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What's smut?? I don't know...

Okay...The chapter has!! 👀



"What are you saying, Hyunjin?" Chan asked once Hyunjin tells him how he is feeling. "Yeah, Hyung. I am hundred percent sure I am feeling this way since that lady bumped in us... I don't know but it feels like I know her.. it's like something is going to happen real bad" he answered.

"Hmm.. believe in yourself.. nothing will go wrong, hopefully" he answered, and try to join the dots.. "did you see her? How she looks like or something?"

"No. She has a mask on, her forehead was covered with her hair and a bucket bat.. I only saw her eyes.. not really but I did.. it's puffy.. like she cried or something, maybe she is sick.. I don't really know.. it's just not feel well" he sighed

"Okayy" he said "fine.. I'll try to find out something.. rest well" he said and they bid byes before cutting the call.

He sighed and walks to find Lix who comes to be in a shower... Felix doesn't feel well... Whenever he looks at his body, it feels like he is disgusted but at the same time he is not.

It's just the situation making him upset, sad, cry, disgusted and everything which is bad in every aspect.


⚠️ Smut ahead ⚠️

(Kids stay away!!! 👊🏻👊🏻)

Hyunjin sat on bed, waiting for Lix to come out, it's been 20 minutes he is waiting but Felix didn't came out.

The sound of the shower already stopped 10 minutes ago. Hyunjin thought he must be changing clothes but it's been 10 minutes or more.. who took this much long just to change clothes... He is getting worried and worried as seconds passes..

He went to knock on the door but stopped when he hear tiny sobs.

Felix, in the shower, was crying... thinking of everything which is going wrong.. thinking of the way Hyunjin will react once he know who he is.. thinking of what Hyunjin will feel once he know he loves a killer, a murderer, murderer of his step mother, murderer of a lot of people he know or he doesn't know.. thinking of what Hyunjin will feel when he will know that the person he loves betrayed him when they they should tell each and everything to each other but he lied.. he hide things... thinking that will Hyunjin accept him or not??? Will Hyunjin gets the point that what Felix is doing was for him and he actually doesnt want to hurt him in any way?? Will Hyunjin always love him? That even a question? Ofc, he will.

But sometimes people who loves you leaves you.

He maybe Mafia Leader.. He maybe the Leader of Leaders but he is a human too.. he has feelings too.. he loves a person more than himself that he never wants to hurt but he is doing??

He maybe is a Leader of Leaders but for Hyunjin, he is weak. Hyunjin is his strength yet his weakness. Hyunjin is his cure yet his pain. Hyunjin is his happiness yet he is sad. Hyunjin is his light yet he is in the dark. Hyunjin is his everything. Everything a person need in a understanding partner, Hyunjin has every single quality that Felix needs. Hyunjin is his world, his Galaxy, his Universe.

Hyunjin is his everything yet he is lying to him. Is he not committing a sin? A sin of lying. Lying to your partner who loves you more than anything in the world. Is he not betraying Hyunjin? A betrayal that was not supposed to enter their lives. Will not Hyunjin hate him? The hate which he is never supposed to get. The last question is not even a question.. or it is?

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