༺ 37. ༻

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"Hi Dad, Hi Mom" Felix and Hyunjin both greeted Felix's parents or Hyunjin's in laws.
But in return they just got a simple 'hi' back at which both get confused what had happened to them as they always greeted them happily so what now?

"What happened to them?" Hyunjin whisperingly asked from Felix.

"Idk" Felix whisperingly replied.

"Liv, what happened?" Felix went to his little sister and asked about them

"Mr. Hwang" Livia said in a whisper.
Felix doesn't know what his sister trying to ¹ he understood that something happened here before their arrival. He looked back at Hyunjin and Hyunjin came to him with a worried expression on his face.

Hyunjin gestured, asked him 'what?'

"Mr. Hwang came here this morning" Rachel said coming from the stairs and went to her siblings and brother-in-law.

"What? Da- that bastard came here? But why? What he even need from here after taking everything away from me?" Hyunjin's anger rises from minute by minute.

"Calm down, Hyunniee" Felix calm him down a little bit and went towards his parents who were just sitting on the dining table, looking sad as his mom was about to cry but is gathering herself together to not cry in front of their children.

"What happened, Mom... Dad? Why Mr. Hwang came here?" Felix asked as calmly as possible, not wanting to look worried or anger rise in him, on the other hand, Hyunjin trying hard to not say anything coz if he did he knew his voice will came out in anger.

He is angry on his father. Why did he came here? What did he do or said to his in-laws? He knows it's something big that's why Mr. and Mrs. Lee looking all miserable.

"Mom, please tell me... tell us what happened... Dad, at least you should tell us" Felix was trying hard not to get angry on that one particular person who made his parents this sad... This miserable. After all he is his father-in-law but still what he did is not looking any good.

"Sorry, son"
"I am such a bad father, I shouldn't force you in this marriage thin-"
Felix looked at Hyunjin who had same confused face like him.
"But Dad, I am happy with him, I don't want to stay away from him, now. And you all know that" Felix said getting upset on his father's statement.

"That's why I am a bad father" he whispered, head down because of shame.

"What does it mean, Dad?" Felix first look at Hyunjin who was also just looking at him blankly, not knowing what's gonna happen next. He didn't utter a single word and let Felix handle this situation with his father.

"He wants you both to d-divorce" He hesitantly said.

"Sorry, Dad... but he doesn't have any right to separate us" Hyunjin who was standing silently and trying to understand what happened, now speak up after listening what his damn father wants.

"I know Hyunjin but-"
"But what Dad?" Felix asked.

"He burns my business down and deceive me when I told him to break this contract and let our children, you both, live happily together and that we don't have any single right to separate you both, he turns me down first, then burns the whole business and everything is now finished, we don't have anything else except this house, now". Hyunjin and Felix both listen each and every word Mr. Lee was saying and telling them.

A great wave of burning fire flows in both of them. Hyunjin just want to went to his father and told him to stay in his place but he can't leave this situation like that now. He have to do something. Thay have to do something.


Way more than a short chapter.

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