༺ 41. ༻

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Not proofread👉🏻👈🏻

Do you know Mr. Hwang has a son with his second wife?


Then do you know how he looks like?

Actually no but I am pretty sure he is something that is so precious to both of them and doesn't matter how far he is right now, I'll find him at any cost. 
A man in his 20s said with a huge evil smirk plastered on his face and walks off, leaving everyone clueless.

Hyunjin, Minho, Jisung, Changbin, Chan.
The biggest Mafia group can't be able to find him. How can we? 
One of the guy asked cluelessly.

You don't know how our leader is. Once you'll know him, you will not worry about how to find him. Kid, you are new in that work.

If that's what you think.
The guy said with a mischievous smile and walks off too leaving the other three guys flabbergasted.

He's kinda suspicious, isn't he?

Seems like that but boss told us to treat him nicely and that he knows him well.

But right now you said he doesn't know who our boss is?

Yeah, he doesn't know but boss know everything about this suspicious guy.

Well, what about Hwangs and Lees?

That's what I also wanna know but boss isn't telling much information.

Let's wait.

"Baby, got up! I am trying to wake you up since minutes but you are not leaving the bed" Hyunjin said while taking their breakfast in room.

"Ughhm! What time is it?" Lix asked in his deep voice which is 1000000 times deeper than usual early in the morning.

"It's 9am and we have a lot of things to do and kkami is waiting for you too"

"Really? Where is kkami?"

"Beside you"

Felix looked beside himself and found the cute little kkami there and happily got up then pick kkami and made her sit on his lap.

"Now, you got up? Really? You got up because kkami is waiting for you? You don't care about me? About my emotions? You changed LEE FELIX! you changed!" Hyunjin start his dramatic ass.

Felix giggled and peck Hyunjin's cheek before putting kkami back on bed and went to shower.

"Gosh! Now you'll take a whole ass hour for showering! Just come back really quick or else the breakfast is gonna be cold!" Hyunjin said loud enough to let Felix hear who just got into the shower.

"I don't take a whole ass hour for showering, it's you!"

"Just when when we both shower together, not like everytime I went in"

With the morning, the bickering the teasing starts.

"Shut up! Or I will come inside and fuck you senseless and then our innocent kkami has to face some unholy moments"

"Gosh! You and your horny dick! It's fuckin morning, Jin!

"Ofc, I am talking about morning sex"


"What's with the name?" Hyunjin again yelled out of the bathroom, feeding kkami some dog treats.


I literally am getting no time for writing these stories but here I am with a little update. Sorry for that, it's short! Way more than short in my case.

Will try to update as soon as possible.

Till then stay safe! Healthy! And Happy!❤️🥺

Take care ❤️
Love y'all 💙🤍

Byeee💜Take care ❤️Love y'all 💙🤍

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