༺ 64. ༻

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Just had my last exam yesterday. Huh, finally.

Never feel worst than I am feeling right now!

Have you guys ever feel it like that? Like missing your favourite person's birthday!!! The feeling is worst.
I missed his birthday! How can I?!

Gave my exam yesterday from 3pm to 5pm and was freaking exhausted that I sleep when I came back and when I woke up it's already 21st in Korea and then I realized I missed his birthday!😭 The freak!

I forget to wish him.... Even though I know he'll never gonna receive it.. yet still.


Long chapter ahead~

Hyunjin doesn't know what is going on with Lix and he desperately wants to know, he desperately wants to make things like it was before between them, he shrugged some haunting thoughts and went downstairs and made his way to kitchen for some fresh juice for Felix while Felix was laying on the bed, scrolling his phone when he received a voice message from Ryujin. He immediately tap on the notification, put his media volume down and tp to open it...

'Listen, they went for it and that's not a big deal for them coz we both know they will be back successfully, after all you trained them... the deal which is freakin biggest is that how the heck you'll gonna change it with the real one? and second big deal is what if they will find out.. it was us? Since, Wooyoung already did a deed in behalf of us'

His smirk, which appear on his face after listening the first half, is starting to fade as he continue listening further and totally faded away till end.

'Nothings gonna happen...' he sighed not sure himself 'we will find out how it's gonna happen, okay? Firstly, I have to find out if Hyunjin or anyone else know that this bracelet is Wooyoung Hyung's or is San Hyung keep things to himself'

He recorded and send it to Ryujin as a voice message and put his phone beside him just to pick it up again and saw another voice message from her.

'okay. Tell me as soon as you find out... I'll try to bring this topic in front of Yeji maybe she will tell me something'

'Great. Let's solve it together'

'As if we never did.... Bye'

'haha, alright bye'


He got up and went downstairs just to find his husband making fresh apple juice for him, he cooed and went behind Hyunjin and back hugged him while Hyunjin came back in his senses and feel his little sunshine hugging him.

"Bub? When did you come?" He asked pulling himself away from the hug.. thinking if it makes Felix uncomfortable. Even though he knew how much they both love to stay close to each other.

Felix lit it happen and stand at almost 1 feet distant. He look at Hyunjin who seems zoning out from time to time and thought Did he really not see me coming here?

"Hyu-" his words were cut when Hyunjin gives him a glass of fresh juice while saying "c'mon, sit here and drink it... You needs a lot of rest and energy to gain your potential again and you have to be my cuddle bug again without you flinching" he warned at the end, fake glaring, pointing his index finger in fake anger yet real sadness while Felix chuckled knowing it's serious.

"I am serious" Hyunjin cleared.

"I was also serious when I told you to touch me" Felix rolled his eyes, sipping his juice.

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