༺ 7. ༻

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"DON'T YOU EVER DARE TO CALL ANYTHING LIKE THAT ABOUT THEM! GO AWAY FROM HERE BEFORE I PUNCH DIRECT ON YOUR FILTHY FACE!" A girl said full in attitude and everyone there stood in shock specially Hyunjin, Jisung and Minho.

"Hey! Buddy, you fine?" The same girl who punched, asked Hyunjin...

"Yeah, thank you for that otherwise I don't know what will I do to them" Hyunjin said hugging that girl

"I know you, hitting girls is not your cup of tea" She teased but Hyunjin chuckled.

"Whatever, but what are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked.

"I am sad and angry, you didn't even call me on your big day" She said pouting.

Hyunjin lightly slapped her pout.

"Stop, it's a long story, will tell you another time" Hyunjin said

"By the way, where is your hubby dubby? She asked wiggling her eyes.

While, on the other side, Felix is thankful of that girl but he feels like pushing her away from Hyunjin.

"Ohhhh~ someone is jelly jelly" Seungmin said and then Jeongin and Jisung noticed.

"Why would I?" Felix asked.

"I didn't say your name, why are you taking it on you?" Seungmin asked teasingly again.

"Who is she?" Felix asked looking at that girl. Her beautiful and pretty face, long hairs, sweet smile, slim body annoys him in some way. She is so beautiful and Felix is jealous.

"I don't know, maybe his new girl" Jisung said innocently when he knew that's not the truth. He is just teasing Felix and seeing his reaction.

"New girl?" Jeongin asked getting involved in the act.

"Yeah like Felix always call him 'fucker' and he is known as a fuckboy so yeah maybe 'new girl'" Seungmin said gaining Felix's glare.

Felix wanna throw his fist on his besties now.

"Hey Min!" The girl said.

"Hi Ji" Minho greets her with a warm hug

"Ji, meet them, he is Chan Hyung" Hyunjin said.

"Hi" Chan greets her with a gentle smile and handshake.

"And he is Changbin Hyung"

"Hi" Changbin also greets her with a gentle smile and handshake.

"Now, let me meet your hubby dubby, where is he?" Yeji asked looking here and there.

"Forget me" someone said behind her.

Yeji turn around and meet none other than...

"Hey TWIN!" Yeji said and hug her while Jisung hug her back

"It's been so long" Jisung said while hugging her.

On the other side, Felix is mad. Why?

'he is my twin! Wow, just wow! First, my husba- no! I mean Hyunjin then my bestie, what a hoe' he thought.

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