༺ 8. ༻

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"OHH! SAVE ME! SAVE ME! PLEASE HELP!" Felix yelled and Hyunjin immediately ran inside thinking that something happened to him.

He went inside and saw all his maid and even his butler standing there and trying to say something to someone...

And two boys were holding Felix to go any further inside the house.

"Hyunjin, look we catch a thief, he is so pretty but look at his deeds" a guy said.

"Leave him! What are you guys even doing?" Hyunjin said

"No, man! He has to pay for his bad deeds" another guy said holding Felix's wounded wrist.

Felix hissed in pain as it was already bleed when the glass cut his hands and now this, moreover, it's the same wrist which got injured in accident, almost, yesterday.

"No! But what are you guys doing here?" Hyunjin asked

"We are just here for work so we thought it's good to see you so we came here and your guard know us so he let us in" one of them explain.

"Oh, okay" Hyunjin replied.

"Fuck Hyunjin! What's that?! Tell them to leave my hand or I will gonna punch them!" Felix yelled, here he is groaning in pain and the older is busy in greeting them.

"Oh shit! Yeah, Soobin and Yeonjun leave him, bros" Hyunjin said.

"But h-"

"He is my husband! Now leave his hand for god damn sake!" Hyunjin, told them most likely to say, yelled.

Both guys leave his wrists after listening to what Hyunjin said.

"Husband?" Soobin asked not knowing the whole scene.

"So that's all are not rumors" Yeonjun said understanding something.

"Yes, they are not" Hyunjin said, he saw Felix walking towards his room and shut the door with a loud thud noise.

"Now leave, will call you later if I got spare time" Hyunjin said and walks off.

"People are right, LOVE IS BLIND an now I saw it from my own not so holy eyes" Yeonjun said and Soobin chuckled.

"He is so in love that he got no time for us" Soobin said.

"He is madly in lo-"

"You both didn't leave!" Hyunjin yelled out of nowhere.

"Where is he?" Yeonjun asked.

"God knows, it's his home, he is everywhere inside the house" Soobin replied

"Stfu! How can a person be everywhere at the same time" Hyunjin asked still searching of Hyunjin, looking under the dining table.

"Did I say the same time?" Soobin asked, joining Yeonjun.

"But you mean i-"

"Still here!" Hyunjin yelled and both boys groan in pain when they got to hit by a pair of shoes, straight flying on their asses.

"Oh shit! Leave" Yeonjun almost curse.

"He is wild" Soobin said and run for his life.

"Good boy gone wild" Yeonjun sang and follow Soobin out off the house.


Hyunjin went to his room but his mind is full of Felix....

He got a wound yesterday.

He hurt his hand today.

It was bleeding.

Husbands (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now