༺ 17. ༻

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Hyunjin can't sleep after what he said or what he did to Felix.... His heart is not at peace... His heart wants to hear his sweet yet deep voice, that laughter which can make anyone smiley, he wants to see those deep like ocean eyes, he want to see those heart-shaped lips' smile.... In short, he wanna see his cute little husband....

After all these.... When a huge wave of emotions hit him hard ... He finally got up to see him....

He stood up and went to his room just to find his room door's open and the doors of cupboards open, revealing empty cupboards... He search of him in the whole house...

Hyunjin is not feeling well.... It feels like someone just crush him under the huge hill... He forgets how to breathe for a second...

He search of him everywhere but Felix is nowhere to be found...

His heart stop beating...

He asked his butler if he saw Felix but he answered that Felix left hours ago and he tried to ask him where he is going but Felix didn't say anything and had tears in his eyes.

He can't blame his Butler or maids coz maids are not home at night, they come in morning and left in evening... It's just his butler living 24/7 in that house.

He decide to find him and get back in his room for picking up his phone or wallet but he got welcomed by a paper on floor which he didn't see when he was going to see Felix.

When he reached his room's door and saw a paper near his door, he picked the paper and read it just to get shocked... And his heart break into smaller pieces....

To, I don't know what to say....(if you are mine I would've write something beautiful and heart-warming but it's not like that, so, I don't know what to write instead of your name).

I am leaving... I am leaving you... I am leaving this house... I will never come to you again... I leave just like you want but actually no! I leave not because you told me to leave but because I wanted to, I wanted to leave your house coz I can't live there.... It's getting suffocating for me and I know for you too and our that fake relationship is just becoming toxic day by day.... That's why I leave, don't blame yourself bcoz of me... Stay happy.

I know I hurt you in many ways, I act bitchy towards you and I am sorry for that, I am sorry for everything I did, I am sorry for each and every single thing I did which hurt you. I am leaving and will never come back to you. Sorry that I fall for you. I shouldn't have fall for you in first place but I can't help it. I am sorry that I can't be able to hold in my feelings but it just getting deeper everytime. I even crushed them but the more I tried to crush them the more they get strong. And once I get that I can't have you bcoz of our father's rivalries towards each other, I stopped myself for thinking of you but when we got married, a hope of having you all for myself ... rise in me and I forget that it's just 2 months thing, my bad, but my fate... My fate don't want me to be happy.

The word happiness is not for me.... Doesn't matter I am used to it now... and this letter is not for my confession to you but just to tell you all about that, I don't like that if I like someone and they don't know about it....

All I want to say is that when those 2 months will pass just sign on the divorce papers and give that to Minho Hyung and I will msg him to send that to me so I will also sign that... Then you'll get rid of me... You will be free from this suffocating relationship.

Just live happily... without me...

Remember, there is someone who loves you with all his heart and pray only good for you.

Don't try to find me. I will nowhere to be found... When you read this I will already far away from you.

You are the best person ever enter in my life... All you did is hurt me and I also did the same, unfortunately, .... but still I feel comfortable and safe when you were with me, when were around me, when you looks at me I feel like I have a reason to live but still when you are not mine I will try to live... I will try to learn how to live without you... Without seeing you.. without seeing your deep and sharp cat eyes... Without seeing your beautiful smile and pretty face... Yes, I read all your facial features... You are beautiful... Handsome.... And a Gentleman every person wants....

We were never meant to be with each other.........

You are not mine...
I am not yours....
We are not for each other...

Take care of yourself for me.

Eat healthy...

Don't smoke, I know you do...

Take care again...



(Again, I don't know what to write here too, I don't know whom am I to you, sadly).

He reads it and he doesn't know but tears are dripping down his face...

He chocked on his sobs...

It hurts...

"W-why did you l-leave? I d-didn't meant a-any of that, F-Felix... C-come b-back, come back F-Felix, I p-promise I w-will ne-never h-hurt you, c-come b-back pl-please, I s-started li-living my life bcoz o-of you 'lix' I can't b-bare living w-without s-seeing you, Lix, Come back, p-please" Hyunjin was sobbing and chocking on his nonstop hiccups.

I want you Lix, one and only you
Hwang Felix.


Some tissues (个_个)🧻🧻🧻 for y'all....

I literally cried while writing this one...

Ready more tissues for next chapter...🧻

Take care 💜
Love you all 💙🤍🤟🏻

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