༺ 13. ༻

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Felix stood up, suddenly, and gained everyone's attention and walk towards where the paper falls.... He pick that paper up and read it with not so pleased expressions on his face.

Hyunjin was looking at him dumbfounded while others have surprised expressions on their face except Jisung, who is enjoying all this.

"What's the matter Felix?" The teacher (Jisoo) asked when she saw Felix.

"Ma'am, I humbly request you to tell them that they would be called whore if they don't stop fooling themselves around other's husbands, thank you" Felix said as he was giving speech... and everyone has amused expressions on their faces while Hyunjin unknowingly smirk...

Felix gave that piece of paper to Jisoo.

"What's that Yuna and Lia?" She scolded them afterwards and made them apologize to Felix and Hyunjin.


"Well, be careful next time, I don't like if someone do that cheap things to him" Felix said which just make Hyunjin's smirk gone wider ...

Felix holds Hyunjin's hands and walks off the class taking Hyunjin with him when Jisoo stops him.

"Felix, we are in class" She said.

"I know noona- Ma'am but please" Felix said...

Jisoo eyed him but Felix left...

"Impressive" Jisung said...

"I know, he was jealous but I never thought that Felix can do this" Seungmin said...

"He can do a lot of things that you guys don't even know" Wooyoung slipped words unintentionally and receive a punch on arm from Jeongin.

"What does that mean?" Chan asked..

"I mean love make everyone do the things they never thought... and Felix did unexpected now, so that's what I mean" Wooyoung explained

Everyone was talking and discussing but Minho had unreadable expressions.... He don't know what is even happening.

"Yeah, that's true, I am excited what's gonna happen next" Changbin said...

"Ofc" everyone cheered but get scolded by Jisoo on making loud noises and disturbing the class.

Felix take Hyunjin to their secret room and lock the door when Hyunjin broke the calm silence between them.

"What's that?" Hyunjin asked looking at the boy....

"What's that what?" Felix asked back.

"Why you did that?" Hyunjin asked

"Why you were enjoying?" Felix asked back again, going towards Hyunjin.

"Enjoying what?" Hyunjin asked knowing well but still.

"That girls flirting with you or you like to flirt with others who are not yours" Felix said rolling his eyes.

"Then tell me who is mine to flirt? Or whom should I flirt?" Hyunjin said getting close to the younger while the younger one is backing off till he reach the end and collide to the wall.

"M- uhh, how do I know?" Felix stuttered, answering him and looking everywhere but him.

"Then how do you know that I was flirting with them or enjoying their flirting?" Hyunjin asked putting his hand on the wall, beside Felix, raising his brow.

"Coz you were not shutting them and they keep flirting with you" Felix finally said looking in his eyes directly.

"You mean I didn't say anything back" Hyunjin asked and stand right in front of Felix, just two inches away.

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