༺ 21. ༻

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"Felix" Hyunjin whispered when he saw Felix sitting comfortably on the king size bed, eating pizza, and watching movie... He isn't believing his eyes, there all of them are worried about him missing and here he is chilling and having fun. Like what in the world that even happen?... He is shocked like firstly, he don't know how the heck his that secret room become so cozy and comfortable... Like there is a television, air conditioner, king size bed, and even everything which a person need for living a very comfortable life... Secondly, is he that much unserious that he don't even think about how will they react on the sudden news of him missing? And lastly, how the heck he find the room, this room?

"Ohh, you found me" Felix casually said when he saw the door open and reveal none other than Hyunjin.

"Felix" Hyunjin again whispered but this time he ran inside and threw himself on Felix and hug him tightly like if he leave him he will never be able to find this certain guy.

He feels the same like he feel that day when Felix was about to hit by the car but Hyunjin came on time and saved him and hold on him tight by hugging him on the ground. This time he feels the same emotions too, that time he didn't want to admit that he really feel that but now he can say it with all his heart that Lee Felix made him feel this way...

Hyunjin is still hugging him and Felix is liking him this way more. When the older one is close to him, near him, hugging him tightly as if he backs off Felix will disappear.

Felix felt like the cloth on his chest is getting wet and then he realize that the older is crying... THE HWANG HYUNJIN IS CRYING.

"Hey! Hyunjin? Are you crying?" Felix asked tried to look at his face but Hyunjin just snuggled more on his chest and tight his grip if it is even possible.

"Hyunjin?" Felix again asked and didn't got a reply but he can hear little and soft snuffling sounds.

"You really are crying? Stop, Hyunjin, stop crying. Why are you crying, Hyunjiniee? "

First time Felix called Hyunjin with something different name. He didn't say it on purpose... It's just came naturally.

Hyunjin looks up at Felix just to see his worried face, making him saw his crying yet cute face and Felix cooed at it. He again snuggles in his chest when he saw Felix smiling at him.

"Why are you hiding your face from me?" Felix said lightly laughing...

"What you called me?" Hyunjin voice came out muffled... Still embracing Felix tightly.


"Nothing" Hyunjin said and look up at him.

"Hyunjiniee?" Felix asked wiping his tears from his face, frowning yet smiling.

"Hmm" Hyunjin just hummed.

"Why you left me?" Hyunjin asked

"I didn't"

"You did"

"No, I didn't I am still there in my home"

"No, you left. And you came here?"


"How you find this?"

"I don't know I first thought to leave but then I realized I can't l- uhh *sigh*"

"You can't what?" "Tell me, you can't what?"

"That I can't live without you being on my side so I shrugged that thought away but I can't let you thought that I can't do what I said so yes, I left the house but not really and I ended up here and try to find a corner to put my stuffs, as I know that no one comes here that much, but I ended up finding this room" Felix explained in a rush but Hyunjin get it all.

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