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Hyunjin's gang found nothing while investigating but when they came out of the old house and was about to sit inside the car just to reach their own houses when Chan's eyes found something sparkling, in the middle of the night, beside the bush.

Everyone seated themselves in cars except Chan, Hyunjin, San and Minho who just came out of the car when he saw his three mates are discussing something.

"Bracelet? This bracelet is looking new and expensive" He said when he approached them. "Yeah, kinda suspicious. Why would someone wear these type of accessories, while working dangerous and even when they knew it can expose a lot, if they (accessories) are not valuable?" Chan replied.

"Maybe it's one of those guys" Hyunjin suggested.

"They will come after us to get it if it's that much dear to them. We have got an opportunity tho" Minho said and give the bracelet to San to keep it safe.

San was the one who just stayed silent at that moment when there are thousand of questions lingering in his mind.

They drive towards the city and went to their respective houses.


Hyunjin went in their bedroom just to find Felix sleeping soundly. He smiled looking at him and changed his clothes into a soft pair of pyjamas then slide inside blanket beside his cute husband, back hugged him and kissed his exposed shoulder.

"Where were you?" Felix's deep voice suddenly echoed in their dark room. Hyunjin look up at him and he turn around to face Hyunjin. "Went to find Dad" he answered and peck on his nose.

"Ohh. Did you find him?" Felix asked and cuddle him "actually we didn't. Let's talk about him tomorrow" he answered and Felix pursed his lips. After a good minute of hearing each other's heartbeats, Hyunjin break the silence "Could I ask the same?" making Felix's breathe hitched.

He feared.

A different type of fear is starting haunting him... It's not that Hyunjin will find out him being a Mafia but it's the fear of..

Losing someone

Losing someone special

Losing that specific one

Losing the one he loves the most

Losing his entire reason of living

Losing Hyunjin

What if Hyunjin said he doesn't want him after knowing the reality? What if Hyunjin start hating him? What if Hyunjin break their beautiful relationship? What if...

But it won't happen, right? He is a Mafia then why will he leave him, right?

"W-what does it mean?" He asked trying to keep his normal behaviour "It means that when I was going I found you everywhere in the house but you were nowhere and I was worried" Hyunjin said kissing his forehead.

"I was with Jeongin. You were not at home when I was leaving so I decided to message you but you didn't see" Felix said hugging him coz that haunting thought made him lose his sanity and he knows he can't lose it in front of Hyunjin. At least not now.

"Hmm, I love you" "I love you too" Hyunjin pecked his lip and then drift into sleep with his angel in his embrace.


"Anghhh~ H-Hyunjin! Stop!" He mewled and yelled afterwards when Hyunjin faster his pace and rail inside the boy.

"That's your punishment. Bear it!" He yelled and start biting on his soft skin harshly.

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