༺ 5. ༻

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Minho went downstairs and saw Seungmin and Jisung are thanking those 3 who are supposed to be their enemy.

"Hey guys" Minho said brightly like he is very happy today.

"Yo! Minho-ya" Chan said and hugged him.

"Everything is fine, right? What happened there when we left?" Minho asked.

"Nothing much, just Mr. Hwang was acting like something very important to him lost or something like that" Changbin said

"Ohh! Okay and what about Mom and Dad?" Minho asked

"Your dad was looking angry as heck while your Mom is somehow sad" Chan said.

Felix comes downstairs and just sit silently, not wanting to say anything. Seungmin and Jisung notice this.

"Hey Lix! What happen bro?" Seungmin said in a whisper while sitting beside with Felix.

Felix shook his head.

"Hey bestie! We know something is up, what's that?"

Felix shook his head again and stand up from there and went out of the mansion.

Seungmin, Jisung and Jeongin followed him while Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin stand there cluelessly and Minho also wanna go but he didn't.

"Hyung!" Jeongin yelled from behind but Felix didn't listen.

"Lix!" Seungmin and Jisung also yelled.

"Guys leave me alone for some time" Felix yelled back

"No! We are not going anywhere" They are on the road now and Felix didn't even care about that and they are trying to stop him but he is not listening at all.

All three try to reached him but unfortunately can't reached on time and a truck came in a way and....

Bang 💥




The truck stopped with a sound of thud and everyone stopped in their way with horrible expressions on their face. Scary!

Felix closed his eyes thinking that it's the last day of him in this world but find himself on the side of road in embrace of someone. That someone hold on him so tight that if he leave him, he might get hurt.

"Are you mad!? What if something happened to you!?" Hyunjin yelled, a horrible expression is on his face.

"I am alive?" Felix asked

"No! I am talking to ghosts here" Hyunjin said in disbelief.

Felix bite his lips in nervousness and Hyunjin carried him as he got a little bit wound in his left hand and leg by tripping down on road.

He lift him up and all of them rush towards him.

"Are you alright, Lix?"

"NO! That's blood" Jisung said when he saw blood on his hand.

"Why didn't you stop?"

Felix didn't said anything and try to go away but can't since Hyunjin is holding on him tight.

"Stay still" Hyunjin said.

"You don't need to care about me" Felix replied, he don't like when someone showing care when they really don't.

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