༺ 01. ༻

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The weather is hot. Fresh wind is blowing. Birds are chirping. Sun is right above on the boy's head making him glow in this sunny weather.

He is in his mansion's garden playing with his dog then suddenly someone yelled from outside and he groans.

He wants time to play with his cute dog, which he can never get coz whenever he tried to spend his time with his cute little pet someone come and called him.

"Ughhh! Not again" He said tiredly not wanting to leave his dog alone. He is not fond of gardens or colourful things but he have to come there for his puppy, the only one he loves the most. More than his parents.

His mother died when he was 7 and after that his father married with other woman and forget about him. His father don't like him that much and his step-mother always fills his husband's ears against him which made his father to kicked him out of his house. And he was not sad, he is happy coz he got independent then and there is no one to stop him from eating what he want, from wearing what he like or from going where he wanna go.

He was just 16 years old when his father kicked him out but now he is 22 and has his own mansion.

"What happened?" He yelled.

"Master, your father is standing outside" any one of servants come towards him and tell him.

"Wtf is he doing here?"

"Don't know master"

He left his pet dog there and left to meet his so called Father.

Once he reached there he saw him standing right beside the main gate.

"Hey! My son" His father come inside and try to hug him which he politely refused.

"So , my son has now that much wealth that he bought this whole freaking mansion, which I didn't be able to bought earlier and that whole mansion has that much place that our whole family can live". His father said.

"No, it's not our it's your, your family, your family will never enter their filthy feet in my mansion and for your information if you forget then I am here to remember you that you failed to snatch this mansion from me, you lose, dad~" The boy said, circling around his father, knowing well that he got on his nerves.

His father bite his inner cheek and said.

"Look son-"

"Stop this 'SON', and come to the point!" The boy yelled.

"Ohh okay, Hyunjin, I am just here to let you know that you are getting married in a week" His father simply said like this is just a simple thing.

"What the fuck are you saying?!" Hyunjin yelled in disbelief.

"Yeah, me and you mothe-"

"Step-mother" Hyunjin corrected gritting his teeth.

"Yeah, me and your step-mom decided that it's the time and you should get marry"

"That's my decision to take, not yours or any other creature in the world"

"Stop this nonsense Hyunjin, I know if you see the boy you will like him, I swear"

"Are you even serious?"

"Yes, I am"

"I am not going to marry"

"I said that marriage is fixed you just have to come and agree on it and I will do all the managements"


"No buts, it's enough , I am trying to talk to you nicely, but you are not letting me so listen if you disagree then you don't know what will I do"

"What? What will you do?"

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