use that Granny Awen I can still sew quilts with needles, but it's a bit difficult for me to get the soles of the shoes, and I'm not good at I'll leave the soles to you!"

Then, he went over to take the sewing kit and Some of the materials were put in the man's hands, and then he was taught the specific steps by gesturing to the beast and other materials.

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