༺ 10. ༻

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Hyunjin saw him lying on them and it makes his blood boil. He tried to stop himself to say or do anything which he will regret later, he just pulls out his phone to divert his attention from them but will it help? Ofc, not.

Felix saw Hyunjin pulling out his phone from his pocket and he smirked...

Jisung intentionally start to play with Felix's hair, noticing Hyunjin's reaction. Felix let him do this coz he wanna see Hyunjin's not so please reactions but little did he know that there are these two who are noticing their drama.

"Wow! Ji, there is magic in your hands" Feliz said looking up at Jisung.

"Hahaha! Why?" Jisung lightly laughed and asked.

"As you are caressing my hair, it is making me fall asleep" Felix said cutely giggling.

"Aww" Jisung peck Felix's forehead and Felix smiled... Minho look at Hyunjin by the corner of his eye and there he is ..... Clicking his tongue to his inner mouth and burning in anger.

Felix is enjoying the view while Hyunjin is not liking a bit of it.

"Lix! You still have that tattoo?" Seungmin asked as he notice the familiar tattoo on Felix's calf, which Felix got 2 years ago.

"Yep!" Felix said and everyone throw their attentions towards Felix's leg tattoo when Seungmin said.

"Wow! Lix, it so cute just like you" Changbin said and Felix giggled still lying on all of them while everyone is looking at that tattoo with amazed expressions except two.... Minho and Hyunjin..... Minho because he knew that Felix have tattoo on his calf..... Hyunjin because he is not liking the way everyone is drooling over his husband's calf tattoo.

"Can I touch it?" Chan asked

"Ofc, Hyung" Felix said, he doesn't care about them drooling over his tattoo, he is just enjoying Hyunjin's expressions. But the question is why he is doing all this? Why he wanna see Hyunjin's not so pleased reactions? Why he like seeing Hyunjin's burning jealousy? why he is even enjoying it all? And the most important question 'why is Hyunjin angry..... Or ..... Maybe ..... Jealous?'

What drama is going on there?.........

Chan asked but Changbin is the first one to touch it and drool over that.....

Felix thought that's enough of seeing Hyunjin so he decide to sit straight....

Felix sit straight and Hyunjin saw him sitting straight....

Hyunjin is more than happy to see him sitting straight. He doesn't like how other boys were touching him not even one but everyone was touching his husband and Felix is enjoying them touching him..... How can he do that when his own husband is sitting in front of him? He should've sit beside him but no, he is enjoying other guys touching him....

Why am I thinking like this? He can do whatever he want... But why I don't like how he lie on them or how they are touching him.... It shouldn't matter to me... But it does.... It makes my blood boil... It is making me to beat the shit outta those who touch him, to throw their hands off of Him.... Why?....


It all just making difficult to stay here....

Why am I feeling these emotions? I can't.... I shouldn't..... But I feel all that.... Why? It's not a good sign..... I can't feel these emotions towards anyone.... Specially HIM.... It's just a paper thing.... Nothing else......

"Hyunjin-ah" Minho said lightly...

"Hmm" Hyunjin hummed.

"Are you okay? You are burning, man!" Minho said touching Hyunjin's face...

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