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If I say... I am leaving you all here for some days like I did in January but that time you guys are getting updates of my another story, right? And now what if I don't update anything and disappear for some days?

Would you guys let me go or not?


A body is lying on the ground of a dark alley almost lifeless, badly injured from dagger shoving in his chest, stomach, legs and arms and a gun shot on head, dark red liquid is pouring out of the body like water flows from a river. An another man is standing beside the body, laughing maniacally, having a gun in his hand and a dagger in another hand with red fluid coated on it, wearing a black high neck T-Shirt with black dressing pants matched with the black coat and hat which is hiding his forehead and half upper eyes, a black mask hiding his demonic face, black gloves preventing him from leaving his finger prints on anything and black boots.

And it was none other than....

"Mr. Lee" A girl whispered running towards the guy, looking terrified.

"Felix! What the fuck are you doing here?! We called you so can help us with Mr. Hwang's case! And here you are busy killing people like it's funny?!" She yelled whisperingly in anger at which the latter just laughed.

"Miss Shin, the people who hurt my family deserves to die and yes, it's funny to see them dying after hurting my people" He said darkly chuckling.

"What? Hurt? They hurt whom?" She asked.

"Remember, Mrs. Hwang's two men who tried to hurt my Hyuniee with dagger that night?" He asked wiping the blood on the dead body's cloths. She nodded in response.

"They are them" He whispered darkly. "Ain't they two-?" She cut her own question when she saw him pointing at other side of the alley. She looked at the direction and found another dead body covered in its own blood.

"Great! Now, if you are done, can we go?" She asked and he agreed.

"Where's your car?" She asked and he just shrugged. She sighed and called someone..

"Mr. Jung, you have to come as soon as possible at our location with Mr. Choi and Mr. Yang" She said on phone while looking at maniac Mr. Lee aka LEE FELIX who was smirking widely while calling someone.

"Alright, we'll be there" she heard the voice said from another side.

Once they arrived, the older of them said... "We have to go from here as soon as possible, Hyunjin and his men are on their way to find Mr. Hwang. We have to do things before they could even find him" he explained and they both nodded and sit inside the car and it drove away.


"Hyunjin? What happened?" Chan asked when he found Hyunjin a little bit off.

"Felix... He is not in our room neither in our whole mansion" he stated worriedly.

"Ohh~ Hyunjin-ah, he is not a child. He knows his ways, maybe he is with Seungmin or Jeongin. Stop worrying" Han said assuring him.

"Still, I am not finding that it's okay" He answered wearing his boots.

"He will be okay, Hyunjin. Let's go, okay? We have to come back before the sun rise" Minho assured too and he finally shrugged the thoughts and walks away.


Felix and the guys reached on old dusty house out of the city. It was so dark that it's too hard to recognize each other until one of them opened the torch to find the lock.

Suddenly, there comes an another guy, scaring them except two. Instead of getting scared Felix hugged him and asked.. "everything's ready?"

"Yes" he answered and Mr. Yang aka Yang Jeongin, the most youngest successful Capos who leads the crew of soldiers, greeted the man.

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